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Everything posted by Low_Budget_Hooker

  1. My epitaph,lol ps- the fish had no idea that wasn't a yamamoto worm either! (hi RW! )
  2. 30+ yrs of fishing,...been in all kinds of boats, all kinds of brands, sizes, etc,...fact remains, THE BEST bass boat out there,....... is the one you're in!
  3. I always thought that was "handcuff" water. Water supply
  4. I owned a moped business.....by owned, it was in my name, dad co-signed so I ran dads business (not how it was supposed to be,lol),...anyway,....you would have been AMAZED how many days it rained in Newport for those 10 yrs,lol......."I just drove by and the place is closed!!!!".....,..."well,it started to rain so I closed up" Evidently,...one drop constituted rain when I was 17 and itching to fish, shoot, if a wet dog shook out his coat near me I'd swear it was gonna pour any minute......trouble, trouble, trouble
  5. Surfing around I see so many new names,......and mixed in are many, many names of old friends. Great to see you all again!! Preach,...please tell me you haven't gone all this time w/o a profile pic just because I told you how ugly you were.....I mean shoot,...even Long Mike still has HIS up!........
  6. Hey everyone, yea, I miss you guys too. I barely get the time to fish let alone come share it with everyone like we did in the old days. Still catching the same fish at the same place on that same 'ol BIG bait,lol.(if u watch a speedbead vid, thats pretty much how we do....minus all the face hair) Not much changed here. I DID fish another bait ONCE,....a baby torpedo,...some days you cant deny how bad the guy in the back of the boat is whooping you and you suck down your ego and switch up. I highly advise it, we had a blast once I showed him how to REALLY use a twitch bait,lmao....yup, nothing changed, still have the head the size of Glenn's finger in the confidence video,lol Anyway, to answer your question ghoti, yes, we've been super busy here at the facility. Couple big things have happened here in RI and the dispensaries are rearing up to open the beginning of next year. The dept of health decided there would be a number of commercial grows needed to help the centers stay supplied, I got the 1st and 3rd (my g/f has the 3rd,...yup,...LBH is getting married, whodathunk!) of 40 contracts and we ramped up immediately. One thing we did differently than the others is we established a Phoenix Tears facility. PT is a highly concentrated form of the oil. It's actually more like a grease. Dangerous to make and it uses a LOT of raw product (appx $400/day worth in raw, street form for a 1 gram daily dose). If any of this interests anyone, google "Phoenix Tears" and check out "Run from the cure"....its a bio about the man and his wonder oil. If you are interested in the TRUE science, not the one the govt presented our parents,... watch "The science of Cannabis, clearing the smoke". These are scientists, harvard professors, etc,..not a bunch of hippies. Not here to preach, just providing some info for those who are willing to hear "the other side" of the story, the one big pharma doesn't want you to know. I got into this side of the medical part because my g/f's sister has a grade 4 glioblastoma (brain tumor) We met at a press release at the state house where she told her story. I stepped up and said,....."I think I can help" and we've been together ever since. This is the main reason I havent been around as farming on this level is A LOT of work. Ialso work for the local testing lab and do lots of activist work. Once I stepped back, I realized I was getting burned out on fishing in general,....too much of a good thing. Now that I dont have the windows to go as often as I used to, I have found it to be much more enjoyable when I AM out there. I also took on 2 awesome girls with this relationship, 9 and 12. Teaching them nature via my little red boat has been a dream of mine I thought I'd never get to fulfill. The divorce here was super amicable and the dad and I are now good friends so I feel completely free,....actually, encouraged to be "Dad" as much as I can and it's something I've totally taken to. Love it, love them. I also bought a house,....big one. 5 bed, 4 bath, big lure test tank,...er,...uh,....POOL,.. in the back thats beautifully landscaped etc, BIG change from my 3rd floor 500 sq ft studio. So lots of things have changed and are changing every day as this side career evolves into what it will eventually be. I'm still with UPS but who knows for how long. Once the centers open and there is a legal, taxable way to produce large scale for a market,....the sky is the limit, I have developed a designer green thumb. I also got a few articles published on my low stress training techniques. I reinvented the herb wheel of sorts,lol. Anyway, I'm going to try and get here more often as things become what they will be but I do keep up with Glenn's posts on f/b and thats what has had me missing the BR fam so much. Anyway,...what would an LBH post be without pics.... New fam,...Danyca Me, Madison, Gracie Madison and Grace. Coming from beach. Gracie was so tired, we said, "put your shorts on, we're stopping for ice cream",.....$20 I never spent,lol Danyca Gracie New pad
  7. Hey guys! How has everyone been? :-)
  8. Kelley!!! No, unfortunately, I'm only booking 1 fishing trip this year, aside from all the CAST events I'll be at, and that is going to be a smallie spawn trip up to the Champlain area. Maine actually, but I've been wanting to do this trip for 10 yrs but always let other stuff come first. So this yr, we are packing up a ton of food, our women and me and my lifetime friend/fishing partner are going to take the trip we've always wanted. I'll also have other local angler friends up there the same week to share in the good times. As much as I would love to come show RW how to fish a trick stick and how much I'd love to see the gang, including that local rabbits foot CJ, I'm going to have to pass this yr. Kentucky Lake again though? No comment,lmao. You guys will have a blast, I'm sure. Speedbead,....try wings this time maybe? (Smaller, cooks faster )
  9. 1/2 pipe came after my time. Scotty, u losing weight boy?????
