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Everything posted by CWilliams

  1. This will have to do until I get pictures of all my stuff. Its packed away for the winter.
  2. I did not know there was a steez cane pole.
  3. Ok. You're taking it personally. I will present you a third option. The reference was actually toward Fourbizz's post. Please allow me to expound. Foubizz catches huge fish on "average" gear. Not the best, not the worst. Steezy catches "average" fish on amazing gear. (Nothing wrong with catching "average" fish, that's what I catch too.) My "equation" in the first post was a reference to that. I would PERSONALLY rather catch big fish on mundane, ordinary gear than own a boatload of 1000 dollar combos and catch dinks. Good day sir. I still fail to see why it has to be one or the other? Why cant one catch big fish using nice gear? Maybe you are not the person to ask.....maybe fourbizz will chime in with the answer.
  4. The highlighted part was what you said. Two ways I see it can be taken....My less expensive gear allows me to catch more fish or....IF you buy expensive gear you are not a good fisherman. Both make no sense and the second is a personal attack. Either way....not impressed. I fail to see how this could be taken any differently if you said it to me in person.
  5. Not jealousy. Big fish on average gear > average fish on amazing gear. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Please explain how your average gear outfishes steezy's gear? It doesnt. No matter how many times a week you want it to. If Steezy would have implied his expensive gear catches more fish, how do you think that would go over? If every rod and reel were the same price, nobody here would be talking about Bass Pro reels. IM 6 rods would get igonored rather than celebrated. If my hobby was woodworking or fixing cars I would want the best tools. I fail to see why anyone spending their money, on something they want, is met with such hostility here.
  6. Ill enjoy my nice gear and catch fish......as I am sure steezy does too. Jealousy is easy to spot on this forum.
  7. What rods have you used that were too brittle to be paired with braid?
  8. I never had the binding issue with any of my Stradic reels. I would use my FGs river fishing and was not carefull with them at all.First I heard of the binding issues was when I joined these forums. If I had binding problems there is no way I would countinue to buy Stradics. I am not claiming the problem did not exist......just happy I did not experience it. My CI4's have all been great, so far.
  9. I was hoping for a response from nibbles.....
  10. New stradic is lighter. I prefer it over my other stradics and even my sustain.
  11. Who and where? I have never heard or seen that problem.
  12. I'm sorry, but unless you had AADD, you would have no idea.... I do that to my own threads just as often. And BTW, I believe it was a mod who first mentioned trucks. Jfrancho, stock or not, that is one sweet Z71..... And now tell me your not showing it off. Heck, I would be Anyway, "value" or "worth" is such a subjective thing. Would a Bugatti Veyron be worth $1.5 million to you ? Not me. But if I were a bazillionaire and loved cars, sure ! Why not Like I told Steezy in a PM, I'd be afraid to even try one of those $500 reels, for fear I might like it too much ! On the other hand, I still believe I will catch as many, and as big of fish with my cheaper reels. So, their you are. Is "any" response from me, still considered a catch ? : Peace, Fish I was just making fun of the last thread, didnt mean to single you out. I buy the fishing stuff I want. I suspect everyone else does the same.
  13. This is about the point where someone shows off their truck to totally throw the thread off course.
  14. CI4 for $160 at http://www.reedssports.com/Product/Product.taf?_function=detail&_ID=20627 Going to be hard to beat at that price.
  15. Thats the point I was trying to get to. I am guessing people are basing their opinions off low quality foam. Same can be said about cork. Quality cork is great...the rest, not so much.
  16. x2 Same question to you: What rods have you fished that had foam handles and what did you not like?
  17. What rods have you fished that had foam handles and what did you not like?
  18. I have no preference. I wonder if people who say they hate foam, have actually fished with a stick that had quality foam. When fishing, what kind of handle I have, never crosses my mind. I am too busy trying to figure out why I can't catch anything.
  19. Added a couple more to the collection.
  20. He corrected himself. Said he has the Revo Premier.
  21. I do not use the part of my finger you have covered.
  22. Cumara or Cumulus depending on how much you want to spend.
  23. What do you guys use to keep your stuff looking/working like new? I use: http://www.***.com/Tackle_Warehouse_Casting_Reel_Covers/descpage-TWRC.html TW reel covers for my baitcasters. http://www.***.com/Shimano_Neoprene_Spinning_Reel_Covers/descpage-SSRC.html Shimano covers for my spinning reels. http://www.***.com/Falcon_Rod_Sock/descpage-FRRS.html Falcon rod socks.
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