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Everything posted by J._Bricker

  1. Go Dubs!
  2. Bet you guys will find this hard to believe, but I've caught bass with those same colored eyes out here on the California Delta. My fishing partners and I thought it was odd, that on any given day a couple of fish would have red eyes. And it wasn't the 20th of April either...
  3. Nice fish Paul, and I enjoyed the account of what happened even more! Continued good fishing, I don't think you'll put that spinning rod down any time soon, JB
  4. Congratulations Jtrout on your new PB! I enjoyed the account of what took place and the photos. JB
  5. Yep, it's free parking. If you decide to fish that area (Italian), it could be good as that area was just opened to boat traffic. BTW, Bethany Reservior is also free parking. Good luck, and let us know how it went. JB
  6. Beautiful, healthy fish Dwight! How much your Mississippi PB go, and what you get her to eat?
  7. mwh33, congratulations on a very nice problem to have. IMO, the "best" boat is the one you can afford to put in your garage. As mentioned above, be diligent in your research of the brands and models you are considering. Dont underpower your boat (main motor or trolling motor) just to save a few bucks, and buy a travel cover that fits your boat at the time of purchase. And speaking from personal experience, if you're able buying a "certificate boat" from a tournament winner can save you money and allows you to pick the color, options, and upgrades. The last time I looked, *** had two Ranger certificates posted for sale. Look forward to hearing about your decision and seeing pictures of your new ride, JB
  8. Right there is a parking lot by the Forebay or on the levy with the other vehicles, just past Lazy M Marina. Like camman said, you've got the Forebay or Italian Slough to fish. I used to fish Italian out of a float tube a long time ago. Bethany Reservoir is close as well, but can be windy at times. Good luck, JB
  9. X2- but realistically that ain't gonna happen for at least a few years. Now the Raida's on the other hand, Las Vegas baby. And leaving the taxpayers with $100 million bill left to pay after the return from LA. Once again gotta look forward to the draft....
  10. Keltonz- a lot of interesting thoughts and reasoning on this topic. In my opinion, don't leave anything in your vehicle that you don't mind being stolen...... Continued good fishing, JB
  11. I'm with FR on this one, for all the reasons stated above. Even with a wetsuit, there's a reason hypothermia is dangerous and a major concern for what you're planning for this time of year.
  12. I believe they keep the nut from coming loose...
  13. This is just one fun and effective lure! Depending on the time of the year, the strikes can be violent, like the bass just wants to kill the thing. I've had bass hit it as it sits in the water tail down just before I engaged the reel. The most impressive strike is when a fish jumps out of the water and comes DOWN on the lure. I surprised myself by getting my first plopper fish to start off the morning this past weekend....
  14. X2- Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you will want to get these parts as well to prevent a repeat of the same situation.
  15. Thx J., I didn't peruse the original post and missed the part where Stephen mentioned it.... my bad, JB
  16. X2- And if possible, maybe insurance...
  17. cgolf, great topic and observation. I look at the Vision 110 and Megabass use of an "outbarb" hook as furtherance of your point regarding paint. I have Luhr Jensen Speed Traps made in the U.S., Mexico, China, and now Indonesia (which I didn't purchase). I noticed they are all basically the same lure, but original one (U.S. made) appears to be have a lighter, airbrushed paint scheme than the other two. And to my ear, the sound from the internal rattles between the three seem different. I believe this could be attributed to the thickness of the plastic, the type of plastic used, the type of metal rattles used or a combination of the all of them. I guess if it makes a difference to the bass, it will and does make a difference to us fishermen. Good fishing, JB
  18. Glad to be of help Stephen, Shimano USA would probably be the other option I'd explore. Due to the time difference with Japan, Jun could probably email you an answer by the time you put on a pot of coffee tomorrow morning
  19. Stephen, I'd contact Jun Sonoda @japantackle.com
  20. At this rate it won't be too much longer before the student surpasses the master..... Good problem to have Blue, keep on 'em Lake!
  21. My personal best caught on a ReFlexions Rex-C-701MH, so I have a very fond memory when I hear the brand name Okuma! Welcome back
  22. My blade fish this past Saturday, and had another about the same size come unbuttoned at the boat. Regarding my previous post, the winning team in Dan's Delta Outdoors out of Big Break had 5 fish for 32.58lbs. Big fish was 11.32lbs pig! So gotta stay optimistic regarding this weeks weather.....
  23. X2- I believe in retyping due to nicks in the line including tying on a new leader as the cost of doing business, as this is a fun and effective technique. I also keep my file handy, as I don't have to put as much effort into the hook set with a needle sharp hook.
  24. FrankN209, things have kinda stabilized in the Delta, so I hope you've had a chance to get out on the water. Bags of 20-32+ pounds have been caught as the big girls are moving up. Hopefully the predicted rain early this week won't change things too much. Good luck, JB
  25. Tom, great story, glad you two got 'em good! Sounds like age and experience vs youth and exuberance:). You and Fred started fishing with the two rods most of us hope we finish the day using. Personally, with lousy weather, no time on the water, going through everything fishing show I've DVR'd, and anticipating catching 'em on everything I've stockpiled in secrecy over the winter months I just might have a deck full of rods to start out the day as well..... Continued good fishing, JB
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