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Everything posted by sean0920

  1. thank god!! been using the shake e heads for 2 years now and have always wanted one in 1/8. have been using the spot remover in 1/8 until now
  2. nice catch. yes both stripers and hybrids will eat chicken livers. i dont striper fish anymore but when i did we woulds always toss a line overboard with a liver while we were throwing topwater at night. we usually caught hybrids on the liver but the occasional striper would hit it. next time you go this time of year at night try throwing a cotten cordell red fin or other like bait. just reel slowly to create a wake and hold the hell on.
  3. i believe whopperbaits is just selling the fin-tech, i dont think he is making them
  4. no it justs creates more vibration. depending on which paddletail you choose, some float up some dont. i like the ones that dont, just drag em and when you hit a stump or something, shake it then pop it and hold on
  5. ill fish with ya give me a holler ssabol4@verizon.net
  6. guys go to citrusstick.com. very similar to e 21, priced right, AND made in usa, not china!
  7. nice bait. i like the no rattle option. little funky at first switching it, but you will learn quick. very similiar to the fat free
  8. wow, some locals, cool. i am from lewisburg but now reside in union, about 20 minutes from lewisburg. i have fished the greenbrier and new for 26 years. march and april can be great on these rivers. good flow and very active fish. among what others have said, dont forget about the jerkbait and senkos in the spring. dynamite baits for this time of year. the new from narrows to to glen lynn is hot in the spring and there is also a c & r at sandstone bridge down. just above sandstone bridge is a nice hole for smallies and walleyes. another good tatic is to split shot a berkley gulp minnow 3 inch in smelt. throw them at the head of eddies and let em drift down the eddie line.
  9. i like E2 as well. go to whopperbaits.com and check out his new creation. awesome head. tell em sean sent ya
  10. i know this may sound crazy, but take a 3/8 shakey head with a 5-6 inch worm. find a ledge or channel bend, and SLOWLY drag it along the structure. silver buddies also are good. i would be hard pressed to say a jerkbait at 36 degrees. maybe the 45 mark but below 40 those fish arent going to be very active
  11. hello all i am headed to SML for our last club tourney this weekend and was wondering what was going on down there. i have only fished it 3 times, one at night. dont reveal secrets, just looking for something that might be working or somehwere to try. my strengths are shakey head, DS, and jig, and deep water. been hearing the shad might be pulling to the backs of creeks??? thanks for your time
  12. looking for something for a c-rigg that would also work at night for a jig/pig. they say this stuff glows. would it work for a jig at night? never used braid before and dont wanna spend the extra bucks on a night specific rod right now. thanks
  13. a friend gave me a a new 3x worm and i think i would have trouble putting it on a post of, say, a shake e 2 head, or other post style head. anybody have expereince putting these on stand up heads?
  14. i have some 3.5 inch luck e strike swimbaits i am wanting to try and was wondering how i should rig them up. i fish a deep highland reservoir thanks
  15. i just started using BC's this year and here is my take. i am right handed and to me, the rod in my right hand just feels right. for sensitivity and more over, setting the hook. i cant imagine trying to set a hook with my left hand
  16. so excited he puked!!! way to go ike, cant wait to see the emotion!!
  17. just wandering what your opinions are
  18. i still dont see how that would solve the leak problem. the juice would come out the slit and over the seal and throught he lid?? just curious
  19. i hear ya. i would say that i could catch the same quality of fish withouthem, i have most of my life. but when the fish are feeding on the alewifes in the lake, this bait is hard to beat. it has its place on the pedestal, just like the jig does on a craw bite. i love to dropshot the deepwater and for me it works. i am a die hard smallie man so i guess that is why i am partial to them. i have caught smallies 4-1 over LM, which suites me fine. i think more so than presentation is the key to using what the bass are feeding on, unless wanting to obtain a reaction strike in which case presentation is more important. the shakey head is catching up to it though, but i find bigger fish with the gulp.
  20. i can understand maybe shallow stained lakes, but for highland reservoirs that are deep and clear/slightly stained, i havent found a better setup and i been smallie fishing 25 years. just ask KVD's dad and brother about fishing erie with em. and that guy who won the elite on erie last year. he was dipping his jackell worms in the stuff. i wish they would make a tight container though
  21. just a sampling from the last four months. my earnings have more than paid for the tubs.
  22. gotcha. the more i thought about it i thought thats where you might be going. can you suggest some good "skaky heads"?
  23. gotcha. the more i thought about it i thought thats where you might be going. can you suggest some good "skaky heads"?
  24. i still dont understand. if i use a robo or another floating worm, they will float both on the spot remover and the shakey head. so what is the difference? they would float on both rigs. btw, yes the smaller kuttail i have done real well on a DP!
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