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Everything posted by Simp

  1. What's funny is I used to not be a hat guy but now I have so many we can match our clothes and hats. I think I got 5 from the roadtrip alone. It be great if next year we had Bass Resource hats at the roadtrip!
  2. Gotta love those BLACK BASS!
  3. I have got to give to you BIG-O your Space Monkey and Craws are awesome. My Dad and I flat out whacked them on our last trip out. I'm talking over 20 keepers for the day! I eventually ran out and was using one legged rage tails .;D My pops likes to use the space monkey as a trailer and it seems we've spent more time then we should comparing the size of the flappers of the different baits. Here's some picks.
  4. That's some funny stuff! I wish I had spent more time with him at the roadtrip. It also makes me think of my last boat trip out on the lake. I was fishing with somebody new and he had some BAD gas going on. I didn't say a word because I knew JJ's was going to smell 1000's times stronger. Sure enough he couldn't believe the strength of it. I offered, he passed on it. He used spike it and I JJ's. From the back of the boat I was the only one to land keepers that day. ;D
  5. Like others have said go to antennaweb.org and find out of they have to have a outside antenna. I'd say anything over 35 miles requires a outside antenna for solid reception. I'd recommend you check out Channel Master antennas. I have the larger Channel Master 4228 and I get solid reception of both VHF and UHF. I'd recommend you go to AVS forums to read up more. I also know some people buy a second dish for there sat system and install it at there "summer" home and simply add another receiver to there account. As long as the rec is never hooked up to the Internet or phone the Sat company would never know. WINK!WINK!
  6. Well it's been crazy here since EARY Friday morning when the first wave of a massive storm came in. The first wave brought a massive hail storm that brought golf ball size hail that seemed to never end. After that we just had some heavy rain until about 12:30pm. We had a small break and my dad asked if I wanted to go to walmart to get some supplies. We checked the radar and all seemed good. Well we didn't factor in a radar delay or something because when we get there the Tornado sirens are going off and all HE** is breaking loose. We run in and soon there yelling "CODE BLACK, CODE BLACK, EVREYBODY TO THE MIDDLE OF THE STORE". It wasn't long and a few walmart employees were loosing it and crying and screaming on their phone. I'll be honest I'm used to this stuff in the Midwest and I took a lax attitude to this. I was sure the storm would pass and a couple trees might be done here and there but no big deal. Well I was wrong!! My dad and I made the brilliant decision to leave after sitting in the store for as long as we could take it. We headed out and we caught the tail ind of the storm and it about knocked me on my @**! Soon it passed and we headed out to spot the first death of the storm. The driver was transported to a local hospital and died of head injuries. This is the view of the storm in front of us while driving home. We get to the turn that takes us to our subdivision. What we see shocks me! This is the fuel pumps and the roof that covered them at a local gas station. Here's a house in our neighborhood. A tree that sits by the property line of our house. By the way this tree landed on my neighbors cady! This is the view from my back yard looking at my neighbors trees. Finally here is the pick of a local dealerships massive sign collapse. We were without power until just a couple hours ago and the Internet just came back on. We now have an army of Electrical workers and they have worked there buts off! The community has really came together and clean up is going well. My mom works at a local hospital and they finally got back full power as well. She told me that things were about to get dire right before the power came back on in the nick of time. Don't worry though I managed to get some fishing in hours before the storm Thursday and again after it on Sunday.
  7. Do I need to call or do they have them on there site?
  8. I got a Black widow Ol Nelle jig on the roadtrip and it nailed some good fish for me until I lost it. I'm trying to find where I can order some online but so far my search isn't going well. I was hoping somebody on the forum might know where I can order some.
  9. Who's a sponsor who sells Ol' Nellie Baits?
  10. Personally I hate boaters who get to close while on high throttle. When I was at KY lake this weekend a guy had plenty of space but instead came right next to us at close to full throttle. I figure he wanted to fish our area and was > but he should have shown better manners. The other side of "cutting" people off is boat traffic. You try to never do it but there are days where I've been on some lakes where there isn't a spot that won't cut a guy off in some fashion.
  11. Heres the deal. Im the best there is. I mean, i wake up in the morning and i spit excellence. Nobody can hang with my stuff. Im just a big, hairy, American winning machine. If you aint first, your last. lol ;D Just don't let bake in the "shake and bake" steal your girl now. ;D
