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Everything posted by tritonman

  1. Fried rabbit and scrambled eggs, couldn't ask for a better meal.. lol
  2. man that site made me hungry!! I'm headin over to Red Lobter for steak and fish ;D ;D ;D ;D
  3. That's funny ;D ;D ;D ;D
  4. Squid.. I'm takin orders he's coming up next month
  5. Thats a pig!!! Almost looks like its mixed with a spot... kinda like a poodle and a lab
  6. Squid, how much kickback is Stricker giving you for this announcement???? ;D
  7. I'll just stick to my pickle juice.. it'll knock the (poop) out of you ;D ;D
  8. Aren't CAT..... WOMEN.. all high maintenance?? ;D ;D
  9. Sorry to hear about you friends misfortune. I'm glad to hear their son went on to play, this was good to help clear the mind. As a Fire/Electrical Inspector I see this alot, and what their son did was great for something like this.
  10. Congrate man!! That's awesome
  11. For the money, the $20.00 0r so is still uch cheaper than a lower unit. Or even better yet someone elses life
  12. Those were good ;D
  13. They taste great to when their stuffed with bream and crabmeat.
  14. With the clips you need to watch how many fish you have in the well and how many you clip, if to many they will tangle and fall off the fish. With the stiffness of the x-tool clip this may not be a problem.
  15. Hey!!! guess what!! I was right. BOYD DUCKETT WON ;D ;D ;D
  16. Yes I like them, I have all the colors and weights, though only have caught fish on the blue/black.
  17. OH YEAH, one was a white bass too ;D
  18. It's Saturday morning, and I'm watching the live coverage of the Bassmaster Classic ;D ;D I challenge anyone out there.. I predict that Boyd Duckett will win the Classic ;D ;D COME ON any takers????lol ;D
  19. I've been front ended by the boater before, and have lost fish to them, but I have also outfished the front guy.
  20. Congrats, it's your time of spoilin now, then send them home My son always comes home spoiled when he went to grampa's house and went fishin.
  21. Congrat LBH, now you will also have more time for the forum board on rainy days
  22. Maybe he should head over to the FLW. ;D ;D
  23. ok you got me squid... they were striped bass
  24. I feel for you Fisher of men. From what I am hearing on the weather channel is that this is supposed to be a very dry spring and summer. Hopefully you wont dry up.
  25. Sorry guys I lied it was a bullhead
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