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Everything posted by Dawson

  1. Ok question of the day... I have wondered this for about 20 years now.. why is it that with spinnerbaits and buzzbaits, the baits are designed so that you cannot use a snap? Crankbaits are great.... you can switch one out in 10 seconds. But why are buzzbaits and spinnerbaits designed this way?
  2. I just picked up an Abu Garcia Veritas 7'6" MH rod, and man so far I am impressed! Super super light and sensitive.. and I like the microguides. If it holds up, this may be my new favorite... and for 100 bucks, can't beat it!
  3. Ok I have used both the Crucial and the Carrot Stix. IMHO, the winner is the Carrot. The Carrot that I used was a 7'9" Extra heavy, and I have never felt so in charge with a rod. Super sensitive, and incredibly light. However there was about a year in between using the two, so its not like I used them side by side. All I know is that the Carrot really left an impression on me. Close behind it though, was the Crucial for sure. Third would be the Falcon Lowrider.
  4. I have 4 Acadia rods, all F-Series, all 6'6" MH. Here is the best way I can describe them. They are built well, they are tough, and have quality components. I have yet to break one, and if I were ever going to break one, it would have been on the 8lb bass I wrestled in this summer that made his way under my boat.. .what a fight that was! But the rod held up! So, as far as durability, they are solid. However, the difference in these rods, and higher end rods is the feel. If you are fishing with a crankbait, or even topwater, I think they are fine. but if you are fishing plastics, and want to stay in the lower priced stuff, I would suggest something in the Allstar, St. Croix, Falcon, etc. For around 70 bux, I believe you can pick up a nice rod that will have much better feel. But overall,, for the price you pay, the Acadia rods are hard to beat!
  5. You are going to love your new Energy. I have a few high end reels, and for some reason, the Energy feels the best in my hand. I cannot explain why. Also, I can cast more accurately with it than my other reels. Same with my Quantum Accurist AC500CX. Feels awesome and casts like a dream. Also note: with the Energy, for the first several fishing trips, you will more than likely hear a little bit of bearing whine when you cast. Don't worry, it's normal. Once the bearings seat in, the noise goes away. I have a fishing buddy that has 3 of them and he said all 3 of his did this until they got broke in a little. Mine did it too, and now it is completely silent. I could not be happier with a reel. ;D
  6. 1 piece.. no doubt. (Unless of course you want one to keep behind the seat of your truck, then go with a 2).
  7. Sufix Elite and Sufix Siege. Alternative would be Trilene XT or XL.
  8. I think line choice is always going to come down to personal preference, because each person is looking for something different from his/her line. I hate line memory, some guys don't mind it. I also want a line to be super strong, especially abrasion resistant. I have tried them all.. and for me its... #1 choice - Sufix Elite 14lb #2 choice - Sufix Seige 14lb In my opinion, there is no other line. P-Line is definitely the strongest, but has terrible line memory. Trilene XL and XT are great lines, as well as Yo-Zuri hybrid (have not tried ultra-soft, but the hybrid was not as abrasion resistant as the Sufix for me).... but in my experience, nothing holds a candle to Sufix. Mega-strong and almost no line memory. And you won't have to treat it with anything. Try it.
  9. Quantum Accurist AC500CX
  10. If it is the AC500CX you are going to love it. Heck of a bang for the buck. I have never had a problem out of mine. Nice and smooth.
  11. Elite.. can't go wrong, it is awesome!
  12. 14 lb for baitcasters, sufix elite or sufix siege 8 lb trilene XL for my zebco's.
  13. If you are talking about the Bass Pro Shops R.C. reel, I give it a 10 out of 10! Very good reel!!
  14. Oh and I forgot to mention, a twitchin' bar is handy when frogging.... I think only Daiwa makes reels with the bar... and with frogging, I think the cast is the most important part... if you can, cast it just barely on the bank, or on top of the moss, watercress, lilly pads, whatever. Then ease it off into the water, and thats when they usually hit it.. up in the "scum"!!
