Hi guys,
I was out trying out a new reservoir near work and ended up getting to do a bit of sight fishing. Cast my line out about 30 feet with a weedless senko rigged and saw 2 cruisers come by the shore about 10 feet out. burned my line back in to cross their path and BAM! the one closest to the worm nailed it! I reeled him in and his buddy took off. Definitely fought like a what I expect a smallie to and I sent him back on his way. Tore my senko in half and instead of running back to the truck (I was pretty much on lunch break) I re-rigged half of the senko and sent it back out...wouldn't ya know? His buddy came back around and pummeled my little makeshift grub!! So 2 for the price of 1 inside of 10 minutes. these guys both ran around 15-16 inches maybe a bit bigger and I was convinced on the shoreline that they were smallies. But now looking at the pic, (albeit a lousy phonecam pic) I am questioning my ability to id smallies!!
So 2 questions...
1. Is this a smallie?
2. what is the absolute 1 characteristic besides the eye/jaw lateral line that IDs a smallie from a LMB?
I feel like an idiot, but I have just recently been introduced to SMB, having caught LMB and Spotted almost exclusively.