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Everything posted by dallas0996

  1. Maybe we could do a small cash pool (10 bucks ahead) or something for a "lunker" prize or something.... I have no idea what the legality around that is or if anyone else even thinks it's a good idea...but just a thought since I don't really have anything cool to contribute except for wise@ss remarks.... ;D ;D .... of course that's subjective I suppose
  2. I'm not complaining by any means! Just the thought of it made me laugh, so I thought I would share. ;D
  3. I guess I could just show up and sit on a bench waiting for someone to pick me.....freakin' grade school dodgeball all over again! HAHAHAHA!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  4. I'm still interested if there is an open seat!!
  5. I live in Northbridge now, and have had great success on the ponds in that area; just this year I have pulled multiple LMB in the 2 lb range out of Whitins Pond in addition to the 6.5lb. LMB I got mid-june. I have also hit a 5.5lb LMB, 4.5lb. LMB and a 3lb SMB out of Carpenter Res. in the last few weeks in addition to multiple 1-2lb LMB. Not sure if you are still in the area, but it's been good for me! PS. these have all been caught from the shore...I am the "idiot" in the blue Tacoma that shore fishes with baitcasters
  6. I would love to be a part of the fun, I live one town over from douglas! I am one of the boatless masses though.... Maybe we could come up with a rudimentary boater/rider list to see what we have....
  7. Went to the local Res. saturday late afternoon and got mostly nothing right up until sunset...then hit a 4.5 lbr on a weedless Senko that I was throwing out of desperation...made my night...but trying to get that deep hook out in low light was a bear...she hit it so lightly I thought I was weeded up....
  8. Kid...where in Wva you at? I still have quite a bit of kin out Wardensville way....Orndorffs been in Hardy county since back before we kicked out the British...
  9. Thanks guys...seems like I am questioning myself with no good reason...but I have always had trouble with the whole "color" thing... I feel dumb now....
  10. Hi guys, I was out trying out a new reservoir near work and ended up getting to do a bit of sight fishing. Cast my line out about 30 feet with a weedless senko rigged and saw 2 cruisers come by the shore about 10 feet out. burned my line back in to cross their path and BAM! the one closest to the worm nailed it! I reeled him in and his buddy took off. Definitely fought like a what I expect a smallie to and I sent him back on his way. Tore my senko in half and instead of running back to the truck (I was pretty much on lunch break) I re-rigged half of the senko and sent it back out...wouldn't ya know? His buddy came back around and pummeled my little makeshift grub!! So 2 for the price of 1 inside of 10 minutes. these guys both ran around 15-16 inches maybe a bit bigger and I was convinced on the shoreline that they were smallies. But now looking at the pic, (albeit a lousy phonecam pic) I am questioning my ability to id smallies!! So 2 questions... 1. Is this a smallie? 2. what is the absolute 1 characteristic besides the eye/jaw lateral line that IDs a smallie from a LMB? I feel like an idiot, but I have just recently been introduced to SMB, having caught LMB and Spotted almost exclusively.
  11. Ute is only another hour or so northeast of Santa Rosa; and blows SR out of the water... try it on a long weekend for fishing/camping with some buddies or something and I recommend having a boat....and watch out for the Tarantulas BTW I lived in ABQ for over 20 years and it has some fantastic fishing if you are willing to drive...the high altitude lakes up north are awesome Navajo, Heron, El Vado, Vallecita... just my .02 D
  12. If you have a drop off like that, I would start by throwing a T-rig softbait or a Jig n craw and work it backup towards the shore at angles. Working deep to shallow (I mostly shore fish) on drop offs always seems to produce well for me especially with jigs; plus the t-rig and jigs will get your presentation deep pretty quickly. I would also stick with natural colors this time of year, especially if the water clarity is good. just my $.02.
