My Shimano Calcutta TE GT has 10 bearings and my Calcutta B has 3 bearings. Neither one is easier to backlash than the other as long as I set the brakes and spool tension correctly. With the spool tension set correctly the bait should slowly fall to the floor on free spool without any overrun.
These quote below is what I used to learn to use a baitcaster about 3 years ago
"Let whatever you are going to throw hang about 10" below your rod tip and shake it a little bit until it hits the floor. If it does't backlash that is a good place to start. After a while you can loosen things up as your thumb gets educated."
I have 7 Shimano Calcutta's and love em. They're solidly built and worth it. Don't let the low bearing count on those reels fool you. They are silky smoth, cast extremely well and are built to last. I own 3 Calcutta A models, 2 Calcutta B's, a 100 TE GT and a 200 TE.
I never said be dishonest. I had a rod tip snap off and took it to my local Bass Pro where I shopped and told them. They said they'd handle the return for me and let me pick another one off the shelf.
I love the 7'-2" Crucial frog rod. It's my Ragetail Shad rod also. Enough backbone to pull em outta slop and it's also a decent jig rod. I have the 7'-2" dropshot rod also.
My G Loomis is missing the 2nd guide from the top. Has anyone dealt with G Loomis regarding repair and warranties. I wanna get it fixed and I'm used to dealing with Shimano's over the counter returns and have never had to deal with G Loomis before. Any help is appreciated.
At least I know I wasn't being too harsh in my evaluation after I watched the first episode. I like to be entertained and/or educated by the fishing shows I watch. His show did neither for me.
I have never fished for bass using a tube. I would like input on rigging, line size, weights, hooks, rod, reel and situations where tubes are most relevant. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Has anyone ordered from these guys before. Just wanted to know before I pulled the trigger on an order.
Other than wearing out the occasional spinner bait or Trap it took 10 years for me to wear out the paw & worm gear on a Shimano Calcutta 50A but that was more my fault than the product since I have a bad habit of engaging the spool while the bait is still in the air.
I have that same bad habit. I haven't worn any gears out yet, but I don't get to fish nearly as much as you do.
Wow I thought I was the only person with that bad habit, but I do the same thing with my Calcutta's also.
First and only time I used a Trick Worm I rigged it nosed hooked weightless with an Owner Mosquito hook 1/0 and cast it towards a weed line and caught a fish on the first cast. Worm didn't even reach the bottom. The bass hit it on the fall.
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