  12. Pitchinkid you want to join my bass club and be my ringer???? I'd let you run the TR motor unlike Jimzee ;D.
  13. Well we just got back last night and man we are beat. We headed down there at about 4 am and when we got there a cold front and a big thunderstorm had shown up. After checking in we watched the weather channel until a small break appeared. So we headed out and fished the Eagle Creek cove. We flipped deep into all types of flooded trees and bushes and I nailed then in 3 hours of fishing. I probably had 13 or 14 pounds on four keepers. One being a giant three pound spot. I actually quit fishing and just sat there the last hour because I didn't want to pull any more fish out of the area with that pattern. Well the next morning was a different story the wind kicked up on us and it was a cold night. The wind made it very difficult to position our John boat for what we wanted to do. Despite that I landed a real nice female flipping a jig that almost took big bass on day one. When it calmed down and the bight was still slow I switched up and went to a Black and blue *** trick stick with a new style of hook. The style I'm sure isn't new but I hadn't used it much. It had a little weight on the top of the hook to speed the fall some. This finesse set up seemed to work because I started catching fish but they weren't hitting the 15inch mark. Then we found some rock with a nice big tree running into deeper water, I made a nice long cast and hooked up with a goo 2-3;b fish. I only had 6lb fluro on my spinning real due to the fact I usually fish some pretty clear water. I took my time with the fish and let it pull drag and then it jumped 2 ft out of the water and threw the hook. My dad who was in the front of the boat said well there was your smallie you wanted to catch. Later in the day a few min before weigh in I hooked up with another 3 or so pound fish by a abandoned dock that only had it's support beams left. This fish was going nuts giving me one heck of a fight. I got it close to the boat only to have it dive under. I was in the back and the was no way I could have got it around our motor. I fought it back only for it to pull the drag again and do the same thing. This time though there was no pulling it back the hook popped out and the fish got off. To say I was upset was a understatement. The weigh in was tough for everybody and only a couple teams had a limit. I had big bass until the last fish was weighed in ;D . Saturday night everybody had there maps out trying to plan for new spots. I told my dad the fish are there where we are at but the got lock jaw and would only take a finesse bait Saturday. The guys with a limit were fishing in deeper water and I don't think there fish were affected as much. With our fish turning on like they did late in the day I didn't really want to move. Nor did I want to travel to far in the boat or truck with possibly getting hit again by some storms. So we stayed in our general area on Sunday. It rained fairly hard early on Sunday and I really felt the rain with out thunder turned the fish on. So instead of using the SEnko style bait I threw a jig. The water a risen easily two feat over night and there was flooded brush evreywhere. I went to my flipping stick that had braid on it with the very muddy conditions and went to a black and blue jig that had some red in it and put on a chartruce rage craw as a trailer. It wasn't long and I had hooked up with my first fish. The problem was it was a half inch shy. It wasn't to long and I pulled a footbal chunk female that was just short of 15inch and I mean just short. So we boxed her until we would measure here on somebody else board (ours doesn't seem to be that acurate). She started bleading some and so when we ran into another angler in our club we used there board to see where she came in at. She was again just shy so we released her. The day continues and we got a ton of 14 inch fish it felt like. We ended up with four solid keepers that final day and we could have easily had a limit except for a hair short and log that cost my pops his second keeper. We had a great time and felt like we did pretty darn well with out little old john boat and 9.9 against all the Legends and Skeeters. My pops learned how to pitch and gained some confidence on Sunday with the Jig. We also took pride in others who pitched caught alot less fish that finall day then we did. So I gota give props to the rage craw I used that final day and to JJ magic. It seemed that JJ's really helped those fish locate or at least hold on longer. I never had a tap tap type bight the entire time. It was always a heavy weight or the fish swimming with it. So even though we didn't slaughter them we got plenty of fish and several keepers in some pretty tough rainy cold front conditions. So thanks for all the help guys!! Well gota run sorry I didn't get a chance to read this over so I hope it all ready correctly.
  14. Wow thanks for the info guys! I was thinking along the same lines in terms of flipping. When I was done there at the roadtrip Pitchinkid, Jimzee and I sure crushed them one day doing just that. I was hoping the big femailes were finally making there move. We head out at about 3 am so we can "pre fish" all day friday and then Sat and Sunday are two seperate "fish offs" our club is having. I'm just looking forward to a couple free night stays at KY Lake and some AWESOME FISHING. Not to mention the free steak dinner!! Although it would be sweet to beat all these guys who will have Legend and Ranger boats with a old john boat and 9.9 !;D
  15. Well my local Bass Club is heading down to Kentucky Lake for it's annual Club Trip. Were staying at Mansford Island TN and I've never been there. I've been doing some studying of the map we received from the roadtrip and some google earth programs. It seems the PAris Landing cove looks pretty good and offers a fairly wide selection of cover to fish. From reading fishing reports I'd say the LM should be in full spawning mode but didn't know if we had anybody local who might have some more info. We just have a 17ft with a 9.9 at the moment so we won't be running and gunning LOL. We can however trailer up and drive to any boat ramp we want. So I wanted know if anybody had any good suggestions or has any local info that could help us out? I apreciate any help or suggestions!
