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Everything posted by Low_Budget_Hooker

  1. I think it's vibration on the lateral line first, then sight followed by odor.
  2. Lots here to comment on and I'm not being confrontational, it's just that we have very different observations. Yes, a predatory specie but they eat more often out of opportunity The rain and it's low light, high oxygen offerings often trigger a better, more active bite. They are willing to take a wider variety of lures not just bigger, louder or more active ones. I feel most people give them WAY too much credit. It's an animal with an IQ lower than 2 that lives on instinct. No rationalizing or reasoning capabilities. People WAY overthink fishing IMO They feed typically during specific time ranges, not just randomly, 24/7. Figuring out the "other" places and times is the tougher part. Some patterns are obvious and easier to find during certain conditions, i.e.-rain, but what differentiates an angler at the next level is being able to find them and eventually catch them,....in a wide range of conditions.
  3. To me: Forget color The fish is attracted to something A. probably edible by the looks/sound of it ( something alive i.e. "moving", usually is "good enough" for a Bass) B. Is it moving slow enough. Will the bass expend more or less energy catching it than it would get from eating it (Big baits rule!! ) D. Did it land too close and get attacked out of "reaction"
  4. I just got through with one. Not sure if it applies but here's my story. Ordered stuff online,used PP, got email receipt from company but no shipping email ever came. Waited about 4-5 days and sent email asking if it had been shipped,....payment was already processed. No reply. Same email sent gain 2 days later, no reply. Submitted to resolution center as I needed that $ back to reorder from someone else. Time was an issue. $ was refunded by noon the next day. PP contacts the person in question,.....in my case, that was enough, a full refund was issued, no explanation or note asking for second chance, nothing, just a new balance on my account. Overall, I was extremely satisfied with the PP service.
  5. Depends, if I'm NOT going out because it's raining, I'd probably scratch it with a 45 magnum to the temple. RAIN TIME IS THE RIGHT TIME!!
  6. It's a glorified "original floating" with a wider lip. Dink magnet.
  7. C'mon, you can't tell how big that is? I can. BIG ENOUGH!!!
  8. Just make sure it's your dock Last thing you want is for someone to come home at the end of their day and pull their boat into a brushpile on the side of their dock.
  9. With softer rods, it's more of a "load and pull" as opposed to the "quick snap" with heavier rods.
  10. As always, I'm with ya Tommy!! Been out the last 2 nights SMACKIN' 'em under the moon. Building footage of the Working Girl wake baits, don't mind the color on this one, it accidentally got pogie/herring colors on a perch pattern and the prettiest blue eyes,lol..........but color matters : Back on 'em in 14 hrs and counting.....
  11. Tarpon on the fly 130 lbs and ^
  12. Remember, I'm looking for 1 fish so .... "Found her" is what I used last night and hopefully again tonight
  13. Come fish my lake, I'm on vaca this week. (will be lots of 1am trips if that interests you also)
  14. Submitted via email by Tom Young 18 lb 11 oz, lake Casitas, 2/81 on hair jig, pre-spawn about 18' major main lake point.
  15. Submittd via email by Tom Young The replica mount bass I'm holding is 19.3 lbs., lake Castaic, March 5, 1993, caught on a hair jig with Super Pork trailer. Roberts Fish Mounts, trophyfish@tmail.com, Robert Munoz; 626/222.1366 For your information, none of my giant bass were targeted bed fish; they were caught in deep water staging during pre spawn.
  16. What's that saying,........... "look before you leap"?
  17. Clay is also the national spoksperson for the CAST For Kids Foundation. He was also the recipient of the 1st "pass the mojo" campaign.(cool thread, read here) Glenn presented the mojo to him at a tournament in Washington. He's a very down to Earth person and a real motivator. Clay and I in San Diego (2009)
  18. Decomp,...the crayfish dinner bell. I'd pick it apart with a jig/craw trailer before I called anybody. 8-)
  19. Everything is in the boat from the day before except the camera and gore-tex. Grab those and go, 1-3 mins
  20. I take that as the biggest compliment ! Peace, Fish as intended......
  21. Fish,...you're not the norm........but either are the pics on your site
  22. Y'all better make Deb concoct some of that mud pie too,.......I mean,...if you're gonna cut the cheese,....mud pie should fit right in!!
  23. Surfing the board, I keep seeing that some folks can't grasp how to post pics. This is a reminder that there is a tutorial in the FAQ's regarding how to get it done If you are still stuck, PM me
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