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Everything posted by J._Bricker

  1. Welcome to the Forums Seven_Duce!
  2. Hopefully Kerr will be OK and returns to the bench soon. Judging by the Portland series, I don't think the Dubs are going to repeat last year's mistakes. They've added a few wrinkles and seem a little more focused. Go Dubs!
  3. Caught these two sealions napping and sunning themselves as I went into a marina to fish some docks. I'm guessing they had a bass breakfast because I didn't even get bit. They're not a rare sighting on the Delta, but thought some of you might appreciate the photo. This was taken 15 minutes north of Stockton off the main channel.
  4. Sorry Justin to hear about your lower unit issues. It definitely sucks to have your boat outta' commission for any length of time, it took three weeks for me to get my boat into the shop. I'm sure your shop is like mine that the backlog is they do quality work. As for the 400R, I couldn't agree with you more. A friend has a 300 Verado and when riding in his boat I have to chuckle to myself because it sounds like a jet engine compared to my Merc. I asked the mechanic how fast the rig go, and the boat owner said he's had it up to 86mph on his GPS with still more throttle to go. I had to shake my head when I heard that, cause you could prob use the boat for bracket racing after installing a four point harness.
  5. And there's a compressor for the fuel as well. Technology right
  6. Great news! The Delta closures have been lifted, except for areas south of Tracy and Stockton.
  7. I just picked up my boat, and aside from replacing a bad thermostat and a lighter wallet I'm good to go as far as getting back on the water. While I was in the shop, I noticed a Basscat Jaguar WITH A VERADO 400R strapped to its stern. I wished I had taken a picture because it was pretty impressive. Has anyone seen this beast before and other than being able to get to your spot, what do you think?
  8. I don't know Mike. I'm pretty sure I've seen a picture last fall with A-Jay holding this same fish, er football, and she decided it was time for her spring portrait , lol. I gotta say those are beautiful pics!
  9. Works like that in Cali Burtorangefan also, and probably a quite a few other states. And your tow vehicle can impounded as evidence if the boat was transported to where the alleged poaching took place. That's why I usually ask my buddies if the have their license with them when going out on my boat or just going fishing in general. When you divide the cost of a license over 365 days, I personally think it's pretty cheap insurance to keeping your stuff.
  10. Very true Dwight. Not to mention the Cavs took the crowd outta the game during their 3rd quarter run and Indiana played poor (porous) defense. Rondo is out "indefinitely" with a fractured thumb that won't require surgery. A window is open for Boston, now will they be able to shoot the 3 consistently as they did towards the end of the regular season.
  11. Thanks runt4561, appreciate it. That's kinda what I expected to see when I popped the cowling, and man was I surprised when I didn't! Did I also mention the Mrs was also on board with making payments on a new motor as a worst case scenario. I hope nobody else has to deal with something like this 'cause it's spring and it sucks to be outta' commission... JB
  12. Last time I took the boat out fishing, I had a nice day catching some chunks and checking some new areas. I could see storm clouds on the horizon and decided to call it quits and head in before the rain came down like a cow releaving itself on a flat rock. So I get underway, tooling along at 5 grand for my 15 minute ride back to the marina and think to myself the ole girl is running really well... As I approach the 5 mph zone and come off pad, I hear a sound from the stern that takes the wind out of my sails... The sound of a couple of metal spoons and a few quarters in a blender coming from my '04 Mercury Optimax which has 684 hours on it. I take it out of gear and the sound dissipates. Put it back into gear and the sounds return as I idle back to the marina. At the same time I was thankful I didn't need to be towed in, my thoughts were I just blew the power head or have a lower end problem, what I do, I didn't think I hit any debris and the financial situation I am going to be facing... I was able to get the boat into the shop yesterday and hoped for the best, expecting the worst. After a few hours, I get a phone call from the shop advising me out of the three possible scenarios, the least damaging and least expensive occurred... the air compressor went out. I had one go out when the motor was relatively new and under warranty, this one is definitely on me. I just wanted to share this as I wait for the repairs to be completed and I can get back on the water. Continued good fishing all, JB
  13. X-2, maybe try wrapping the plug with some teflon plumber's tape and see if helps solve the problem. JB
