Ok out of all the lures on the planet, I would pick a scum frog over anything (or a spro). I discovered frog fishing just a few years ago, and since, it is all I want to do. I will share what I have learned, and hopefully it can help some. I am not claiming this to be the gospel, however I am claiming that in my experience this is what I have learned. First and foremost, I do not believe that color matters. I have at least 5 of every color made, and I always rotate through them and it makes zero difference. I do believe that when fishing topwater of any kind, from a bass perspective looking up towards the sky, they see merely a shadow. Secondly, the chance of catching a bass on a frog when the sun is bright, is vastly reduced. I am sure you already know this but a bass cannot see the water surface well when the sun is glaring down, (try it in a pool sometime you will see) so the chances of them seeing it are less, and if they do see it and go for it, the chances of them missing it by a mile are good. And last but not least, and I learned this the HARD WAY.... when they hit it, if you immediately try and set the hook, you will miss 7 out of 10 at least. When bass eat frogs, believe it or not, often they will bite down on them, then exhale them out of their mouths for just a second, then inhale them back in. If you try and set the hook immediately, you are pulling when the frog is out of it's mouth and you miss. I was taught by my uncle, that when they hit it, wait 1 full second, then let em have it. You will land 9 out of 10. It is hard to do because you will be excited to set the hook. But just try it 1 time... let em hit it, wait a second, then set the hook. You will have him. As far as spro's taking on water, mine do too, every time. Good luck!!