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About emti56

  • Birthday 12/21/1977

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  1. I have an X-135 and an ep-35 temp sencer and it has not worked since i got boat in o6 and after many trips back to dealer they have not fixed it and now i find out the temp is not even hooked up at all what do i need for this. I guess the dealer has no clue so i will do it myself. I think all i need to do is connect to center plug on finder but do i need to power this cable and what size omns 60 or 120 goes on the open end? thanks for any help. I have been on lowrance site but still a little confused i do not see just a network cable :-[
  2. I am in western MA in a little town called Lee right off I-90 many small lakes but fish Goose pond and Otis res. the most and have been to congamond a few times. Glad to see all the MA guys that are on here.
  3. you are right i have only processed a few deer on my own and do not fully understand the steps involved and when i get it done by a pro it is done well and vacume packed to last. I think what you do is great with the reasons you have giveing. My first thought was why throw it away because it was to much work but process so many more deer when i thought the meat left was ok. Like the neck roast. On the other hand the state sets the limits for a reason and yoou are doing your part to control the heard and i congrat you on your great seasoon.
  4. first sorry if my last post were hard to read but i am here to learn and once in awhile voice my thoughts not here for grammer but I will try harder to make it better. Second i have no issue with how many deer a guy takes if he follows state laws. I to love the thrill in shooting a deer. I also understand that over population leads to bad things and that hunting controls that. My only point is to use all you take. Even if it is for the dog thats great . It must be great to live in a place were it seems easy to fill the fridge.Good hunting to all.
  5. not tr;ing to but anyone down just stating that it is a lot of waste if you drag it out why not but it to use and yes i am an avid achery hunter here in MA were chances are not as great so to see the meat being throwing away sucks but to each their own. Although i will admit i gut my own deer i have only prosessed a few and choose to pay to have it done by a pro not a big cost when your only talking two deer a year. sorry if i offend anyone as the as the animal is use in some manner other then just a mount i am cool. Just maybe take what you need and pass on the rest And why kill Nine when 4 or 5 fully used would fill the same space??
  6. man i hate to see such a waste here in MA i only get two tags and with are population you may not get to feel them. glad to see you have big heards but believe that kind of display of waste is something the anti hunters feed of and for good reason. maybe you have a food pantry or a freind that would but it to use. I see alot of roast and stew laying there.
  7. thanks but the drain plug was out of boat so if anything i think my livewell lines may be damaged time will tell but at least the hull was dry it is an o6 zx190 skeeter
  8. well I go to but my boat away yesterday and open the livewells to find that they are half full of solid ice I forgot to open them up on what ended up being last trip of the year and now with archery season over it hopefully was not to late and didn t cause any damage. So now it sits in my work shop thawing out as i cross my fingers. Anyone else ever do this and what was your outcome?
  9. i had the same motor on my last boat and only time warning alarm sounded is when motor was not getting any water to cool down after going though heavy weeds just but motor in reverse to clear depre and of i went hope your issue is no big deal but if you were in weeds that my be it
  10. were about in western MA I am in Lee MA and welcome
  11. i have never heard of this place but I am in Lee MA and may be interested. Do you know the water well ?
  12. I have a x-135 thats been on my 06 skeeter since new with a eb-35 temp probe and after following the temp cable i find it is not hooked up and would like to hook it up. I have had it to dealer 3 times for problem and they aparently never took time to trace the wiring. I have been online read all manuals and just to not know what to do. any help would be great. Not sure how to set up network cable
  13. reread the post i guess 3 was the limit great job. I can not wait to go there agian only been two times
  14. what was the limit five fish over 4 lbs is way over the 12 something you had either way congrats on the payday.
  15. just know that after you buy a boat it always either rains or the wind blows the boat doesn t mind have fun. Nice boat looks like perfect match for your truck
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