  13. I was killing 'em this past sunday with a 3/8 strike king watermelon bitsy flippin jig trailing a 3" Yum crawdad colored craw papi...I would say this has been my most successful combo to date; the water clarity is so high around my area, the natural colors seem to always work the best. I had 3 keepers take it and toss it...then I trimmed the brush guard...shortly after that I landed a 3lbr LM and followed up shortly with 3 1 to 2 lbrs... would have stayed the day but the honey-do list was tapping me on the shoulder..... > "I'm gonna miss her...." -Brad Paisley
  14. I live in Northbridge; more precisely Whitinsville, which is very close to you and has a ton of ponds perfect for your boating setup...can't promise alot of smallie action (I've caught a few here and there) but great LM action..I have hit a 6# on whitins pond and a 5# on Carpenter Res. and tons of smaller LMB here and there... Hit google earth or google maps, and you will see what I mean. I've also heard good things about Whitehall Res. in Hopkinton, but haven't tried it. Good Luck and maybe I'll see you out there. D
  15. Hey Guys, Sis has a place on the potomac right near goose bay; private dock and everything. I am going to be visiting her in a couple weeks and need some advice on what I should be throwing to get some action from the shore and out on the boat; not really too particular about what I catch this trip (though I would like to hit some striper) just that I have some fun! I'm originally from Va/W.Va, but all of my fishing was usually on the shenandoah.....
  16. What pond? Could be in my neck of the woods. I have had pretty good luck with smallies here and there, fishing Yum 3.5"crawbugs t-rigged.
  17. Looks like a bowfin...also called a dogfish or mudfish...I could be wrong of course..... Mostly live in the deep south I believe....
  18. I have noticed that when I fish the ponds around my area (south of worcester) I usually get lots of hits (good sized pickerel but smallish bass for the most part) using hard plastic lures mostly...the 2 biggest bass I have caught up here so far have been a 3.5 lber on a top water popper late last summer (I was actually burning it back in at the time) and last week I was fishing a texas rigged 3.5" YUM Craw Papi and pulled out a lunker (19-20", probably 5-6#)...so I think I am going to stick with the soft baits for a while....Everyone I talk to that seem to be getting alot of big action are the guys using yamamoto worms (texas or wacky rigged), black or grape...so I might have to give 'em a shot....
  19. I don't know the number; It's main st. Whitinsville I think it might be called Whitin Rd. off of 146
  20. So...on a semi-related note.... I was able to squeak out some time to head out this evening and ran over to Whitins Pond near 146 (5 minutes from my casa). I was tossing a texas rigged Yum Craw Papi (cajun neon) with my new baitcaster in between some lily pad clusters on the west end of the causeway. Third cast and BAM! I got nailed...Big ol Hawg!! Must have been 5 lbs. easy...I taped him at 19.5 inches long and close to 17 inches in girth! Unbelieveable! biggest largemouth I have caught since moving to NE. No pic yet cuz my cell phone got wet..but hopefully it will dry out and the pic will be on there. I was sceptical that there were any hawgs in there at all since everything else I have gotten have been 1 to 3 lbers....I am now a believer! Soft baits have never been my thing but after that, I don't know if I'll be pitching anything else for a while....
  21. Man, I wish! I have been wanting to get out there forever...but no boat and I have to work most weekdays.... We should link up at some point; I don't really know many anglers out this way....I am in Whitinsville....newly transplanted (less than 2 yrs.) I mostly bank fish in the ponds around town....
  22. I have a pair of Smith "Factor Max" sunglasses...nice overall sporting sunglasses since they come with 4 sets of lenses(not all polarized); I originally bought them for mountain biking but found that the polarized lense worked great for fishing. One of the really cool things is you can order just about any color lens from them in polarized form. I use them for everything from Golf to Skiing as well.
  23. 15 miles in any direction from mansfield Being a transplant to New England, I am starting to figure out that southern hospitality doesn't really apply up here.... I'm just kidding; most of Y'all are alright in my book...
  24. Nice Fish! Where exactly was this?(lake,pond, etc.)I'm in Northbridge and am looking for some new spots to fish.
  25. I think I may have seen the same show; Shaw Grigsby was talking about getting worm slip after a missed strike and he was using some kind of rubber band around the top...reminded me of the ones my brothers used to use on their dental braces when we were kids..... he also suggested an alternative....get some larger line or wire and poke it through the head of the bait and the eye of the hook and tie it off....kind of like the toothpick idea (which I think I will try)
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