We deal with many, many, many chronic pain patients at the compassion center I work at. Many find Cannabis to be like a grey zone between the pain and comfort. It doesnt actually remove pain but it dulls sharp sensations and distracts you from concentrating on it too long. If anyone is in a legal state and decides to research this, you want to research high CBD strains. This has nothing to do with the psychoactive ingredient "THC delta-9" that you all know Cannabis is famous for. This isnt about getting high, it's about getting Releaf (no, I didnt spell it wrong, its the name of the patient mag I write for,lol) and CBD is the ingredient associated most with neurological issues such as pain. There are patients we've met who have completely dropped the opiates by replacing them with Cannabis, a non addictive, non toxic plant. Food for thought and I do mean food because you will be eating it more than smoking it. Best benefits come from juicing leaves from non flowering plants where the cbd is still in it's natural acid form.