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Everything posted by bassassasin260

  1. so you have an 8hp pushing your 14 footer now? how does it move? do you know the top speed. im assuming its a 14' flat bottom jon just like mine... i ask becasue i just slapped a johnson 25hp long shaft on mine and it seems that i have way overpowered it and im curious to see how its gonna do... everyone who sees the boat thinks it looks rediculus, the guy i bought it from laughed when i told him what i was putting it on lol
  2. looks like it could be a real nice boat. should be a fun project.
  3. the motor runs! has a dirty carb and it wont run on anythign more than what i squirt in with a spray bottle since i dont have the gas tank hooked up but it runs! a 50$ engine and it runs. awesome... tomorrow ill pick up some anodes, an air filter, spark plugs and some bolts and nuts for the transom, then ill run it in a lake way back in the woods were there is no one to hassle me about it not being registered and see if i need to make the transom taller, i most likely will have to. i really wish tomorrow wasn't Saturday otherwise i would try and get it all registered and such because i want to run the thing in some real waters were i can go fish, not just run it in some crap hole lake way back in the woods at the wheelin spot.
  4. ok, i didnt take the vin off, i called around today and resaerched it and titleing a home made boat is a pain in the ***. im just going to bring it down tomaro, have the dmv run the vin number and see what they want me to do. that guy IS NOT GETTING IT BACK so today i traded my billy goat brush mower(was for sale for 200$) for a 25hp johnson and 150$, id say i got a good deal but i still havnt fired it yet, mechanically its 100%. the problem is i have to wire it since it was not a tiller model and it has no key or anything and its electric start. im going to make it a tiller... the only diff between the tiller is basically a handle since the gear shift is on the side of the motor, all i need is to make a custom handle and throw an old dirt bike twist grip on and im set. also, the shaft on this motor looks WAAAAAAY to long lol i guess its a 20" shaft which you guys say is ok but it seems to long to me, would the non tiller model have a 25" shaft or was that even an option? heres a few pics, it looks ridiculous if you ask me...
  5. i talked to my budy that i bough it from. he said that he knew whos boat it was when he found it and he asked the guy and he told him that he cold have it, this was about 2 years ago. im afraid if i contact him he will want it back, does he deserve it back after giving it away? well, no. but legally he can just take it. will he just take it, probably not but after all the work i have in it, thats a risk i dont want to take. so the vin number is going to have to go.
  6. i used 3m spray adhesive to carpet my jon boat and it worked great.
  7. i have tons of storage and tons of fishign room. i can fit 3 full tackle bags just in the front half.
  8. i read all of that earlier while doing a goggle search, and it looks like i need receipts for materials used to build the boat... im going to go to the dmv tomorrow and see what the deal is and then if i need receipts ill head to a place that sells aluminum and see if they can print me some fake receipts for a few bucks lol we will see how it all goes... screw all the other engines i found, i found THE one on craigslist, a 1980 johnson 25hp tiller with prop, running, for only 150$. so i need to move fast to make sure i can get it titled so i dont miss this deal. http://miami.craigslist.org/boa/672241987.html what a deal... another idea i just got was my buddy has a 12ft v nose jon boat that he doesnt want to ever register and i was thinking since he has a title i could get it all done and registered and just put the stickers and numbers on my boat and hope they dont ever check my vin... maybe even just swap vins...
  9. so what is involved with registering it as a boat that i built? just go down to the dmv with the jon boat in the bed so they can take a look at it and they will take care of it? there must be more to it...
  10. so can i fit a 40hp or would that be way to much? its not a tiller, id put a remote throttle and my own tiller handle im also lookign at a 20hp evinrude which is my first choice but it doesn't run which is no big deal, its a 2 stroke and it has spark and compression, ill clean the carb and i guarantee itl run. my concern is he says the condition of the lower unit is "unknown" which leads me to believe something is wrong, so are the lower units on 70s omc 20horses bulletproof or do i need to worry about it? the whole motor only costs 100$ and im willing to put 100$ into it. so think thats the one ill go for.
