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Everything posted by sean0920

  1. what exactly is the difference between a spot remover and a shakey head. my spot removers dont stand up with kut tails or zoom trick worms. when the head runs into something it will pop the rear end up, but it does fall over due to the weight. what does a shakey head allow the worm to do if it doesnt stand up? i am a little confused here. the shakey heads i have seen fall over as well but if using a floating worm i guess it might stand up? i would love to see or have you explain how you hook the original spot remover. i really like the heads but you are right the hooks are too small.
  2. i am thinking of getting one and was wondering if they are low profile. i have small hands and was just curious if they were bulky or pretty streamlined
  3. thanks guys. yeah warrior i would never use them on single hooks, just for cranks and jerks. you take the split ring off?
  4. i have a fish and ski boat so there is not alot of room for rod storage. i usually take just 5 poles. one of my setups is for cranking. on this setup i usually use a little clip so that i can change between a crank, jerkbait, or spinnerbait without having to take extra poles. so far i havent seen where the clip has taken away from the presentation and was just wondering if anybody else does the same. i wrap line around the spinnerbait so that the clip wont slide down to one side. thanks
  5. i was using a 1/4 oz head and flouro line. i set the hook kinda in the 10 and 2 position. all the fished were actually hooked for about 5-7 secs before coming off. that is a very interesting point. which head to you recommend? i have used the regular spot heads but the dern worm just wont stay attached to well.
  6. got to try my new citica e and the mojo today. i have it rigged for shakey headn. i must say the mojo is great, but i dont think my citica e is for light lining 1/4 or under. i had to set all six brakes just so the thing wouldnt backlash. i am using 100% berkley flouro and seemed good. so i am at a decision point. either i go back to spinning or i buy a curado e. what do you think?
  7. fished a tournament today and for the last three weeks i cannot seem to hold a fish on the shakey head. i had 4 come off today and three last weekend. never had this problem all last year, but i didnt winter fish either. my setup is a spot remover pro model, kut tail, shimano citica e, and a mojo bass, 7', med. i dont know if they are not getting in their mouth good or not, but when i feel the tap i give it a sec before i set the hook. what makes it bad today is 1 FISH won the tournament! the lake was still half froze and options were limited, but i am just disappointed because i fishing against a good group of guys and just couldnt get em the boat. 1 freaking fish, the guy won 400 dollars!
  8. i am thinking of trying this, but i have a question. the only hair jigs i can find are by punisher. the eyelet is on top of the head and i am wondering how this might work with a palomar knot and then the leader threaded back trough for the weight on the bottom. anybody tried the drop shot hair jig. seems like a good idea early season?
  9. the yamamoto hula grub?
  10. i was playing today in the yard trying to cast to the family deer herd. then the cat started chasing the 4/0 hook with a plastic attached. i heard a noise coming from my reel and found that that the line guide thingy that goes back and forth(left to right) is loose. but it works fine. i came in and looked at my curados and they are somewhat loose to but not as much as the citica. there is a plastic screw facing to the out and i very carefully turned it just a little to see if it was tight and it was my question is, is this thing supposed to have alot of play? thanks again for all your help
  11. until i get my new pole i have a bps pro finesse that i use for dropshotting. does braided line chew up the inside of the eyes?
  12. nice nice reel. i own two curados 200dhsv and i cant believe how much smaller the new e's are. not quite as smooth as my curados but very smooth and casts great nonetheless. i matched it to my st.croix mojo and cant wait to shakey head it! gonna save a little more and get another curado e7 soon
  13. already done all that sam. the wife is mad cause i been spending to much time on here. i have caught all the fish with my new baitcasters out of the yard. i already know where to fish anna and philpott and havent been there yet. got my new citica today so i am content for a few more hours!!
  14. sean0920


    about the post on here, didnt read the rules like an idiot. trying to blow off steam, cabin fever is killin me
  15. man this thing looks good on a shakey head. anybody tried em yet?
  16. so there i am today at work and the management was nice enough to put the inogeration on the intercomm system throughout the plant. when obama gave the oath and again when he gave his speech, certain individuals would hit the page button so no one could here the words. along with this the talk that today would be a good day for a terroist attack because they would take out 80% of the ______ population this my friends is what is wrong with our country, and you know what? i dont think this mentality will ever change so i am pessimistic about our future and its not because a black man is in office
  17. mem043 looks like you are a marine. i spent alot of time at quantico and everywhere else in the world as my father was a fighter pilot in the corps. he flew the F4 phantom for 20 years that jig deal on the bottom of the dropshot sounds interesting!
  18. i fish a highland reservoir with bluff walls, rock walls, some flats, and generally deep water. i am a big fan of drop shotting and it has worked well for me, but i have taking a liking to jig fishing as well. i was wondering what makes you pick up one or another? thanks
  19. would segaur invisx have more sensitivity than p line flouroclear? i have read that the segaur has alot of qualities of mono even though it is fluro. iwas getting ready to order some sunline fc sniper but the segaur invisx caught my eye due to price thanks
  20. what is the diameter of sunline fc sniper in 6 lb.? i cant find any specs and need to find some filler of the same diameter thanks again
  21. sam and everyone else, thanks for the info. the reason for filler on a spool is so you dont have to fill the entire reel with the good stuff. for example, the sunline i want is 15 dollars for 100 yards. 48 dollars for 300 yards! so you can add cheap filler line and then 100 or so yards of your choice of good line. thanks again guys.
  22. i think my curado is a 200dhsv with a 7:1:1 ratio. i will have to go look and see what the capacity is
  23. so i am new to thi. s game and iwas told that you can add filler line before putting on the good stuff. makes sense, but how do you know when you have added enough filler before putting on the good stuff. i know this sounds stupid, but i dont want to waste line and was just wondering if you had any tips or tricks thanks
  24. by far the yamamoto 5 3/4 inch kut tail in green pump/lg blk flk. its amazing what this rig can do with a 1/8 oz spot remover and just dropping it next to trees. they love it on the fall
  25. bait monkey? heres one, how about 850 dollars in two weeks! just got into baitcasting and got 2 curados, 1 citica, a st. croix mojo, bps extreme, and a bps rick clunn sig rod the wife still thinks it was all about 300!
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