  16. Awesome fish and I guess I better try that with all the grass I usually fish!
  17. I got to say I was amazed earlier this year when I bought some tungsten weights to try out. I had some glass beads and I compared the tap sound of led hitting the glass and then the tungsten. The tungsten was easy twice as loud. Also Big O how do you typically recommend how to fish the Anaconda or rather retrieve it? I can understand conditions can vastly change this. So you typically pop the lure back with fast jerks. Slowly raise and lower the lure,or drag it on the bottom ect?
  18. Well the other day my dad and I were fishing and I took a nasty fall. My pops had gracefully got his spinnerbait hing in some bushes on the bank. So I trolled up to the bank to try and retrieve it. Well we tried and tried and finally the line snapped but we could still see it. My dad said "That"s my favorite spinnerbait, I don't want to loose it!". So against my better judgement I started leaning over the boat and used a very large trunk that had fallen over to lean on. Well we finally got the spinnerbait and I went to push myself back upright when Crunch! The trunk shatters and I fall in HARD in about 2ft of water. The water was warm but the trunk or something cut my hand pretty good. It bled fairly bad and it probably could have used a stitch or two. We had a first aid kit and I was able toclean and bandage up. It's a couple days later and it's healing pretty good but still painful. My dad made the comment at least we weren't in 60ft of water. I told him I would have preferred that because there would have been allot less things to get injured by. I just keep thinking thank god I didn't hit my head on a rock. It's one of those falls where that type of blow would have killed me and all for a stupid 3$ lure!
  19. KVD LC is the BOMB! I like to buy it by the gallon then I lay the whole spool of my line in it for a couple days. It's also great for hair gel to create that 1940's and 50's grease look. It's also a great fuel additive, LCD cleaner, and I heave it even helps prevent the swine flu!!! Seriously though I love this ***t and about threw a parade at the roadtrip when I got a free bottle.
  20. I'm going to go a different way then these guys. Both the Citica and Revo's are great reels. What I'm going to recommend is usually a little bit lighter on the budget but my favorite real I've used. I personally like the KVD Quantum that Bass Pro shops has. Most people don't like signature series reels but this one is fantastic IMHO. I prefer the Centrifugal breaking system over magnetic brakes but I also wanted external adjustment to those brakes. The KVD fit that bill but I also wanted a slow 5.1 gear ratio. The KVD line offers that speed if you want it and a 6.3 or a 7.1 burner model. I got both those features for less then 80$ and neither the Revo S or Citica could offer that. What I also found out about the reel is it casts a mile, it's very smooth, and it can toss light cranks with ease. The spool tension knob is also light years ahead of other spool tension knobs out there. I know that sounds strange but you have to use it to understand. I know Procrafter actually bought several KVDs and was standardising his set up at the Roadtrip with them as well. So do some shopping, go to some stores and play with them before buying.Heck go fish with a friend that has some baitcasters. Try some out for a day and find out what you like and dislike about baitcasters. Then we can help guide you in the feature set you may like.
  21. Great bag and let me tell ya the size of the lake doesn't matter. I've caught many bass over5 from ponds and my biggest (7pds) from a pond. Personally only having a boat with a 9.9 at the moment means small lakes with a 9.9 limit is about all I fish for the most part. So keep hitting those small lakes for those big fish and welcome to BR!
  22. Try fanning out the bristles to cover a wider area. It gives you a wider are of coverage to prevent hang ups and less resistance for the hook on hook sets.
  23. PitchnKid has got me dieing to try on of these now. He has all Carrot sticks baitcasting and spinning. I fished with him and Jimzze on the roadtrip and Pitchnkid was in the middle. Despite this he easily double even tripled us up. It got to the point were we all had the same jig and the same JJ's. Yet Pitchnkid was still crushing us out there. It really made me wonder if I was missing some bights. Right now I us a 7"2 Team Daiwa light and tuff rod for my jigging and worming. It's light but I wish I could add weight to the back to have better balance. A long day of jigging with even a light rod can add up. I wish I would have asked to try one out to see what I thought. It's tough to spend 150-200$ for a possible upgrade.
  24. I'm trying but he can be stuburn. I set up Opera to open up one of it's tabs to this site . I try to relay all the info I learn on here and practice with when I go out with him on the lake. The problem is he doesn't hear all that well!!! ;D ;D So I'm trying to get him to join the BR discussion more. Heck I already duped him into joining the local Bass Club. The problem is it's tough to get a guy to break out of three of the best baits ever. Those being a Buzz bait, Spinner Bait, and TX rigged Worm. So it's a resolution this year that I'm trying to get him and myself to fish in new ways. We have virtually no experience fishing a drop shot or a Carolina rig for example. This site can't be beat to learn a new style of fishing and how to do it effectively.
  25. Wow with those red fins I first thought that was pithinkid! Dude that's one huge fish and super congrats on that tourney. It took just one day with you guys to know I was with some awesome fisherman. I take it with all that prize money pitchinkid is going to make you get some carrot sticks or finally upgrade your reels to shimano. ;D
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