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Everything posted by freakyfish

  1. Should have trusted your feelings my young padawan. May the force be with you. ;D They show you how to rig it on youtube.Their nice.
  2. Theirs really no secret lure.Because they change day to day hour by hour.The real question should be how deep are they biteing that will give you a starting point.
  3. I am from Central Florida.It has been reel hot here and in shallow water the oxygen is low.Just find higher oxygen water may help you.As far as salt water one year the red tied took out allot of fish.They have been doing better saltwater than fresh water so far.
  4. Are they going to close and rename or they just closing.I like them better than bass pro.I used to shop their all the time.But I now live in florida and they don't have one here.
  5. Yes it level and yes its under water.How is it picking up other pontoon.Thanks for the link but they don't tell you much.
  6. I have a Hummingbird 525. The transducer is hooked up to a pontoon the right side toon where there is a little welded peice of mettal. My reading on the fishfinder alway,s reads 1 to 3 foot witch I know is deeper around 5 to 6 foot or more. The bottom alway,s shows flat with light brown bottom witch I know can't all be flat. Do you have any sugestions about that what could be the problem? Could it be interference with the aluminum.
  7. Thats easy! Buy both.Add to your many colection of crankbaits to come.
  8. I vote for keeping them for warranty and selling points.Just reorganize and put them some where else.Even build a place for them.Don't be sorry latter and say I should have kept the box.
  9. LIGHT AND SENSITIVE?????????????????????????????????? Yes!!! This one is the one im talking about http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_17945____SearchResults Not the regular ugly stik.
  10. I like my 6'6" ugly stik light.It is light and sensitive.Sept do not shut it in a door mine broke. I took it back to the store and they gave me a new one.But I did'nt tell them what happend. They are selling kistler rods half price on ebay check them out.
  11. If thats the onley thing bad is color you guy's can come up with it must be a pretty good reel.I could get use to green.It is the same color as my bass pro extreme.No one would know witch one I was useing.
  12. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewwavespin.html hope that helps
  13. Thanks ! It sounds like I'm taking it back.If the other one does it here come a new Curado E.Thanks for your fast reply's.
  14. Has anyone ever got a new reel. And when you got it it was reel rough like you can feel the gears working causing a little vibration.Or maybe bearing when you reel.If you did what did you do to fix it
  15. I think my bps extreme is much better. The okuma reel you can feel the gears moving witch causes a vibration on retrieve.And when you cast the centrifugal breaks makes slight noise on cast my extreme has mag breaks and is quiet.I don't know if that how it's suposed to be.But I don't think I like it.I just thought I would let you know.
  16. I just asked that on another forum about the Fenwick hmg.I had alot of reviews on it breaking.
  17. I seen those to they sound good.But I think they may have quit making them they no longer have a sight.They may have teamed up with someone else and changed there name.But I could not find it.I looked for several weeks.GOOD LUCK.Let me know if you find any info.
  18. Thanks for the warning.What exactly happend to the gears.
  19. What do you all think of the Okuma vs 200 baitcasting reel.What are some pluses and negatives on it.All I read about it that it backlashes a lot .But all that means it needs more tweeking.I was holding out for the new curado but I found this real on clearance for 80 bucks and its usually 200 bucks give or take depends witch site you look at.But all the help will be apreciated. Thanks,
  20. Like he said in the article you have to know where the big one is to get it to work right.The night crawler don't make a good search bait.I know that to be a fact.If you don't know where the big one is it is only going to be a hit and miss and your going to be getting more junk fish than you like.So its up to you what you like to do.So say I want to fish fore bass I use bass lures if I want to catch crappie I use worms or crickets if I want to fish for cat fish I use bloody fish slabs.It all depends on what fish your want to target. And If you want to fish somthing live for bass try live golden shiners under a bobber you will get a big one.
  21. Bass Pro Shops® Rick Clunn's E.T.I. Orion Crankbait I also use black round snap swivel. And a Bandit 200,.I'll try a few things and see what happens. Baybe Bass Pro Shops® Rick Clunn's E.T.I. Orion Crankbait is'nt a very good one.It is a new one though.
  22. I have a 5.1 ratio. 50 lb power pro. I maybe reeling to fast. I didn't know you coul'nt reel fast.
  23. When you are reeling in your crankbait and in the middle of your retrieve.what causes your crank to surfice and act up.I always have to stop and start over again.I believe it is tuned because it comes back straight.
  24. Thank's everyone's for your reply's. It sound's like a good rod with graphite im 7 and fuji guides . And seems everyone likes it. Thanks again.
  25. Has anyone used the field and stream rods at dicks sportinggoods. And are they any good.
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