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Everything posted by TrailerHook

  1. Anyone here ever fished Kings Lake just north of Defuniak Springs, FL? Its a beautiful lake about 600 acres or so. I was out there last weekend looking at some property on the lake. Looks like it would be a good lake to fish, but I did not see a lot of boats on the water. Could just be the time of year I guess. Anyway, if I'm gonna invest in lakefront property, the fishing had better be good. Anyone have any info to report on this lake? Other nearby lakes are Juniper Lake and Lake Holly. Anyone got a report on those? Thanks.
  2. x2 on that, Sam. I'm a big believer in KVD's line conditioner after using it so far this year. It makes a big difference in taming line twist and tangles on spinning reels. I spray some on a shop towel and run the line through it as I'm spooling it on my reels. Then, when I'm fishing I will re-apply a couple times a day as needed. Makes a big difference.
  3. I have always closed my bail manually. I believe it prolongs the life of the reel because it is much easier on the reel to close it gently by hand than to allow it to snap closed on its own. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to tug on the line to make sure it is positioned properly on the bail wire before you begin your retrieve. This will cut down on line twist and tangles dramatically.
  4. Glad to have you on board! Get better soon!
  5. Glad to have you on board!!
  6. Glad to have you on board!
  7. Today! I think you should drop what you're doing and go fishing right now and find out. Seriously, though, I think you should give the fish about a week to find it, and then give it a shot. I have read that fish have been known to relate quickly to artificially placed cover, especially if some thought is given to where and how it is placed. Is it placed in a location that futher enhances its attractiveness to fish such as on or near a main lake point or creek channel, near a drop off to deeper water, or in deeper water just off the flats? I would think that any place that makes a good ambush point for bass to feed on bait fish would be an ideal location to place some cover if none already exists naturally.
  8. I Just got two BPS Extreme XPS rods (currently on sale for $70). They are compatible with the BPS rod balance weight kit. I got both of them balanced to my taste using the weight kit and now they feel awesome. The counterbalance of the weights in the butt of the rods really makes a huge difference. You should try out this system or a similar system if you are having trouble with your rods being "tip heavy".
  9. Glad to have you on board! Since you live in Opelika, you must be an AuBarn fan, huh? Roll Eagle! ;D
  10. Agreed. I think the best thing to do would be to harvest as many as you could for food just to keep the fish from going to waste. I would think transporting a large number of fish and introducing them into a new lake would cause more harm than good.
  11. Glad to have you on board!
  12. Glad to have you on board!
  13. Glad to have you on board!
  14. Glad to have you on board!
  15. Glad to have you on board!
  16. Excellent video, Glenn. I'm impressed!!!
  17. Welcome to the forums! ;D You're in the right place for learning. Lots of veteran anglers here who are willing to share their knowledge. Sounds like you got a pretty good start on stocking your tackle box.
  18. I have used both the Rage shad and the Rage toad and was impressed with them. Caught a couple of nice fish on the shad including a nice 4-pounder. Didn't get to fish the toad enough to produce anything but I was impressed with its action in the water and I know it would have caught some fish if I had had more time to fish that morning. I liked them so much that I went out last weekend and bought a pack of the Rage craws that I intend to try out this weekend.
  19. You probably need to adjust your spool tension knob to match the weight of the lure you are trying to cast. It is the little knob on the side of your reel behind your reel handles. Turn it clockwise (I think) a couple of turns to tighten it down. Now with your selected lure tied onto your line, reel it up so that it hangs about 2" below your rod tip. Then hold your rod with the butt at about waist level and the rod tip up at about the two o'clock position and depress the spool release bar. If you have tightened the spool tension knob sufficiently, the lure should not fall....it should still hang in the same spot even though you've depressed the spool release bar. Now ever so slightly begin to turn the spool tension knob counterclockwise (back toward you) until you've loosened the tension on the spool just enough for the lure to slowly begin to lower itself under its own weight. If it is adjusted correctly, the reel spool should stop spinning when the lure hits the floor. Now you've set your spool tension to the correct setting for that lure weight. Whenever you change to heavier or lighter lures you'll want to re-check and adjust your spool tension in the same manner. This will go a long way toward reducing backlashes.
  20. The thing to remember is that bass are animals and like most wild animals they are opportunistic feeders and react on instinct first and foremost. Either they want to eat or they don't, and either they see your bait as an opportunity for a quick meal or they don't. Their instinct to feed dictates. However I do believe as others have mentioned that bass, like most other animals, can be "conditioned" through long-term repeated exposures to certain situations. For instance if they are repeatedly caught on the same lure they may eventually learn to ignore that lure because they have learned that it isn't the easy meal it appears to be. This is a long-term learned condition....not an instant memory. I don't think a bass caught today for the first time on a senko will know to avoid one tomorrow. But over a longer period of time and after many exposures to the senko (and its hook), it may learn to avoid them at meal time. As for passing the learned behavior down genetically, I really don't believe that can happen. Again, fish react on instinct and behavioral conditioning specific to their environment, not on pre-programmed memories passed down from generation to genteration. Think about it this way.....humans have much more evolved brain function and capacity. We are born knowing how to do certain things instictually....eat, sleep, pee, etc. We don't have to be taught these things. But we are not born automatically knowing how to read, write, drive a car, or cast a rod & reel. These are things we have to learn for ourselves. If we don't have the ability to be born with the knowledge of our ancestors, fish certainly don't.
  21. Welcome! I am fairly new here myself, and so far everyone has been very helpful and friendly. You will enjoy it here. ;D
  22. Email sent. I hope I'm one of the lucky 50. Thanks for the offer Bobby!!
  23. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D The question is.....did it attract fish?
  24. Dont the crickets break apart fairly easy/fast? Yes, but its usually because its been nailed by a hungry fish.
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