  14. I am now a sheepdog in retirement, and I'm thankful I have my health to allow me to enjoy it. I now get to do all those things I used to do before or after work, on days off, took a day off or vacation on a daily basis. To those of you already retired or soon to be, congratulations!.... you don't need me to tell you this, but you earned it. To those who are in the middle of their career or just starting out I'd say retirement isn't necessarily for everyone, but it does give you something to look forward to while following life's path. Continued success everyone, JB
  15. Happy Easter to the Bass Resource community and your families, JB
  16. Nice chunks AndrewJ! Way to stay on 'em! I can't remember the last time I saw the water level that high. I guess I'll have something to look forward to when I head up to the Klamath. JB
  17. Not knowing where exactly you're located bma3, I'll try to help. Since Jon retired and closed Walton's Pond in San Leandro, Outdoor Pro Shop in Oakland and Mel Cottons in San Jose also closed it is tough without a little driving. There's HI's Tackle in the city, Outdoor Pro Shop in Rohnert Park, Boatmasters in Livermore, Hook,Line and Sinker and Dan's Delta Outdoors in Oakley, Outdoor Sportsman in Stockton, Fisherman's Warehouse in Manteca and San Jose, Coyote Bait and Tackle in South San Jose, and of course Basspro Shop in Manteca. I'll finish up the brick and mortar chain stores with Dick's, Big 5, and Wally World. For an order over $50, you can get free shipping and possibly next day delivery from Tackle Warehouse and Outdoor Pro Shop. I hope this helps, and let the road trip begin, JB
  18. OperationEagle, I'm not familiar with how F&G laws are applied in Minnesota or other states, but I can answer your question as it pertains to California. Your driver's license, fishing license and hunting license are all electronically linked to your driver's license. The ability to conduct the check is limited by the type and range of the communication device being used to for the check. However, each license needs to be in your possession when driving, fishing or hunting, and if not a citation may be issued. I make sure I have my fishing license with me. I'll ask friends and family fishing with me if they have their license to prevent any embarrassment if we're contacted by a warden.
  19. Aww come on RR, you having court side seats at the 'Grindhouse" has to be really cool ....
  20. Very true Tom, however effluent from treatment plants have been discharging into the Sac-San Joaquin river system for decades. Not to mention state officials ongoing efforts to "chemically treat" the delta's aquatic plants, hyacinth, and tules. Fisheries in this part of the state have suffered dramatically over the years. Those who have made the decisions and benefited have been indifferent to the decline. It'd be a win-win if all this treated water was used to irrigate orchards and certain crops, like alfalfa and cotton, saving the higher quality water for residential and businesses, not to mention fisheries and wildlife. But that would cut into someone's bottom line and force an expenditure of capital on new delivery system infrastructure. Good fishing, JB
  21. X2- some of the guides out here will cure it for steelhead fishing. Makes nice "dime size" pieces
  22. FishOnLMB, the south end of the lake is shallow with some flats, and is probably your best area to fish. Heron Bay also has some flats as well. You probably need a boat to get to Heron Bay, and the dam can be good this time of year with cranks and rip baits. If you feel like hiking up from the end of Arroyo Rd., you can get to Heron Bay. I haven't been up that way in some time, so I'm not sure what is accessible. Good luck, JB
  23. What a great idea, and long overdue Tom! Up here people were trucking reclaimed water from treatment plants just to keep their landscaping from dying during the drought, not to mention the public parks and landscaping that is irrigated with reclaimed water. Hopefully it will be implemented throughout the southern part of the state to hedge against another drought. Those tunnels are to keep almond and pistachio trees in the Central Valley watered. And a piping infrastructure system for reclaimed water probably equals jobs... JB
  24. Oh affirm frosty! And Wile E. Coyote was no where in the area
  25. While at work, I've seen bobcats, mountain lions, and even a badger (which I was also surprised they have 'em in Cali), but a roadrunner is the most rare and unusual sighting that I've experienced. We were driving up Mines Rd, which is a windy back road connecting the city of Livermore's wine district to San Jose, when I noticed something running along the right edge of the road. At first I thought it was a hen pheasant as we approached it due to it's coloring. But the bird was taller and the tail feathers were shorter. As our car pulled up alongside the bird, I was surprised to see the bird was a roadrunner! And just like the cartoon, he just kept running down the road as his idea of having fun as we drove past. I never saw a live roadrunner before, and I haven't seen one since that day....
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