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  1. Due to VHS and other virus' in michigan if you buy minnows to fish with you have to have a receipt with you at all times. They don't want people catching minnows in this lake then going and using them at another lake.
  2. A guy at work asked me to look at a reel for him because he said he had no drap. When I told him that the line has to go around the bail the look on his face looked like I told him that he needs to shower on a more regular basis. Since then he has become quite good. So when ever he gets to bragging or being cocky I bring up his reel and that usually sets him back into place.
  3. I start work at 4am 6 days a week. So the 7th day is a breeze. I am the one of the group that gives wake up calls.
  4. It seems like everytime that I have plans to go we get more rain. So I have been reading alot lately also.
  5. couldn't have summed it up any better.
  6. thanks g=for all the replies guys.
  7. How do you guys deal with it when they put weed kill in a lake? It always seems to hinder my fishing. Thanks No.4shot
  8. I would do my best to keep it alive and take it to the DNR and do whatever is needed to get my name in the record books then take it back and release it. Records are meant to be broken.
  9. looks awsome. You did a great job.
  10. A pike was my thoughts also.
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