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Everything posted by lavbasser

  1. Years ago an accomplished fisherman used to wacky rig a senko on the hook.
  2. I've settled into using the Ribbitts for this style frog the past few years. Make sure the hook is resting flat in the groove, against the top of the frog. I find that when it lifts up, even a little, then the frog wants to turn over. Also, make sure the frog is completely flat after you rig it and that you screw it in dead-on center.
  3. Also, LC Kelly J in Sunfish or Ghost Baby Bluegill.
  4. Fishing a buzzbait can be feast or famine. Keep at it! They really shine in the fall when the fish move shallow and when bass first move up to spawn. Make sure it planes right away when it hits the water. Make as much contact with docks, wood, rock as possible. This is a big fish bait. For me it is one of the cheapest baits when you consider the price vs the numbers of fish you can catch with it. I can probably get over 100 bass on a Cavitron. They are only a few dollars. I use a trailer hook as well when I can get away with it. Good luck.
  5. I had the same experience a few years ago when I bought a few bags. I was told that the tail does not move that way at slower speeds. These are popular worms and the style has been around a while. Pete Thliveros won a Bassmaster Tour event a few years back with this style worm. Please post if you find a better result. Good luck. Lou
  6. I also like a weighted hook or c-rig with a large high-float worm to cover more water. Also, a colorado blade spinnerbait. Adjust your retrieve to keep it just above the moss line.
  7. Clear water with sun I like greens and smokes. Overcast with clear water I like darker colors like black/blue, black/red, junebug, black. There are many good senko colors. I would keep it simple-greens, blacks/blues, and a few local favorites.....plus, I would not rule out any color on any day.
  8. Good advice Clackbuzz
  9. Are you talking about the time just before dusk or after sunset? I've done a fair amount of fishing after sunset in the summer and early fall, mostly between 9 and midnight. Often the bite would not pick up until 30-45 minutes after sunset. I like to fish slow and big at night but I know guys who say they do well with senkos. A black buzzbait, buzzjet, and a Gambler Swim Blade are some of my favorites. The fishing can be excellent, especially for larger fish, but it isn't always the case. My advice is to stick with it and stay a bit later if the bite is slow.
  10. I think the Super Spot is an underrated bait. The 1/2 oz feels lighter to me than other 1/2 oz.traps. It is easier to keep the bait higher or work it shallower. It also stands on its nose. The finish is also pretty good. ... It may be more prone to turn on its side at higher speeds than other traps.
  11. I do. I have a couple in my 'panic box'. They also work well early and late in the year when the water is cold and clear.
  12. I agree.
  13. Everything- from small poppers to big spooks and Buzzjets. They all work and have there place.
  14. Early and late in the year I use flat-sided baits more. Also, anytime the water is really clear.
  15. With very clear water try moving baits when you have some wind and keep the bait higher in the water column. I often downsize and speed up the retrieve. Topwater can be excellent in clear water as well. ...Careful to keep your reel out of the sand.
  16. I use 12-15 FTO boxes. Most are stored in a V12 bag. I have 3 FTO utility boxes that I use to store baits I use often or what I think I will use that day. One box is for soft plastics, one for hard baits, the other for misc and terminal. I keep these boxes out and in front of me for quick access. I also use one other utility box to store baits I use that day. The soft plastic utility box has only a few baits. I like to keep nearly all of my plastics in the original bags. I will carry a few flukes that I know are perfectly straight, senkos with o-rings, and maybe a few others but none pre-rigged as it rusts the hooks prematurely. These 4 boxes are always out of my bag, the rest stay in my bag. Throughout the day I will take out other boxes from my bag if I find I am using them a lot. I use a spinnerbait wallot to carry a few dozen spinnerbaits and keep a seperate bag for a handful of spinnerbaits I use most often. All of my plastics, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, spare reel spools and line and other misc stuff are stored in large rectangular rubbermaid contaniers I bought at Walmart. They are just tall enough for larger plastic bags to sit about 80 percent vertical. Because they are only a few inches tall I can carry about 6 of them, 4 under my canoe seat. I never have to worry about my plastics or other stuff sitting in water. In warmer weather you need keep these boxes out of the sun (a towel works fine) as the sun will cook the contents of these containers. Also, I clean out my utility boxes after every trip. Line and debris is removed from baits and everything is returned to its proper place. This takes time but is a big time saver for your next time out. It prevents your stuff from premature rusting as well. Also, don’t stack too many hard baits together so you have mult. treble hooks tangled. I also like to re-supply lost tackle right away after a trip. For ex if I went through 2-3 bags of roboworms I will replace them right away when I get home. If not then sometimes I forget. I may not realize it until the next time I reach for them on the water. Lastly, I like to keep plastics organized by brand or type. Things get messy on the water. Again, I like to re-organize when I get home so everything is where it should be next time out. However you organize your tackle make sure you know where everything is.
  17. I have read other threads about Rapala Customer Service mentioning the same issues. Some people will take advantage of liberal return policies, so I give companies (like SK and others) a lot of credit for making returns and exchanges easy. Someone should send Rapala a link to this thread. Very often companies will exchange stuff without ever asking for a receipt.
  18. Learn how to walk your popper. Also, whether they want it slow or fast don't use the exact same cadence all the way back on every cast.
  19. My experience with LC is that some of their baits need significant tuning out of the box. The RC and Skeet Minis are spot on. Minor tuning for the flat-minis. The LC flats and Moonsaults usually need tuning for me, more than just a little. Bandits are very cheap and usually run straight. Even expensive custom baits like Zoom WECs need tuning. Eventually most baits will need to be tuned. It is frustrating when baits need to be re-tuned often. Sometimes you just put up with it because the bait is so productive.
  20. also, Keitech Swing Impact Fat and Basstrix Paddletail
  21. Thanks. Mine are 1/4 oz. I will get the 1/8.
  22. Has anyone used these? Do you prefer to rig them horizontal or regular? and what hook? I got the 5/0 Monster weighted EWG Gammies but they look to be too small. Thanks. Lou
  23. I took the plunge and ordered some Wec cranks last year. I must have got a bad batch. The gel coat did not hold up well and the baits were showing signs of wear after the first fish or 2. I wrote a note to Zoom about my disappointment. They called me a few days later and gladly exchanged the baits. The new ones are much better. Does anyone have contact info for Big M?
  24. The DTs and Shad Raps are great baits. The past few years the bills on the DTs were separating for a lot of people but it has not happened to me. I use them for weeds but not heavy weeds. They also hang too much for me in rock. The Shad Raps can be excellent but they are super light. I throw them on spinning gear. The weight can still be a factor when fishing them early and late in the year when the wind is strong. If you need a bait to throw upwind the Shad Rap won’t be your best choice. Like others mentioned there are plenty of good options for reasonable priced cranks. For me, the key is to ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish in an area you are fishing. Then find the bait that will allow you to accomplish the task at hand. You need to understand the attributes of the bait you are using. Some of the baits I like really early in the year: Shad Raps, Little Johns, Bomber Model A, DTs, LC Skeet Mini. The Speed Trap is also very good when it warms up a little more.
  25. I am not sure what worm you are referring to. I use the Zoom Ultravibe Speed Worm like a buzzbait in clear shallow water. The unique tail kicks up a lot of water on the surface. The Zoom Speed worm has a paddletail. I have a bag or 2 but have not used them that much. I also have a bag or 2 of paddletail worms from Producto that look similar. Pete Thliveros won a Bassmaster Tour event a few years back with this style worm.
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