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About bassassasin260

  • Birthday 01/01/1990

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  1. thanks for the reply. ill have to just go and try it out. i was planning on using live bait since i can throw a cast net pretty good. but iv always fished for bass with artificials, top water baits are always fun.
  2. i made some home made trim tabs on my 14 ft john boat. it has a 25hp 2 stroke so its a littler bit weighed down in the back. the tabs made a HUGE difference. those hydrofoils look stupid, make yourself or buy some trim tabs... and i didn't loose any speed withe the tabs, it toped out at 30mph with 3 people, and i could cruise just myself at about 25mpg at about half throttle and the boat didn't porpos at all and it used to do it really bad to the point were i couldn't run past 15mph with just myself in the boat.
  3. nobody fishes this lake?
  4. iv recently finished building up my john boat and i had originally planed on bass fishign with it but i couldn't really find any lakes. iv been trying my hand at inshore fishing for snooks and reds and im sure ill get better at it as i do it more, but what im really good at is bass fishing. so i did some research and it seams like lake trafford is the closest lake to me but iv read some pretty bad things about the lake, is it any good for bass fishing, does anybody fish there anymore? does the lake have a hp limit or anything i should know about.
  5. remove the pump, hook it to a battery, if the pump moves but is straining and not pumping, its cloged up. if it kicks fine then you have a wiring issue. first thing you need to do is check if the switch is bad, you can use a multi meter and use ohms to check, or just disconnect the wires and touch them together, if the pump worked when you touch the wires, the switch is bad. and if all that checks out to be ok, then one of your ires has worn through and is grounding out somewhere. having and knowing how to use a multi meter could make this a 10 minute job to figure out, without one, plan on spending hours lol.
  6. i got a little 14 ft jon from buddy for 28$ sold the goped it came with for 100$, got a motor for 50$ and spent about 100$ ontop of it all in nuts and bolts, ect. ended up going from this to this
  7. what the hell do you need a warranty for on a 14ft tin can? whats the worse that a warranty could even cover on a basic aluminum boat? a broken rivet maybe? lol what is your jon made by?
  8. thanks for the help, all io was saying is im not going to just call a guy up and say "hey some guy on a forum told me to call you about a place to go fishing" i really do appreciate your help, i was just saying that im not sure what you expect me to do by just giving me someones name and number...
  9. heres what iv done to mine when i got it and how it sits now i decked it, carpeted it, made a console, put on a 25hp johnson, did remote steering and throttle. if you got any questions about anything, i can help you with how to do it to your jon. i wouldnt recommend you getting a 25hp, its rated for 7hp. i had to put in tons of transom work to make it safe to have such a huge motor, and it sits low in the water, so i need to get a bilge for it and everything. its fine for me becasue im a gear head and need everything fast, but for a 15 year old(or any average guy really), a 10hp would be more manageable...
  10. contact him about what exactly? im not fully understanding?
  11. iv been bass fishing golf courses by foot for years, and im very good at it, i have my little spots, i know what works and what doesn't and i have tons of tackle. but now that i got a 14ft jon boat it seems like im starting over again. i have no clue what lakes to go to. does anybody know of any good lakes around sothwest Florida? im in naples. my boat is all set up and ready to go... but i dont know were to go with it now lol any help would be appreciated. thanks.
  12. thanks for the compliment. it is a pretty sweet little boat, especialy on the budget iv built it on(around less than 100$), but it totaly sucks drgin that longshaft, but im gona make that transom 5" taller tomorrow, once thats done, and i get a tach for it and get the throttle done. then it will be an awesome boat. o yea, it is a 2cylinder. its not a heavy engine for what it is at all. and for a 50$ engine it runs pretty sweet. starts up faster than my truck does lol the boat is gonna boogie once i get the transom right.
  13. well, actually on the Florida sportsman forum, i have a guy who's a noaa special agent or something like that, he ran my numbers for me, the boat didn't come back stolen, he also contacted the real owner for me. im going to call him tomorrow and ill get it all taken care of then. i ran it today, and i honestly have to say i dont know what all the fiuss is about the 25hp, its no big deal, it didnt sink the boat at all. my only prob is that long shaft kills me, it wont plane becasue of it and goes sloooooow. so im building the transom tomorrow. i ran it in a private lake today so its legal to not be registered btw. the motor runs great tho, it strugles to push that useless 20" opf long shaft through the water tho, refuses to plane. it probly does about 18mph as it sits. maybe i didnt mention it on this forum yet but incase i didnt, i spent the last few days making that console and steering and throttle setup. it all come out pretty good... it put me on some fish today.
  14. o yea, and for the record. my 25hp johnson weighs a whole 20 lbs more than the 15 hp model. wow, its gonna really sink it... :
  15. im getting really sick of this. im on the florida sportsman forum and iv gotten nothing but compliments on my boat, and a cop who is helping me register it. he even contacted the ex owner for me. on this forum all you guys want to do is ***** and not give any help. if you dont want to help, than why in the world would you need to post? btw, im finishing the boat tomorrow, ill test it and finds out for myself if it floats. id post pictures and everything but i dont think anyone really gives a crap on here so lets just let this thread die and we can all move on.
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