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  1. ahahah OHHH HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT!
  2. haaa time out man....NO I NEVER SAID TIME IN IM STILL GETTING MY GUN! ;D ;D
  3. Good for him after all hes been through that little punk is gonna do something like that. That just goes to show you how much of a coward he is because he goes after the elderly then gets beat down by them. To bad he didn't put him in a coma. That guy shouldn't have to walk he should be carried anywhere he wants along with any war veteran.
  4. You wanna see some interesting stuff go get the new google earth. It has a new feature where you have a view from earth and you can see anything that you would be able to see with the best telescopes the world has to offer. Really cool stuff very interesting.
  5. Give him credit, he did hook up with Brooke's friends. lol 8-) Brooke Hogan...You ever see her without makeup on? I thought I was watching the bad girls episode of cops. And it looks like Mr. Hogan is FLW's new mascot ;D
  6. Sick good for you Doc...
  7. lol the rattler is like....are we done here?
  8. Ditto X2 They are in my prayers... :-/
  9. I guess thats for them to know and us to find out. hehe
  10. haha the double digit club the day that happens to me you guys will be the first to hear about it Good luck with that this season skillet I haven't been doing much just fishing, hockey, skating, riding, fishing a little when im not fishing.... ;D
  11. If you have never seen an eagle in person its a must see. The best way to describe is like your in the movie Reign of Fire because they have a wingspan of a dragon its insane. My friend has a house upstate and the guy that lives closest to him is the local butcher. He'll cut up your dear, bear, pig w.e So he throws the scraps out on his front lawn and now there are 9 eagles living in the area. Its in Narrowsburg NY, they have Eagle Fest every year. Its a big thing up there where they celebrate the birds come back. They have several nesting pairs in NY state most of which reside in that area. They are an absolute stunning sight to see. Nothing like trying to chasing an eagle on a snowmobile. We also saw one while fishing everything was great, weather, water temp there was bait everywhere but non of us(myself, my friend and his father) Could get a fish for the life of us. So we are about to call it quits when out of no where a giant bird comes diving down skims the water and comes out with what looked to be a good 4-5 pound fish. Talk about bitter sweet. Cool to see the bird but heart breaking to see him get a fish that ive been trying to catch for 5 hours in a span of 15 seconds. I've never even caught a fish above 3#'s. Then he takes it back to a tree and just looks at us like he was rubbing it in our face. ;D ;D Great day, great animal.
  12. Hey guys I don't know if you remember me, I haven't posted in over a year. I haven't been on here in such a long time that I figured why not drop a post and see what everyone is up to. I know some of you are already fishing, its almost that time for me. I can't belive I haven't been on in so long. I like the new layout, the site looks like its doing well nice job guys. So whats everyone been up to?
  13. The guy that was paralyzed for life was my best friends dad's best friend...I hope he gets the maximum punishment possible.
  14. AHH just when the fishing was heating up too. Skating has become a new hobby for me. Skateboarding that is. Some hate it some love it. Anyway, i'm sure there are some skaters here. Anyway, I was at a friends house and he has a nice 3 set in his backyard. Its a REALLY BIG 3. Its equivalent to 4 or 5 stairs. So me and my friend were layin it down and I ollied it. Foot slipped out on the landing and I rolled it over and landed on it. After a nice ER visit. Comes out to a sprain. But a nasty nasty one. It swelled up nice. Skating, school, hockey and another board have meant not really much time devoted to BR or the other board I belong to. But now i'm down for 3+ days so I should be around a little more. So hows it been guys?
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