I did this to my boat, I had a mach1 speedboat that i converted into a part time bass boat. I built a trolling motor mount out of 2x8 treated wood to clamp over my front. My mount extended 13" over the front, used a steel L-bracket to mount a 2x2 for the motor to clamp too. The 36" shaft worked great on the boat until we hit 2' waves.
The only thing I wish I did was install 2 industrial hinges to pull the motor out of the water with. I had to remove the motor from the front every time I needed to move far.
I was fishing a BFL tourney on Lk ST Clair, and my boater was using a excaliber lipless in ghost color. He had his 5 fish limit within 35 min. of fishing. I was using crawl colored and they wouldn't even touch it. He loaned me a ghost colored lipless, and caught 3 within minutes.
Being a life long resident of Michigan, there are also some outstanding smallie lakes all over michigan. The Great lakes come to mind, Houghton lake, all kinds of lakes.
Depends on where you live, your probably only about 5 miles from any lake that would provide outstanding bass waters.
The length of the cord may play a factor in it if it is to small of gauge. How much air room do you have around the charger in the compartment? If you do not have air circulation that may play a factor.
You should always use a least a 12 gauge extention cord when charging the battery. A 16 or 14 gauge cord may have some voltage drop depending on the length of cord.
Not road kill, even though that would work too ;D
stuffed bass it is yummy. When I tournament fish, if there are dead fish, I may keep those. They work perfect for dinners
Start by skinning the fish or scaling. Gut it and cut the head off, stuff it with mushed crab meat and celery, yellow peppers, and bake it. now that's a tasty treat.
I use the 1500 also, I had a body shop guy who does fiberglass vettes and he gave me 80 sheets of the 1800. I misspoke and should have wrote to use it on the gel coats.
I found that this gave me a better finish on the little bubbles and pin holes on the gel coat.
How much time do you have? If this is a project boat and you have time do it right and lay new fiberglass, and layer it slowly. Sand it in between coats, then on the final layer use a 1800 grade paper, sand it smooth and paint then apply gel coat. Do the gel coat in layers.
I've always been a dock jumper, but have started fishing the deep structures. Not yet sure what I favor yet. I have caught some mighty big fish off the docks.
Use a 1996 GMC JImmy, pull a Triton 176 mag. with a 115 on back. Plus a 20' Mach1 w/115hp speedboat with no problem. Very seldom do I go into 4x4 unless i'm on a gravel ramp.
I use snaps, even on topwater lures, depending on the size off the lure.
Will tie direct though when going into weeds. Tie direct to plastics, and jigs
What part of the country are you in? They maybe brim hitting the top of the water. If bass, use a clear topwater bait, and find out what they maybe feeding on to determine size. Let the bait sit for awhile then twitch it a little. 15 sec pause, twitch, 15 sec pause. etc...
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