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Everything posted by Low_Budget_Hooker

  1. Its not your typical RI impoundment ;-). Private access is the bomb but u still gotta find them,lol
  2. I just did a similar transaction in March. Traded 2 x Penn international 130s on custom bent butts for a 17k generac standby generator with a 100 amp sub panel. I scored imo
  3. Shadow theater meets dance,.....with a story you can actually follow. very cool
  4. WOW,.....that's A LOT of Bruin haters!!! Very cool, thx for sharing
  5. Fish around any island whether they are solid land or grass islands. It's the same as shore but often with deep water nearby. Also look for anything floating or creating shade. Swim platforms, anchored or moored boats, etc, these shaded areas hold baitfish
  6. Same in Mass but not here inRI, can't even have the gas motor on the boat BUT,...our TM only lakes don't have boat launches for the bigger boats to get in anyway
  7. Well if you are looking for saltwater, you'll be looking for a charter whereas if you'd like to go freshwater fishing, you will be looking for a guide. Either way, contact the local chamber of commerce to find out whats in the area. READ REVIEWS BEFORE BOOKING! Have fun and congrats!
  8. (RI reporting) The rise in water has definitely changed things up. The baitfish and fry are now scattered about, especially with these cloudy days we are still having. Fish baits that can get back to that flooded shoreline,...flukes, things like that. The smaller fish are rampaging back there but so are the pickerel. We are finding the bigger fish are taking advantage of the flooded grass islands that have deep water nearby. With everything spread out, you want to cover water too. Search baits like spinnerbaits, cranks etc can get it done but don't forget to toss a subtle topwater over some of the areas that are usually too skinny to fish, twitch, twitch, BANG! catch 'em up!
  9. DEFINITELY not a coffee drinker. Wondering if those are whale bones...... Thx for the share
  10. anyone have any good clips or links to vids of spawning bass?
  11. EXTREMELY versatile but like every bait, there is a sweet spot. I found it last night. Even though yo can creep it.....in the weeds.....out in the open,....burp it, burn it or jerk buzz it, it's BEST used in a decent chop if your water is anywhere near the clarity of ours here in RI. I was fishing the slammer last night with the perfect slight chop on top that the fish like, hides the bait just right,..but then the wind kicked up those couple of mph that make the slammer disappear,....THATS when I threw this on, something that would stand out in a small-med chop. I managed to land 5 fish in short time with a miss that had me gasping,....can't wait to play with this one a little more
  12. Yes, it's a home made jobber but same thing. The fluke was the champ of the day. What would have normal been "pickerel territory" was now big bass real estate with the rise in water.
  13. We've gotten ridiculous amounts of rain here in RI lately and the lake is sooo flooded. I'd say it's up a good 1.5-2 ft (223 acre lake) so everything is flooded. With the spawn recently over, and the water so high, all these fry and baitfish have scattered. We began finding the bigger fish out in the flooded grass islands that have deep water around them as opposed to the flooded banks, etc Fun day in the rain tho with 6 fish over 4 lbs
  14. I know they had an issue with the first run stuff down at Okie but I decided to give the second round a shot and so far, so good. I'm using a twilight series XH for throwing the heavier swimbaits and totally love it. Ive been using the crucial that redlinerobert gave me for a good 5-6 yrs now and never realized it was WAY too heavy. GREAT rod and GREAT gift but that bad boy will throw an 8 ounce bait......I dont throw anything over 3, sometimes 4! Loving the new halo (I originally bought the triple X but that was too heavy for slammer sized baits also)
  15. With some of the girls I've kissed,.....how could I be afraid of a little rust????
  16. I also use a gram/ounce scale. MS Slammers, although close, do not all weigh the same. I would think this would apply for all hand made wooden swimbaits whereas plastic molded ones would have more consistency.
  17. JT, he doesnt pull a boat anymore, he bought the lake dude!! lol Congrats on hitting a grand. I always enjoyed your stuff and still see you quite a bit on f/b. Its a social media crazy world! Catch 'em up!
  18. Salt water fishing, caught a Flounder on a shad body being trolled at about 6 mph! Craziness Another time on an offshore charter, my dad reeled up a rod/reel that had been dropped overboard a few weeks earlier off the same boat!! The Captain argued with dad that he knows the Dr who dropped it overboard,....dad was like,...cool, ...tell him I appreciate the butterfingers but I just pulled it off the bottom of the ocean FISHING,...so its mine now,lol
  19. This thing is deadly. The new sleeper bait.
  20. If you're looking for the next size class of fish, throw the next size class of baits,......SWIMBAITS!! Not to be confused with the small, 4" shad body Basstrix type thingys, but real, 8-12" baits. If they're in there, you'll find em pretty quickly if no one else is throwing these and the ones you'll find will be of that senior class.
  21. My fishing partner took his dad yesterday,....dad isnt as tuned in to fishing at 2am as we are,.....this is what went up on his dads facebook yesterday, pretty funny..... "Always on the forefront of technique development, here we see Mike J utilizing the Rumple Ambush Method. This is a team effort. One angler slowly lowers head and slides his eyes shut while casually dropping the tip of the rod into the water. It's a slow, calculated movement that requires patience and fortitude. Slowly,...at a creep, keep lowering the head and sinking the rod till you are in the assumed "I think he's sleeping" position. This gives the fish a heightened sense of false security and they will then begin to feed around the subjects boat. This is when angler #2 comes in and reaps the harvest. Together, through pure teamwork, they weigh in a huge sack and split the earnings. Teamwork is everything when the goal is shared." Yup,....he's out like a baby! lol
  22. Boy, for a bunch of fisherman, you guys have some far out answers! It's the new tuna lab being built for the Univ of RI. They will be using it to keep them alive during sampling (thats why its round, square cages = dead fish)
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