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Everything posted by Low_Budget_Hooker

  1. Abel, I totally hear where your coming from and looking back, I see how it sounds arrogant. NOT the intent however. I just get so sick of hearing about the "8 lbrs" that someone constantly catches when there are no pics. Like, I'm smart enough to catch yet uncapable of either remembering to bring,or how to operate a camera. Anyway, just saying, pictures make believers. I am not one of those jerks, I promise. The amount of knowledge and experiences that are shared here is awesome. Glad I found this site and I apologioze for my brashness. Catch ' em up
  2. anyone know where I can learn more about when a lake would qualify to start harvesting the 14 inch class of bass? The lake I am curious about is 224 acres and loaded with 2 types of bluegill up to about 6-7 inches. A 8 yrs ago the lake (reservoir w/landowner acess only) was lowered about 10 ft to replenish water supply. We used to catch some 6's back in the day. Some large fish where taken while it was lowered by people sneaking in and a few guests,etc.. The water is gin clear and now that the lake has fully recovered, we catch consistent 4-5 pounders but nothing larger. Wondering if we should start pulling certain size bass out of there. also, no minnow based forage that we can tell of and if there are minnows in there, they certainly aren't prominent. It's also loaded with crays.
  3. if he ever broke a seat, he either loosened the screws or sawed 1/2 way through it before the show. Don't get me wrong, full respects to Bill, but he's got more hollywood antics than Jacko.
  4. Mulberry imitation flies= big carp. when the mulberry bushes develop berries along the shore, the carp cant get enough of them. Good luck!
  5. Pics are posted in "greetings from RI" post
  6. This is a pic of me (right) my friend kevin(middle) and the mate, name unknown from another friends boat. We couldn't slide the fish over the gunnel so my other friend dropped his mate on our boat and snapped a few pics (from his boat) as we hauled it in. I didn't see him till 3 yrs later when I ran into him in a store and he ran home and got this pics from his house. This is the original blown up on my wall http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/rustyhooks/fisssshy0018.bmp
  7. well boo,....you must know my pain!,lol
  8. Hooksets are FREE!!! I believe that setting too soon will lose you less fish than setting too late!! Just like each class of bait has it's own presentation, most have their own type of hookset too.
  9. Don't forget our exclusive BASSPRO contract!! lol I love handing those to the expecting angler. EVERY DAY IS XMAS!
  10. Funny about the packages but I have this one place where the owners sold the land (with private pond)(loaded w/ bass but nothing too large) to a gentleman who who thinks his pond is soooo secret. He put a rubbermaid box at the head of his driveway(more of an access rd than a driveway) and he wrote "UPS/fedex" on the box so we will leave the pkgs up top and not learn about his precious pond. I had been in there b4 and found this a bit eccentric so I played the "signature required" game so I HAD to go down to the house,hehehe. I could tell the guy was agitated that his secret may have been found out so I made sure I let him know that Mr THompson (1/2 mile down the same rd) was doing an excellent job managing his fishery and that he should maybe talk to him about his pond. This guy started going on about how there are no bass in there so I let him know at that point that I've been fishing his pond for 2 yrs now and boy is he in for a surprise. He let me know that we are no longer welcome there (in a very jerky way) So I let him know that we fish at mr Thompsons pond anyway cause it's managed so well and his wife is an amazing cook! Funny how 1 person can be so cool and welcoming and his neighbor can be such an ***!! NO BOX FOR YOU!! -- package Nazi
  11. Hey folks. My name is Russ and I'm from Rhode Island. A true addict since roughly 13 yrs old. I'm 37 now, and I am a UPS driver in a heavily wooded, pond ridden area. LOVIN' THE NEW ROUTE!!! I fish both fresh and salt with these current trophies Line class record, 6 lb test, no leader, 16.6lb northern largest Largemouth (northern) 7lbs 6 oz Stripped bass 34lbs on a 6 weight fly rod 1023 lb Bluefin TUNA Although always a true freshwater addict at heart, I live in a state who's motto is "the ocean state" so of course I had to venture. While I was part time at ups, I supplemented my income by clamming. THere I met guys who fish the stellwagon Bank fisheryt in Cape Cod bay and was turned on to some killer bluefin fishing which after 3 yrs of learning, finally paid off. My first fish sold for $4,320. I caught 6 more in the next 2 yrs and then became full time at ups and have now sold the salt water boat and am getting back to re-enforcing my roots as a bass fisherman. We had a great ice out this, and I was looking for articles about early spring fishing when I found this site. THIS SITE IS AMAZING!!!!!! Glad I'm here and I look forward to meeting many of you. PS,...I am a big believer in PICTURES! If you dont have the photos to back up your mouth, don't speak. THe proof is in the picture!!
  12. Hello fellow anglers, I did a search for the word "Rhode Island" and then another for "RI" and came up with nothing. Am I the only Rhode Islander here??
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