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KYntucky Warmouth

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Everything posted by KYntucky Warmouth

  1. I had the privilege of receiving a Percecta rod during the giveaway and purchased another this spring. I too felt as if Powell was the starting point of quality and value, I used to compare just about everything to them, until I got my pinnacle. I have the 6'6"MH with a Curado 50 that is probably the second best balanced and hardest fished rod I have. I have had no problem landing 4-7 lbers on it, never feels strained or underpowered. My review from the pinnacle forum is here.
  2. The president is one of my favorite spinning reels ever, it is at the least the smoothest I have fished with. I really liked the older handle too, I felt it's what made the reel. It's great that they reduced the weight. I don't think I'll ever buy another sub $100 spinning reel.
  3. Bet it's not covered under AppleCare
  4. Honestly, I trashed my Gammy finesse hooks as soon as I started fishing the Owner Mosquito Hooks. I did not have a good hookup % with them, never could figure it out but I think it has to do with the shape, the finesse hooks are straight inline, the mosquito hook is slightly offset.
  5. I haven't fished one of those lippy basstards but I could find a better use for $100. BPS has some decent reels, like ToledoEF, I would go the PQ route. Dual braking can be a big help in the beginning id set 4 cent. brakes on and then adjust the mag accordingly.
  6. 7'MH Avid, Citica 200e, 14lb floroclear....handles a goose on a trap nicely.
  7. If only I had saved the most awesome combo picture ever...the Zebco Omega on the Daiwa Steez...anyone save it or have the thread bookmarked.....awesome
  8. I actually prefer neither, I like Trilene better than Stren but prefer P-Line and Suffix.
  9. The rods I have used and would recommend are the Veritas, had a vendetta and the spinning rods are far from impressive, BPS rods, pro qualifier, extreme, and bionic blade, Field and Stream Tech Spec rods, and Lightening rods. Personally, I would keep a watch on TW for a more expensive rod to go on sale or just a site sale.
  10. Senko, zoom u-tail, tube
  11. I really like Daiwas mag brake but PREFER shimanos VBS. There's really no comparing them because they work differently but when it comes to externally adjustable magnetic braking, Daiwa gets my pick, I really hate revo brakes, quantum has a highly effective braking system as well. Its really all about you're settings, I can set my curados and Chronarch noticeably looser than my daiwas but yield similar results. You can set a shimano and never have to touch the brakes when changing baits but a daiwa may require a little tweak but that's why they make a cast control knob. As for which is better, i have 5 curados, a citica, and a Chronarch against 4 sols, an Alpha, a zillion, a pixy, and a fuego, Im kinda torn. I think you'd really like the Alphas, never fished a TD-Z but I've heard great things
  12. That'd be one good combo. With my current favorite combo in mind I'd recommend a Curado 50E or 200E, both on closeout and great reels, and a Cumara 7'2 MH-F.
  13. I'm not a big fan of the Duckett rods, I've never fished one but breaking was an issue at first and I don't like the cork on white or the epoxy they use, yellows easily against the white. I mostly just think they are ugly but having felt them in store and such, they feel impressive, really nice weight and balance. Terry Scroggins said they addressed the breaking issues on later models on day of the lake live, just before he boat flipped a 10lber.
  14. I use two hands for most casting gear, one hand for spinning unless I'm really slinging a bait
  15. I would choose between the Dobyns and Cumara, I have a 7'2M-XF Cumara and have fished a few of the Champions, between them, I'd choose which one has the styling that want.
  16. The Curado E is a great reel, I'd probably use some type of copoly, my preferences are P-Line CX, CXX, and Floroclear or YZ Hybrid, Trilene XL or Sufix Elite for mono. As for the rod, there's always alot of hate for BPS rods but I'd take a Bionic Blade or Extreme over most sub $100 rods out there.
  17. Alberto knot http://www.stripersonline.com/wiki/albertos-knot
  18. Power Pro sucks....either Suffix or Fireline Braid
  19. I'd say Field & Stream Tech Spec or a Berkley Lightening Rod.
  20. I have 3 of the old golds and a wild spinning rod. I had an older LTX too but got rid of it, no problems, just couldn't fit it in my arsenal. Honestly, I compare just about every rod I get to the Golds when it comes to weight, balance, and sensitivity. I have only had one issue with the tip guide of my first gold grooving but it doesn't effect performance and seems to have been corrected in later models.
  21. This was going to my my exact answer. All I need is a pencil and nail clippers.
  22. What I see is shimano offering a wider variety of quality reels in a price range that daiwa seems to ignore. I'm in no way excited about what shimano has done by what seems to be painting a curado white and black, calling it a Chronarch and raising the price though
  23. Of those listed I would say the Avid, although I've not fished a Cara, always wanted one. Every instinct I have says go big or go home with the Loomis rods, the lower end is unimpressive and seems over priced, to me atleast. I would honestly look for a sale and get a Dobyns Champion or Daiwa Zillion. The Shimano Cumara is a great rod too but Shimano usually doesn't participate in sales.
  24. I have a few that I almost always have with me and fish harder than the rest. One is my 6'6"MH Pinnacle Perfecta/Curado 50/12lb FC, it's extremely light and balanced and is perfect for 3/16-3/8oz jigs and Texas rigs. The second is my newest setup, a 7'2"M/XF Cumara/Chronarch D7/12lb FC, I've used it for tubes mostly so far. The last is my 7'M Zillion/Alphas 103/12 FC, it's my tube/weightless/jerkbait rod.
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