yeah man I have a nice size pond in my apt complex, crazy kinds of fish in there. Very clear water, two water fountains entry and drainage for the water its constantly flowing, might make it a lake o.O lol dunno. Anywhooo I couldnt catch a d**n thing trying everything I had, finally found something that works its a zoom fluke black with blue sparkles 1/32 bullet weight texas rigged.. Ive caught about 10 past 3 days, ranging from lil under 1 to what about today was my biggest one about 3 pounder.. just fishing the pond ive found in the clear water dark softbaits just jiggin- an once the suns going down they just give up.. but like the guy said before me somewhere.. fish the water and you'll learn when to fish an what to use! 8-) Goodluck, Catch another monster...