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Everything posted by fishhard

  1. I would also like to say thanks to everyone again, being that I am in afghanistan, and I fish with bassinsoldier. I also received care packages from rondef and crew. All you guys are making me jealous with those fish, but keep those stories and pictures coming. Going from running from rockets to reading about fish in weed pockets, awesome. God bless everyone and thanks a million.
  2. If I am back from afghanistan I will be there, I am like 30 minutes away.
  3. I would try using a blade bait, and just cast it out let it sink to the bottom, and just lift the rod tip until you feel the vibration and let it sink again, then just do the same thing but just in different rhythms, it seems to work for me, even when their is snow on the ground. Or do the same thing with a rattle trap, just fish it like you would fish a jig. Lifting the tip until you feel the vibrations. Another thing is a jerkbait, twitched about three times real fast, then let sit for as long as you can stand it, then three slow twitches, letting it sit about 15 seconds between each twitch. Good Luck, Let me know if you try it and if it works for you.
  4. Been here a while, met some awesome guys on here, but I have never really introduced myself to everyone else so here goes. My name is Shannon( I am a male), I am originally from Louisiana, I grew up fishing for SAC-A-LAIT(CRAPPIE). I have been in the army for 10 years now, I have been bass fishing for 9 of those ten. I fish small ponds and lakes on Ft. Campbell, ky. I also fish lake barkley, kentucky lake, I am a member of stateline bass club in tennessee. I caught my first bass, about 3 pounds when I was blue gill fishing with my wife a kids, and I have been hooked ever since. I was throwing this big lipped tennessee shad crankbait( which I now know to be a deep diving crankbait), into about three feet a water digging into the rocks, didn't know I was actually doing something until the fish hammered it, and now it' bass, bass, bass.
  6. Wow, Your starting to make me jealous , just kidding. Good job on those fish, I tried fishing in 39 degree weather once and I caught the FLU, so you are by far a better fisherman than I am ;D. As for now, being in the big sandbox, maybe I should start posting pictures of the taliban ?, what do u think? No just kidding again. Take care ron and how is the grandson?
  7. Nice job and fish Ron It's still better than what I'm catching right now
  8. Nice fish ron, good job. Great looking farm pond also
  9. RON and JASON, First off congrats on the bundle of joy, awesome. ;D Second you two are a splitting image of each other. That is what makes me proud to be doing what I am doing for the country, take good care of him and enjoy every minute that you are around him. Congrats
  10. Congrats, nice looking fish you got there, beautiful scenery in the back ground.
  11. Glad you enjoyed it man, take these last four months and be careful man, I got 5 left over here in afghanistan, I am now the bn s-4 ncoic, so I am off of the roads man, thank god. I get promoted again 1 oct so u know we are going to have to celebrate my promotion and yours by going to the lake. Hey I want to hit that sopt with you, but I am terrified of jake(snakes) did u see any in there with you. If you can convinve me there is no jakes i'll be happy to step in the lake with you. Watch your 6, remember, complacity is what gets most people on the way home, stay aggressive and trust nothing, if u didn't put it down don't pick it up. See you in a few months ;D
  12. You had to rub it in didn't you. Well, congrats and what are you doing in the water man(lol) I ain't getting in there with you unless we got a boat dude. I know the feeling of catching bass after being in the sandbox, enjoy the time you have left, man trust me. Congrats on the fish, kentucky will be our spot when we are both back in the states, i'm planning on getting a boat around feb, right before I get home. Can't wait to hook up with you again.
  13. I fish them on shaky head(watermelon seed, or pumpkin), weightless over grass(yellow) or texas rig(junebug, or watermelon seed). Hope this helps
  14. I fish topwaters and jerkbaits, I also through jigs to isolated cover. I am a what works for me is what I fish type of guy, so maybe some of the more experienced guys on here can tell you something better. I am sure swimbaits would work miracles this time of year. Good Luck
  16. A few things, first off SGT Shafer, well will definitely fish ft.campbell dry, along with joey(bassinsoldier), second on the plate, what we do as soldiers, we understand and execute with no questions, it is a duty and we accept it with selfless service. You guys that support us are our heroes because we realise that you could turn your back to us, but the things you are doing makes us fight harder to protect the fact that their are model americans that have our back. Keeping america, america right. Anyway let me get off my soapbox and just say thanks to all, especially rondef and vokol. P.S. I just purchased some of those mattlures that I have been reading about on this site, and I am even more pumped, so in two days, i got a box full of dvd's, snacks, and some mattlures, I am to excited to be at combat ;D
  17. I know this has nothing to do with catching fish, but it's about catching a heck of a guy. I am in afghanistan, and I have been in contact with rondef, lately, the guy is 100% awesome. Over the last few days he managed to tip a canoe(sorry), lose equipment, venture into a beaver dam, use a big magnet to find equipment, be a husband and a family man, and get this, record fishing shows and burn them on dvds to send to me in afghanistan, just awesome. These dvd's will surely make me and my guys time over here better, I salute you rondef, for being a model citizen. All who read this can you please help me out by doing the same. Thanks SGT Shannon Peters
  18. Good Job, and nice looking fish, I can't wait to return home to hit up those tenessee waters again.
  19. I get shot at for a living, so a bass CAN BITE ME OR CUT ME ALL DAY LONG.
  20. Ron, Sorry about your accident, I am glad to hear your ok, I made a new friend in meeting you on here, and the support you have shown me here in afghanistan is highly respectable, so if you can send me your address, I can have my wife send you a rod and reel or two, that I am not using, out of respect for what you did for me and my soldiers. I am glad your son is safe also.
  21. nice fish good job
  22. thanks guys
  23. Nice Fish, ron very nice, I'm on my way to catch some taliban
  24. Nice looking fish, the c-rig is an awesome set-up, I have had much luck using french fries and also c-rigging jerk baits. Good Job
  25. Nice fish, wish you would have landed the first one also.
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