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Everything posted by tritonman

  1. Can you guys tell me how big this lake is, and what kind of bass are in this, smallies or largies
  2. Own a Triton boat, along with that when bought came a Triton shirt, still waiting for my check from Triton for their advertisement (free). It's all free advertisement for these companies, most probably will not complain until you hit the big time.
  3. You may also want to make sure you tell your insurance company that you fish tournaments, and that you may have a co-angler along that is not a family member. I hear State Farm will not insure if you fish tournaments. Try Anglers Advantage Insurance, you'll be suprised on their prices, they can beat Progressive.
  4. Yes, a son teaches a DAD .. You should be really proud of him, get him a scrapbook book and load those pictures up with comments...who knows he could be the next KVD
  5. Where in Ohio are you located?
  6. You wanna make sure your boat is equipped with a shut off switch attached to your life vest.
  7. Was in the building trades for 25 years, now i'm in the cushy job as a building inspector telling everyone what the code is ;D
  8. Is that dog paddle or breast stroke ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  9. From one Triton owner to a new one...Welcome to the club!!!! By the way......Nice advertisement for the Electric Company ;D ;D..now all you have to do is do the same wrap on the boat... Must be a electrician thing to notice that pulling vehicle.
  10. This will also depend on how much money you are willing to spend. You could buy a standard scale and use a fish basket to weigh the fish or you can go all out and get a digital scale. They range around 200.00 and up for a good waterproof tournament scale
  11. The NBAA has a division in Dane and Walworth counties. You can check them out by their website:www.nbaa-bass.com
  12. If money is a reason for not buying a rod and reel and you need to fish, i would stay with just snaps NOT swivel snaps.
  13. What!!! she said yes right away!!!That's great.... SQUID you need to take notes from speedbead.. he knows how to get a answer Congrats man!!
  14. Yes they work, and just wait and keep looking for those nice GULP GOBIES that are soon to be on the market.
  15. This is no different then the prison systems. The prisons get overcrowded so we let the low security prisoners off early, still however on probation. We pay for them in prison, and we pay for them on probation, we pay for a place for them to live, and a place for them to work. I believe we should send them into the military, since we have to pay them anyways. And since we are short on people joining the service and fighting in the middle east, send them over onto the front lines. If they survive then they can come home free.
  16. Another thing to consider is your vehicle. Is it able to pull a glass boat. For me, I am partial to aluminum boats, I have a triton aluminum boat, and I can go much shallower than a glass boat. Also not as worried about rocks and stumps as I would be in a glass boat
  17. I would use 1200 to 1500 sandpaper for fiberglass if you are looking at a fine finish. You can also use this on the gelcoat once you are done painting.
  18. Way2slow is correct, put everything on manual and zero out everything. Start adjusting once your on water. Also make sure your power is not on the same battery as your trolling motor.
  19. I would look more at a 50# thrust, this will help you move around better on windy days. Being a aluminum boat the wind will blow it around more than a glass boat. A 50# thrust will not be much more in cost, and parts are easier to find for that size.
  20. sorry for your loss
  21. George Washington here. Now I know why I enjoy standing up in a boat so much over rivers ;D ;D ;D
  22. WRONG.... It would look much better GREEN and WHITE with a S on it... It's the natural look
  23. I like the Solar Bats, I own three pair each with a different color of lense for different types of fishing. I take all three with me when I go out on the water. They vary in price from 14.00 to 200.00 and different styles.
  24. It also helps to sign up with a guareteed boater to get a spot as a co-angler
  25. 100% scot here, 5th generation American, came to North Carolina from Scotland. So I guess you can call me a hillbilly scot ;D ; ;D I can still read some Gaelic, and speak very little, now that my grandparents are all gone the language is losing ground on us new generation. But i still have that hillbilly sound
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