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Everything posted by J._Bricker

  1. Same here BASS302, when it first opened my dad and grandfather took turns rowing me around the lake a rental boat as we trolled for trout! I remember there was so many crawdads it was ridiculous, but as the bass and channel cats got bigger.... Tom, the surprising thing is that big ole girl survived to get that big. For the opening of the Quarry Lakes, East Bay Regional Parks electro shocked bass in Chabot and San Pablo Res to stock those lakes. For a couple of months a lot of 6-10lb bass were caught by trout fishermen... BTW, did get to see the story and photos on another site. Read it here: http://www.westernbass.com/article/19-p ... ake-record
  2. Congratulations on that giant with a big ole belly! Hope you post a photo or two after you get it back from the taxidermist. Continued good fishing, JB
  3. Holy smokes, dats a tank!
  4. Hello and welcome to Bass Resource and the Forums Cody!
  5. Welcome to Bass Resource and the Forums Jack!
  6. Beautiful fish, congratulations to Ryan Reynolds on landing her and releasing her unharmed!
  7. I'm in the other boat Travis.... my 90 hasn't made it outta the box, but I use the 130's exclusively. The bass just crush the 130 with a vengeance that I can't get myself to throw the 90. And I'm sure we can attest those violent strikes is what makes fishing it so much fun!
  8. Welcome to the Forums Omar! Woodward might be a good choice during the week, but can be busy during the summer with jet skis and boat traffic on the weekends. Caliyak's suggestion of the fishing the Delta may be just what you're looking for, not to mention there are some sloughs that a only kayak or float tube can access. Maybe check out a bass club. The Modesto AmBASSadors come to mind.... Good fishing, JB
  9. I'm not sure where you got the information on the Delta smelt population Tom, because I found different numbers. A June 6, 2016 article in the Sacramento Bee regarding the 2016 U.S. Fish & Wildlife's release of the spring trawling surveys that track adult Delta smelt found "handfuls" of smelt across the areas they are know to spawn, leading biologists to estimate the population likely to be 13,000 smelt. The survey began in 2002, estimating the smelt population about 600,000 (597,000 posted) to the current low in 2016 of 13,000 fish. By the way, Delta smelt's life span is only one year. The article did say Dr. Peter Moyle, a UC Davis biologist who has studied the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta fish species for almost fourty years, said the smelt were the most numerous species in Delta when he began his work, numbering in the millions.....
  10. Just heard some good news. .... "Regarding the August 24-25 2016 California Fish and Game, Folsom Please note: The petition number 2016-011 (striped and black bass) has been withdrawn by the petitioners. As a result the Commission will not be taking action on this petition." http://www.fgc.ca.gov./ Thanks to all who signed the petitions. As stewards of the outdoors and our fisheries, if we don't protect them no one else will.... Continued good fishing, JB
  11. X2
  12. Beautiful fish Tim!
  13. Hello Brent Bartman, welcome to Bass Resource and the forums!
  14. Hello snake95, welcome to Bass Resource and the forums!
  15. Hello MassYak85, welcome to Bass Resource and the forums!
  16. Hello Grandpooba, welcome to Bass Resource and the forums!
  17. Hello BigFishChris, welcome to Bass Resource and the forums!
  18. Welcome to Bass Resource Pella and congratulations on the new boat!
  19. I personally have to agree with you in that Lucky Craft's hooks are razor sharp. I haven't had any issues with the stock Lucky Craft hooks which I believe are Owner hooks. I wish other lure manufactures would use the same quality hooks, then again it may be a cost consideration. But if you would have more confidence throwing 'em by swapping out the stock hooks for Gamakatsu's then do it. Good fishin'
  20. Couldn't agree more, that 7.4 is a good fish anywhere. Nice report on what sounded like a great day mosster47!
  21. A credit to its species and one monster fight on a Splash-it!
  22. iceintheveins, I recently saw your earlier post on the SF Delta, so my oppologies for bringing it up on this thread. Unfortunately as you pointed out, current water politics and policies are going to continue the decline of fisheries and of those who fish out West ....
  23. the reel ess, I'm sure you've made adjustments and we look forward to hearing about round 2! And you know at least one big girl likes that area where you got bit... Good luck, JB
  24. Welcome Chad to Bass Resource from Cali!
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