  10. You don't know what you're talkin' about,...Do I need to come back?? ;D
  11. You don't know what you're talkin' about,...Do I need to come back?? ;D
  12. You don't know what you're talkin' about,...Do I need to come back?? ;D
  13. no way Rhino, only thing I run into is moguls and big air!! Can't begin to express how excited I am to see how old I've gotten, ugh, I mean,...to go bumping again,lol
  14. Heal up Burley!! I knew there was a reason I needed to come back,....Burley needs a cheerleader!! Do I have to make a video???
  15. OUCH!! I said it before and I'll say it again, my piece was cooked perfectly,lol Robert, 3rd floor, no grill, pan searing and straight in the oven is the only way I CAN cook a nice steak here,lol.
  16. Happy Holidays everyone Things could be better here, just got off the operating table for my second double stent by pass this yr, ugh. Hopefully all is well now and I'll be skiing again for the first time in 9 yrs!! This season, expect to see me back around a bit more. Looking to turn fishing back into a love instead of the job it had become. I needed a break and it is working as I am finding myself with a tad touch of the cabin fever and it's been a few yrs since I've felt that passion. I feel kinda guilty I haven't been around but rest assured, I'll be back and I am thinking of many of you often. Happy Holidays to all!! LBH
  17. Dude, they actually look like YOU!! :-? I'll actually be in the hunt for a kitten when I get back from Al Huff's CAST event this weekend.
  18. I got to see him with Sabbath back during the Mob Rules tour. Awesome show. RIP Rocker.
  19. Yea,...some friends,lol,...they give me the bow that shoots 2' low and to the left and make me feel like I'm mentally handicapped. ;D I showed them,......Shouldn't have parked the Lambo's low and left,lmao. We were going to go to the A.D.D. car show,....but forgot,lol Good times though man,...and then some.. That was a break I desperately needed......
  20. and by the way,....what's with this "short" thing?? Last night we went out with a a bunch of Robert's buds, a few that play for the 49r's. I felt completely normal sized : Holy cow,...those are some big dudes.
  21. ahhhh,.....feel the loooove,lol :-* :-* (and one more just for Burley, :-*) Coyote tomorrow and word is back home has lit up. I'm on vacation next week and then down to NC for Alhuff's CAST event. If I can't catch a Bass by the end of next week, I'm never touching a rod again,lol I mean,....I sat there and watched robert catch fish after fish while I watched bulls fight each other (for real) in some pasture, over a cow that really wasn't all that to begin with,lol. Then the swarm of bees moved in. I asked Robert,....you hear that hum? He said what I was thinking,....Bee's. We looked up and there's a cloud of bee's about 30 feet over our heads. Now I know why he spent the extra dough for the 300r,lol. I mean,....have the gods held no mercy ?? I'm SORRY,ok Bass gods? I've been extreeeeemly busy and will fish again, as soon as life allows it! l Anyway. After a dozen in the boat, not a single one via my rods,.....I decided to take the senko off and call Brent to see if he could Next day air me something,...anything,but unfortunately he was off fixing some leak or something (Rw, ya punk ) Tomorrow,...tomorrow I get a fish or Robert will have 1 less bottle of Tequila by the time the sun goes down!!
  22. C'mon,...you been drinking like that since I met ya!! ;D
  23. I bought some 5 minute epoxy putty for the holes in my boat Low Budget,lol....I'll be getting it done with the same ol, reliable, proven stuff. Nothing new here. 1 rod, 1 bait,lol
  24. Wait till the hangover clears, try again
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