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Everything posted by bassassasin260

  1. i keep a senko on my spinning rod all the time and thats what i always start out with. lately iv been just bringing my bait caster with a trick worm and just catchin them till they stop biting the trick worm.
  2. iv always just used chicken livers. works well. i dont eat catfish tho. i only eat saltwater fish as im a big saltwater fan, i fish for bass more than anything else tho.
  3. my biggest bass was cough in less than 1ft of water up on a bank. it was a spawner, 6lbs... i fish golf course lakes tho lol
  4. o man, theres nothing like sight fishign a golf course lake by foot. just the other day we had a little "tournament" between me and a couple buddys and my team of 2 ended up with 50 fish in about 4 hours of sight fishing with a trick worm. id say top water a trick work or a senko, horney toads would be good too. i love to use a jitter bug as well but sometime with all the weeds and cover a trick worm is the only way to go
  5. biggest iv got it a 6lb spawner. i fish only golf courses by foot. but i just got me a jon boat for 28$ so all that just might change!
  6. i just got a 14 foot jon boat and have a few questions how do i get it registered if i have no title? and what size is a good engine to push this thing with about 3 people in it? im lookign at a 7.5hp that i want to get. heres a few pics bet you wouldnt guess i got it for 28$, no leeks, not problems... thanks for any help
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