  15. Ok out of all the lures on the planet, I would pick a scum frog over anything (or a spro). I discovered frog fishing just a few years ago, and since, it is all I want to do. I will share what I have learned, and hopefully it can help some. I am not claiming this to be the gospel, however I am claiming that in my experience this is what I have learned. First and foremost, I do not believe that color matters. I have at least 5 of every color made, and I always rotate through them and it makes zero difference. I do believe that when fishing topwater of any kind, from a bass perspective looking up towards the sky, they see merely a shadow. Secondly, the chance of catching a bass on a frog when the sun is bright, is vastly reduced. I am sure you already know this but a bass cannot see the water surface well when the sun is glaring down, (try it in a pool sometime you will see) so the chances of them seeing it are less, and if they do see it and go for it, the chances of them missing it by a mile are good. And last but not least, and I learned this the HARD WAY.... when they hit it, if you immediately try and set the hook, you will miss 7 out of 10 at least. When bass eat frogs, believe it or not, often they will bite down on them, then exhale them out of their mouths for just a second, then inhale them back in. If you try and set the hook immediately, you are pulling when the frog is out of it's mouth and you miss. I was taught by my uncle, that when they hit it, wait 1 full second, then let em have it. You will land 9 out of 10. It is hard to do because you will be excited to set the hook. But just try it 1 time... let em hit it, wait a second, then set the hook. You will have him. As far as spro's taking on water, mine do too, every time. Good luck!!
  16. 1. Scum Frog (Original color white/green/black) 2. Bandit crankbait (Baby Bass color) 3. Buzzbait (Any color) 4. Chatterbait (white) 5. Spinnerbait (twin thumpers, black with red eyes)
  17. I like to have several brands of reels on hand, so I have a couple from most of the big brands. I have 3 Quantums. 2 Energy PT's and an Accurist AC500CX. I love all 3 of them. I have ran them through the ringer I might add. They feel great in my hand, very smooth, and reliable. I cannot agree with some people that Quantum makes only junk reels. I am only speaking from personal experience with these 2 models. I love em.
  18. Hey Adam I love mine! I currently have 8 of them. I have yet to break one and I fish them hard. At first I was skeptical, because it seemed too good to be true.. but turns out this is one case where you actually get more than your moneys worth. No they are not Loomis rods, but they don't claim to be either. They are just good, solid, long lasting rods. I am like you, just had a baby and I don't have 250.00 to spend on a rod that I will probably step on and break. You just can't beat 2 for 60 bucks.
  19. I have yet to find a better line than Sufix Elite. I tried Yo Zuri Hybrid for a month on a few of my baitcasters, and it did not have the abrasion resistance that the Sufix does. I like both the Elite and the Seige, but if I could pick one it would be the Elite. It casts super smooth, low line memory, and super strong. I am a Sufix man for life!
  20. I have fished my megaforce fairly hard last fall and this spring. No problems so far. Knock on wood! I actually like the reel. Sure as I say that it will probably break! haha..
  21. Scumfrog... white with green and black speckles (natural frog color). In my humble opinion, the best single bait in the world.
  22. I know this is kind of 'out there' for a bass forum, but I bet some of you have experienced this problem too. I have two brand new zebco 33's, one is a platinum and one is a classic. Both of them have a problem. When I cast, the line will suddenly catch about half way to where I want to cast to, like it is getting caught on the catch pin inside or something. I have tried respooling often, with good line, always trilene xt or xl, and have used 6lb test up to 10lb test. I can't figure this out. Usually, 33's are pretty darn reliable but this is driving me nuts. Any suggestions? Am I putting too much line on them or something?
  23. St. Croix vote here. Although the Rick Clunn is awesome too. I have never fished with the other two.
  24. KvD, I also took advantage of this sale and ordered one. I would have recommended this but it almost seems too good to be true and wanted to receive mine in the mail before I recommended it to anyone. I have not owned an Energy but a good friend of mine owns 4 and he fishes them hard, and tells me that it is one of the finest reels he has ever fished with.
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