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KYntucky Warmouth

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Everything posted by KYntucky Warmouth

  1. I use 12lb fluorocarbon or fluoroclear
  2. Smallmouth/Spot hybrid.
  3. Never used the Basstrix worms but they look similar to the Roboworms and I prefer a Roboworm over most baits.
  4. of the choices, I'd say either the PQ or the SX. Had an SX for awhile and liked it ok but ended up selling it to buy a chronarch D7 on clearance. The PQ is probably the best balance of quality and price you've listed. I personally wouldn't even look at the silver lips, way over priced.
  5. I really don't believe that having the same setups makes you more efficient. A professional sponosorship is really where that idea is rooted for beginning anglers. If you've taken the time to become familiar with your gear and can really fish it, it doesn't matter what brand it is. I can switch between different setups easily because I know my equipment, I'm not going to cast my Curados the same way I cast my zillions or a Sol. I know not to snap cast a revo, so if I'm fishing a revo, I won't. I see this happen all the time here in the flea market and have benighted from it. Someone buys 5 revos because they're new and they think they might like them. 4 months later they're for sale because they wanted to try Daiwa reels, well, the next year the daiwas are for sale because they liked revos better. It makes no sense, to waste that kind of money when you don't know what you like. If you find a reel or rod that you really like, build gradually. Don't think you need to change every setup when you want to try something new. Personally I am still looking for the perfect setup. I haven't found one rod or reel manufacturer that can satisfies me completely, some have and that's great but I like having different choices and I take different rods everytime I go fishing.
  6. Spinning reel....7'M As for a specific rod, I have a 7'MH with a President 35 that's nice for the price but I'd suggest the Pinnacle Perfecta Tourbament Class rod for the upper end of your price
  7. I personally wouldn't buy one of those pencils but of the two I'd say the micro honeycomb. I've never fished them but the original tessera rods have seriously crappy actions.
  8. Personally, I wouldn't buy either....they're ugly and that's enough for me. I would suggest the Pinnacle Perfecta Tournament Class rods or Dobyns Savvy Series.
  9. Personally I think a 704 is great for most with a 3/16 or 1/4oz weight, I don't tend to fish jigs over 1/2oz and usually use a MH for most of my jig fishing. I'd say get the 735 for a dedicated jig rod.
  10. I'm a daiwa fan, I have 7, but that thing is balls-ugly
  11. I bought a 7'10"M Carrot Stix Gold at the end of the season two years ago when TW clearanced them for $130. It quickly became my deep crank rod and is well suited for it. I would suggest one if you could one somewhere. As for current production rods, I like the BPS Crankin Stick for the price and for under$170 I'd suggest the Lucky Craft 7'6"H Long Cast SP. I have the 7'MH and really like it for mid-deep cranks. You don't hear much about the Lucky Craft rods but they are well worth the $150 price tag.
  12. The savvys are nice rods and they would be my pick but I have several Carrot Stix that I wouldn't trade for anything. I hate the looks of the Duckett rods but saw Terry Scroggins boat flip a 10lber with one of the newer model flippin sticks. I really think any would do ok. I personally tend to let the colors of my reel choose the rod or vice versa, but that's just me being stubborn about matching
  13. I bought a 7'2"M/XF Pinnacle Perfecta Tournament Class rod late in the season last year and have found it to be quiet a nice dropshot rod. Plenty of power and back bone for the fight but with a lighter tip. It really allows you to work your bait without moving it too much. Handled an 8lb channel cat really well with 6lb FC when I went to Guntersville earlier this year.
  14. Of those....maybe the Incyte but I'd recommend a President 30 or the Exceler
  15. Field and Stream Tech Spec gets my vote.
  16. I'm in.
  17. I picked up my copy today for PS3 and played it for a little while. I like it so far, played very little of MW2 but played the crap out of black ops and this one seems a little like a mix of black ops with a grittier look and some battlefield elements thrown in. My name on PSN is apmccarty.
  18. I have both and fish both, personally, I prefer the Curado. I like the profile better and feel they cast easier and further. The Fuego is a nice reel but I was never overly impressed with it. I say hold on to the curados unless you are just wanting a fuego. I always felt the price of a fuego was a stretch, just because it was priced over the E7, doesn't make it worth the trade.
  19. Dual braking is fine at first, nice to be able to up your mag when needed for a quick adjustment but I see it as a little added weight. I used to love it on my patriarchs and would swear by it, they were my step up from the quantum code and the dual braking was a major change for the better. But after becoming familiar with my equipment, I realized that I used the mag braking less and less, mainly for wind and weight changes, and that can be compensated for with CSS control. I now have three dual braking reels that I hardly use, two patriarchs and a supreme, nothing wrong with them but I prefer the shimano VBS and Daiwa Magforce systems. Why combine two mediocre systems when you can stick with one done right and adjust the cast control. I haven't used an Abu with it but I'd imagine it's similar to the Pflueger and those Revos really needed it.
  20. 6'10"MH Falcon Clark Wendlandt Rod....$99 on TW
  21. I have a 7'MH Avid as well and find a heavier reel feels slightly better, for me any way. I've tried several reels on mine and the Pflueger Supreme felt best for me. It's got a Citica on it now but the supreme has felt the best.
  22. I use 1-2/0 owner mosquito hooks.
  23. The palm tree is the kinami bait, same bait, just repackaged. They dont catch fish weightless, upside down, nose hooked or neko rigged. Just send em to me
  24. My choice would be the Tech Spec rod. I have a 7'M casting rod and for the price, it's a great rod. The Lightening rods are really good for the price but the Tech Spec is better for a bit more. I take my Tech Spec with me fairly regularly with my Zillions, Cumara, and Helium II rods and it holds it's own. It's no miracle rod, still a $50 rod but it fishes very well.
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