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Everything posted by peidy_p

  1. KVD!
  2. This is truly the sportsmans paradise. If you haven't been down here you have to make the trip atleast once. It's awesome
  3. I've caught fish in the morning, evening and on blue bird summer days. They will hit top water if the oppertunity presents itself. Im stuck on the rage tail frog right now. It creates alot of disturbance on the water. If the wind is calm I'll throw a floating frog like the scum frog. My only addvice is to use flourocarbon or braided to get a good hook set and get them out of the lillies. Look at my pic to the left. it was a 90 degree day. About 3 oclock
  4. Me and a freind of mine went out on the lake the other day. We were doing good. We had caught about 20 or so fish all in the 2 lb range. I was fishing a worm with light line on a spinning set up. He was throwing everything. He then ties on a buzzbait and starts throwing that. So he cross' my line and we get tangled. Needles to say I have to retie my line. Then he throws out across the front of the boat and then wam a big explosion. He missed. while im still getting my stuff back together he goes back after the fish. This time he hooked her. she's a hog of a fish. He gets her to the boat and I landed her she was a mule. The fish weighed 9 even wich is a great fish for our area. We was so jacked up. I was just as excited as he was even though he cut me off on purpose (jj). We were pre fishing a tournament. To bad we didn't catch her tournament day. I dont know why but the fish by us have smaller mouth and shorter bodies than fish from inland lakes. Maybe someone knows the answer to this. Well anyway heres a pic.
  5. I wouldn't i'd go swimming ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. Wind is your bestfreind. Learn to fish with it and it will pay off. I've seen days on my lakes were when the wind stoped so did the bite. I've been in waves that were coming over my bow and I was burning the fish in 4' water. My general rule is to put my bow into the wind if possible.
  7. Plastics have been around sense the begining and there is a reason for that, they produce. Experement with dierent types of plastics and other lures. don't get discuraged when they dont work just go thru the process of elimination. Down here we have ALOT of grass and I can throw a weedless frog all day. Good luck!
  8. We had a lil Saturday tournement today. We only had 12 boats but its still fun. Its mostly for braggin rights but we do put up a lil money. It starts at safe light and ends at 1 o'clock. The morning started out ruff for me and my partner. I missed a good 4 1/2 to 5 lb bass on the rage tail frog. I swear down here you can live or die by the frog. Its a great tool at times and then at others it can break you of all your confidence. The fish were active I just couldn't land one in the boat. It took me 3 hours to finaly catch a bass. I had already caught a few redfish wich aggravated me more. We ran from spot to spot with lil success. We had 3 fish in the boat, 1 descent 3 lber and the other 2 dinks. Finally I caught my first keeper bass. It felt good. Not a good one but descent. It seemed like every place I ran to there was a boat anchored at each one. Down here we have a series of a bunch of small lakes with tide changes. With all this water there is still no secret spots. We started to catch a few fish. No giants. I said live or die by the frog. Well we died. We were getting some good strikes on it but were missing more than we caught. I got tired of missing fish so I switched baits. I started throwing a weightless senko. I started catching more fish but they were all minnows. I threw a jig and missed one. Then the brush hog with not even a sniff. So i stayed with the frog on a bright sunny day. Finally it was time to go. We had struggled all day only catching 12 to 15 fish all in the 2 lb range. Not a bad fishing trip but not enough to win. We had just under 13 lbs. Once we got to the dock we were relieved to hear others had struggled but they didnt struggle enough. 15 1/2 won with a 5.6 lb kicker. 3 others in the 14 lb mark. This was a bad day for an area that usualy takes 16 to 18 lbs to win. I guess we didnt do all that bad 5th out of 12. they did have some boats that had not even weighed in. I'll never understand not weighing in. You just never know what the other person has, right? Well we had fun no matter what an thats all that matters anyway. The day was well spent. Just thought I'd share a lil of what goes on here in the south.
  9. I look for points were the wind blows across and creates current. Wich makes for great ambush spots for bass.
  10. During spring, summer and fall is the theory big bait big fish a true concept? Fill me in on some of your opinions on this topic. Personaly I beleive it to be true.
  11. A nice 6 1/2 lber on a rage frog pulling it over some thick coontail
  12. man thats awesome i would luv to go catch some smallies
  13. hey
  14. I fish caernavaron in St.Benard. I use swimbaits here n get alot of sucess with them. i've caught alot of realy good fish. i've been using the falcon swimbait i got from gus's. You should have no problem catching fish. Good kuck
  15. i fish delicroix island. its an hour from venice with the same fishing enviroment. it truly is a sportsmans paradis. i would tell anyone to visit us in southest la. redfish, trout, and bass all out the same hole. its awesome rod bending action. r you goin on a charter?
  16. anyone fish caernavaron r delicroix island
  17. awesome fish wish i could use baits like that on my home waters. theres just to much coontail.
  18. i've had this problem to. i tried different things to make them strike. i kept a steady retreive, i sped it up, gave it sudden jerks, and even let it fall. they all work at times you just have to experement withem. let the fish tell you what they want.
  19. cant catchem on the couch. ;D
  20. I would've done the exavt same thing
  21. try this lure try that lure just throw what u have confidece in and what the conditions call for. You just need to try different patterns. Read magazines and watch videos to learn the different patterns during the defferent seasons. GO GETTEM
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