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Everything posted by J._Bricker

  1. I am well @LrgmouthShad, thanks for asking. And how are you doing? Zup? As for the oil change, I haven’t changed my vehicles oil since I’ve been fortunate enough to have a boat occupy the garage. After factoring in the time, cost of the oil / filters, and disposal old oil and filter I let the dealership take care of it. I won’t take my vehicles to an oil changing station, too many stripped oil pans over the years.
  2. Merry Fishmas 2022!
  3. Stripers can definitely make any fishing trip a great one this time of year and I’m guessing you were up in the north bay. Topwater, lipless crankbaits, swimbaits, trolling broke back rebels and as you demonstrated in those pictures, jerkbaits. Thanks for the report and good fishing
  4. Absolutely correct, and the world class skiing is going to be epic ?
  5. It would depend on which river and if you’re a allowed to legally fish it with a second rod. I believe the intent of the second rod stamp was to primarily benefit those fishing lakes and reservoirs with the added fees going to the state coffers.
  6. Thanks for posting this @Happybeerbuzz, I had to check to see what I paid for my basic 2022 license with a second rod stamp ($71.02). I look forward to seeing how the increase over 2022’s license fees is going to enhance our fishing.
  7. I’m already there @AlabamaSpothunter, I’m retired and about 20-30 minutes drive from the driveway until the prop is wet and being able to explore 1100 miles of fishable water. Great weather year round, and there’s four international airports within a couple hours drive if a change of scenery is needed.
  8. Rebel wee or tiny wee crawfish ?
  9. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Bass Resource members and your families!
  10. Merry Christmas and Merry Fishmas @roadwarrior! Your Fishmas gift is/has been enroute for a few days now and is probably somewhere between here and there. Merry Fishmas!
  11. Definitely agree @Luke Barnes, my Fishmas 2022 package is now on it’s way cross country to it’s recipient
  12. After a lengthy delay (you pick the reason) that was outta my hands, I’ll ship my Fishmas gift UPS tomorrow morning. Given the weather expected for much of the nation heading into this holiday weekend I just gotta hope the package arrives at its destination in record time. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
  13. I honestly don’t have a clue ‘cause I’ve never bothered to count them.
  14. My Fishmas 2022 package arrived late yesterday afternoon. Thank you and Merry Fishmas @MN Fisher for this haul of bass catching supplies, very much appreciated! The quality of those Fogy’s is impressive, it’s pretty easy to see why they are a favorite of yours and other Bass Resource members. Thanks @deaknh03 for being the wizard behind the curtain and setting up Fishmas 2022. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
  15. @Catt, Sorry to hear of the loss of your brother.
  16. I had some U-40 that turned to gelatin like consistency, probably due to my storing it in the garage. I stirred in a little distilled water and it seemed to work sealing the cork of my just purchased Expride as if it was a jar that was just opened. At the beginning of the pandemic one of my projects was cleaning up my cork rod handles. I filled in the divots, sanded with fine grain sandpaper/ Emory paper and sealed the handles with U-40 which I hadn’t used before. All the cork filler has remained intact which I believe is due to musing the U-40 to seal it. Regarding the use of those magic erasers on rod handles, I noticed their use would start to accentuate the rings of cork that the handles were made of and gave the cork handle a wavy feel. Just my thoughts and observations regarding my tackle, YMMV.
  17. Can’t disagree with that plan of action, but I was shopping for three worthy recipients ?.
  18. When I was PM’d my recipients for Fishmas2022 I did a little research and placed an order a short time later. I just checked on the status of that order and it’s not gonna arrive at my house around the 21st, crazy stuff. With luck that package will get here sooner so I can get it shipped out with as of yet arrival date. Just curious, am I the only one in this boat? And to my Fishmas2022 recipient I apologize for the SNAFU. Merry Fishmas!
  19. The Niners are relevant as far as the playoffs go, and as of yet there hasn’t been much drop off in play at quarterback. Kinda interesting how you’re irrelevant until you’re not. A lot of teams are looking at their QB depth chart cause they don’t want to rely on option #2. And I appreciate your sense of humor @Bird, but I don’t think Buffalo or Minnesota’s Super Bowl drought is gonna change any time soon. And I’m a fan of Josh Allen who can sling it like Jim Kelly back in the day.
  20. I agree Minnesota will host a playoff game but I think the Niners have a good shot at getting that #2 seed. Those two away games to close out the season in the Black and Blue Division won’t be easy
  21. Another Purdy good game for the Niners last night and made even sweeter by conquering the NFC West with a big win over Seattle on their own field. Things seem to be falling into place at quarterback given the circumstances unforeseen at the start of the season. The playoff picture is clear that all roads are going through Philadelphia. Go Niners!
  22. My SIL sent me this photo from today’s game. It’s definitely the place you want to see a HOF quarterback and arguably the GOAT spend the majority of game against your team….
  23. Outstanding! BR members are always willing to help a good cause
  24. Just checking in @slonezp, how close are we to attaining the charity’s goal?
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