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  1. I practice catch and release. But what does one do when your catch completely swallows your jig? In order to pull it out you kill the fish? Even if it's under size limit, do you throw it back in the pond and let nature do it's thing or do you take it home? Just something I pondered today while fishing.
  2. Thanks again! Quick question: During the mid day, do you want to fish deeper waters? And shallower in the mornings and nights? Waters are still pretty cold up here, air temps haven't really broke 70s yet. Also, when water is choppy compared to flat, does this affect fishing?
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to learning a lot here and maybe making some new friends. Can't wait to get out of work, so I can do some fishin 8-)
  4. And I am hooked. Pun intended 8-) I grew up in the city, Chicago but have moved further north and reside on a private lake. I've been fishing for the past week, every dusk. Have caught and released about 20 so far Average size about 12". I'm gonna be posting some newb questions, so bear with me : If they are 12", should I be eating them or releasing them so they can bulk up ;D How do you guys estimate weight? Do you guys carry around scales? I have been using a floating jig and soaking it in one of those bass attracting sprays, do people frown upon those sprays in the fishing world? Can I fish at anytime of day? Or is morning and dusk the best times? I'm addicted, love hooking those little guys and watching them pop out of the water 8-)
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