Wow, this bait brings back some of my best fishing memories.
Back in June of '94, '95 and '96 my Dad, 2 brothers and I took 3 consecutive trips to Ontario several hours north of Lake Nipigon, which is N. of Lake Superior, in an extended cab truck w/ three tents, a john boat, 2 cans of Fix-a-Flat, and a chain saw. We couldn't afford a fancy outfitter to fly us in, and back then it was still legal to get access without one, so we got a hold of some old gov't logging maps and found a way to drive via abandoned dirt trails 10 hours beyond the last paved road somewhere north of Jellico. We camped on Crown land next to the water in tents for 6 days / 6 nights accompanied by one porcupine, 78 million black flies and 42 million mosquitoes.
Needless to say, the walleye were nothing short of astounding.
At the end of those trips, and I won't admit on this forum just how many were caught, (many released, most consumed) the Storm crankbaits we picked up in MI on the drive up looked exactly like this guy. I still have those baits - every tooth mark, scratch and scrape take me back to that campsite a little bit.
Sorry for the long post, seeing that ole crank kind of hit a soft spot.
i still have 2 chartreuse crankbaits that my dad bought me back in 96, they're stashed away int he closet. ones chewed up by a northern and the other one is mint.