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Darth Bass

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Everything posted by Darth Bass

  1. That's what I've figured. Thanks Wayne!
  2. Long time I haven't posted in this forums... anyway, I need your help... BADLY! Soon at the end of next month, I'll be doing a trip to Destin, FL with family, and my main goal there is SALTWATER FISHING (from all inshore fish to blue crabs). I have an EAGLE SUPRA PRO ID portable fishfinder for the past two years or so, and my very first one to own, and about to use for the first time next month. I've being reading the instructions of it completely (almost memorized them), but there's something I don't know and it doesn't show in the instruction manual: the TRANSDUCER has a "U" shape like most of the transducers out there. The question is... WHICH SIDE OF THE TRANSDUCER should be facing FORWARD??? Is it the CURVED side of the transducer, or the FLAT side? Reason I ask is that I have no idea of all this fishfinder's science... at least in the hardware sense. Please HELP!
  3. Darth Bass


    Anyone in this State knows of a Fishing club in the COLUMBUS, GA / PHENIX CITY, AL area??? I've tried to reach someone through this group, but the list of addresses I got is dated back about 10 years now....not sure if the person who lives at that address (or was Club President...or whatever) anymore. If you're in this area (Valley, Phenix City, Columbus GA), let me know.
  4. What comes to mind... I've being really frustrated, from really backlash (in both braided -Spiderwire- and fluorocarbon -Berkley VANISH 17#, clear and red-), to not catching any bass bigger than 13", if not ANY BASS AT ALL! I haven't caught any bass bigger than 12" in my entire life. > All this past two or three weeks, I've being shore-fishing, and the only way around when you live or work in a military istallation (Fort Benning) and don't have a boat of any kind. I went to a pond in Benning that's called KINGS POND, about 7 acres of water or more, but I am getting to the conclusion that on RESERVED WATERS (namely military installations), the fish are getting SMARTER than you think. Last week, I had the best opportunities of my life. Had in my sight literally, about 5 LMB, and about two of good keeper size. They were close to shore near a bridge (maybe spawning???), but I threw literally everything in front of their faces, even the smallest lures....but no bites at all. The closest I got to catch them were a couple of lures I have mimicking tiny shad in different colors, about an inch in size as the biggest one, using light tackle....and still no bites. Only exception I got within the past week, I caught one crappie (really small to keep, though) and three catfish, one of a keeper size, and two release (with one eye each, i believe, just to note) due to small size, but also the hook got into their either side eye, that either survived or eye got busted due to the size of the lure or the size of the bite. Besides, I was fishing in a pond of about an acre sized, that then I was told it was a fishing pond for KIDS. ;D Because of enclosed waters (military bases), which I assume that based on the percentage of people that goes fishing throughout the years......do you think that fish are getting SMART, and already expecting (perhaps already know what it is) what to be thrown to them??? I seem to invest in every NEW item (or "sucessfully proven" item") they show on TV you could imagine.....and still I haven't caught a (nice-sized fish)....except for an item called the RED RIPPER, which is a spoon, golden color with a tail; threw it away, and on the very first cast and I cought one about 12" LMB, about year and a half ago. What do you think? Do you think they are getting smarter if in enclosed waters?
  5. Maybe it was a "RETARD" bass???
  6. Darth Bass


    Saying HI from a puertorican in Phenix City, AL. Just less than 45 mins from Auburn /Opelika, and about an hour from Montgomery. Just moved here three months ago after being Medically Discharged from the ARMY. Love bass fishing, besides STAR WARS, of course (got into the fishing BUG since late 2006). Hope to meet some folks soon, and have a fishing partner for the summer. I miss Ft. Rucker, that's where I went in 2002 for my Air Traffic Controller class, and I have some friends there as well (military).
  7. Impressive, most impressive! I wished I would've got at leat two of those in one day. Nice catch.
  8. You could try Bass Pro Shops online, and that's for sure you'll find it there. The product is outstanding, a MUST for any angler in any condition....even for Saltwater.
  9. I am also in Phenix City, AL. If you could PM me some contact info of this group will be appreciated. -Robert
  10. HOWDY! My name is Robert Suarez, just got out of the ARMY about 3 months ago (Medical Discharge due to bad knees). Anyway, I am in Phenix City, AL (close to Columbus, GA and Fort Benning, GA), and a fan of both STAR WARS and FISHING (both fresh and saltwater). I have lots of tackle...pretty much almost anything I see on TV I have it. "WOW, gotta have it, gotta have it!!!" I don't have a boat yet (thanks to the WIFE >), and my shore/pier fishing occasions were not quite productive but got some in my lifetime (Bass not bigger than 13 inches, few catfish, couple of 5-gallon buckets full of Blue Crabs and 3 STINGRAYS in saltwater late last year....yes, believe me). Hope to find some friends nearby to go fishing sometime in this side of the SOUTH...the central border between Alabama and Georgia.
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