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Everything posted by Low_Budget_Hooker

  1. IMO, if you're catching bass next to a snapping turtle, they are small because no bass will make it through natural selection if he keeps picking out apex predators to hide behind. Larger bass get that way by learning early what to eat, what to avoid, etc.....thats a big AVOID
  2. yea man, Hertz,lol, wow. Thats the thing, most systems don't play the whole thing but if you hit low 20's you'll grab most of it. Question u might know. Do you know the "female friendly" frequency? ;-) I gave wrong title,...it's HATE ME, by Tantric. First hit comes at 13 seconds, 4 hits in total, you wont even notice it on u tube Are those focals laying flat?
  3. Tool- The pot Tantric- Take me now (Fish Chris, play this one and there is a 18khz note at the beginning that will loosen your rear view mirror if those ports are correctly sized!) Metallica-One
  4. Best band jam and recorded very well Dave Matthews Band- #41 from Listener Supported live
  5. Nothing scares the neighborhood like Rage coming through a 14k watt competition system,lol Lots of great suggestions above, time to reload the music keg I've been cranking some live reggae lately .....you'd be surprised, some of Ziggy's stuff can hit pretty stiff. If you like rock or funk based reggae, also check out Rebelution and Tribal seeds (playing Boston Aug 8th)
  6. not a contractor but similar experience this week. Needed to replace pool filter so I bought one and the place has a guy they refer their installs to so THEY called him and then gave me his number and said for me to call him too. He didnt answer when they called so they left a message saying I would be calling. The store owner added in that he ALWAYS answers his phone so he must be on his knees right now but will call back. After 2 days and 3 messages left, nothing. It's been real hot in New England the last week or so, I ended up installing it myself but the HVAC guy that was supposed to be here Tuesday at the latest to fix the 2 ton,....thats another story, still no a/c on the top floor,lol Long story short, don't wait till the heat wave to call your pool guy or a/c guy unless you plan to BECOME the pool guy and a/c guy,lol
  7. Completely agree. My friend was on that, one of the many that did nothing for his pain (bone cancer)
  8. We deal with many, many, many chronic pain patients at the compassion center I work at. Many find Cannabis to be like a grey zone between the pain and comfort. It doesnt actually remove pain but it dulls sharp sensations and distracts you from concentrating on it too long. If anyone is in a legal state and decides to research this, you want to research high CBD strains. This has nothing to do with the psychoactive ingredient "THC delta-9" that you all know Cannabis is famous for. This isnt about getting high, it's about getting Releaf (no, I didnt spell it wrong, its the name of the patient mag I write for,lol) and CBD is the ingredient associated most with neurological issues such as pain. There are patients we've met who have completely dropped the opiates by replacing them with Cannabis, a non addictive, non toxic plant. Food for thought and I do mean food because you will be eating it more than smoking it. Best benefits come from juicing leaves from non flowering plants where the cbd is still in it's natural acid form.
  9. Diggin the jet ski for stripers deal........
  10. Thats a great one Rambler. Dentist must come on thursdays, thats why fridays are always so good,lmao
  11. "color matters" That ones been taking money out of anglers pockets for years.
  12. "Hello, is this the FBI?" "Yes. What do you want?" "I'm calling to report about my neighbor Billy Bob Smith! He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood." "Thank you very much for the call, sir." The next day, the FBI agents descend on Billy Bob's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They swore at Billy Bob and left. The phone rings at Billy Bob's house. "Hey Billy Bob! Did the FBI come?" "Yeah!" "Did they chop your firewood?" "Yep." "Happy Birthday Buddy"
  13. Jeez, There must be a penny candy store on every corner in the country!
  14. Def love the water angle shots from the boat and the reel shots, especially when all the water comes flying off.....
  15. Right on man!! Making videos is a great way to remember things you would never remember otherwise. How many gut bastuers have you and your partner had that you'll never remember?? LOTS One thing to try, makes it more personal, is to mix the sound from the actual video in with the music. Bounce back and forth or blend but get your voices in there. Here's an old one of mine. Oldie but goodie from the BR archives....
  16. If you've flown enough, you've seen this (upward shooting lightning). And that thing on the wing (yup, we got sweet tarts in RI too)
  17. Hey now, hey now.....in THIS country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Don't any of you remember how we all thought OJ and Jack-o were guilty but look what happened there!!! Don't go eatin' crow now.....
  18. I fish primarily between 1am and sunrise. So far, 2 events just like the OP's. Lights with unexplainable abilities. Second time I was alone and in the kayak and for some reason I felt much more vulnerable (than 2 guys in a jon boat, go figure,lol)
  19. Yea, there's no doubting these. They'll go from one side of the horizon to the other in a second. CRAZY speed with direction changes that just aren't possible with the technology we have to date
  20. If u like the jbug,don't overlook the new Arborgast buzz plug!
  21. Really? I can't type all+ur+ing baits???
  22. Don't be afraid to throw a deformed trick stick. Back when I was making videos to show how knock offs perform every bit as well as yamamotos, Brent from *** sent me a huge box of all the deforms. Those are what we used .....just to prove the point without question. The vids don't lie ;-)
  23. All I've seen is lights........but they move like no other lights Ive ever witnessed anywhere else. Unfathomable speed and manueverability
  24. I fish pretty much exclusively at night. Lights in the sky, 3x in 26 yrs. Needless to say, Im a believer.
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