  11. i was actualy just thinking about riping the vin off and i was going to take those numbers off anyway, and saying that i built the boat from scratch. i could easily make a fake bill of sale, but i don't know the previous owners name becasue the guy i bough it from didn't exactly loose the title, he found the boat floating down a canal... is there anywhere i can run the vin so i can get the real owners name so i can make a bill of sale?
  12. change the water pump impeller, change the lower unit oil and the engine oil and filter. and also get a new thermostat. other that you shoudl be fine. for a guy like myself who is more mechanically inclined id clean the carb also, but most people dont worry about it.
  13. i think what hes asking is if it is supposed to pee above the water, the answer is yes. its so that you know your water pump is working properly, if the pee is week then you should consider changing the impeller, changing the impeller is normal maintenance... and yea, its no big deal if its burning hot water thats coming out, its the water that just cooled your blazing hot engine.
  14. i went to the local wheelin spot to see if this boat trailer id seen out there was still their but someone had already took it. i ended up getting a 90hp force engine cowl so ills ell that bad boy for 50$ on ebay... yes i go to the wheelin spot to go junk hunting now and then, its how i make my money for the most part... ebay ownes
  15. i had no idea you had to be within spec of engine rating to get it registered? im going to have a huge prob registering it as the guy i got it from found it floating down the canal... so its as good as a stolen boat prety much. i need some help on registering it, i get a headache thinking about it, and now the motor has to be in spec too? i know for one thing florida is very cool about most laws, like for example we dont test for emissions and dont have limits on hp for our lakes and such so i think i wont have trouble with a big motor... the boat does have a vin and it was last registered in 99. maybe sooner but the sticker was 99.
  16. i just got a 60$ bid on the go ped that came free with the jon boat, so the boat is pretty much free at this point ;D
  17. the 20hp sold within 2 hours of him posting the add lol. i can see why. a perfect running 20hp for only 200$... so im pretty ticked. i threw her in the bed and went fishing with padles in a smaller golf course lake just to see if it had no leeks or anything and to get a feel for it, turned out to be a pretty good fishing day even tho we had to paddle lol. wasn't to bad fishing 3 people... at first i though it was unstable but after i got used to it its really not that bad. the ribs on the floor sucked and id love to put a plywood floor down but its already a hassle loading it in the bed with 3 people after a couple hours of fishing, having to carry it up a steep bank and all... I WANT A MOTOR!
  18. found me a 20horse with console and steering and all for 200$. all i need is a little extra cash and its mine.
  19. yea, its becoming a little bit to much boat to be hauling the bed of my bros truck... my trucks a short bed so thats not even close to good enough. the long bed barely cuts it. lol all it needs is a 25hp and a few swivel chairs and im set!
  20. got it all decked and carpeted between today and yesterday. probly about 15 hours worth of time into this. grand total on the whole boat is now around 70-80$ redid the transom with 3/4" plywood and put a ton f rubber undercoat on it
  21. what size shaft do i need? will a 20" shaft be fine or do i need a 15" shaft?
  22. i plan on 2-3 people, a cooler, and a full front deck... 7.5hp suddenly seems kinda small. but i cant really afford more than 150$ on an engine... thanks for the tip
  23. heres the pics of the fresh transom, and i also made a full deck for it, i still need to carpet it. i spent more on the carpet than i did the whole boat! lol im afraid the deck was a bad idea, it nearly doubles its weight and i have no trailer, i put it in the back of my truck... somebody dumped a saltwater boat out at the local wheeling spot and i raped it for all the latches, rod holders, and i got a nice little stainless bow cleat im carpeting the floor, deck, and im getting a swivel chair for the deck and one to mount between the back bench and the deck, and ill get a cushion for the back bench. the 7.5hp moter is such a smokin deal idk if i can pass it up
  24. i just redid the transom today, fresh plywood with a thick coat of ruber undercoat and an aluminum plate on top thanks for the link on registering it
  25. i have a rapala one and its nice. had a berkley before and it definitely went through hell before it gave out. my brother used the berkly to pull a shark in(stupid idea) waaaay over the 50lbs the scale is rated for and it never broke... untill the 5th time he did it.
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