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Kevin Davis

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About Kevin Davis

  • Birthday 05/16/1966

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    <p>fort wayne Indiana</p>

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  1. all i know is, brown is tail and running lights yellow is left blinker (drivers side) green is right blinker (passenger side) white is ground so if you have off color wires then just make sure to label it when you install, and make sure you attach them to the right color for what you need to fix on the harness at the end of your car/truck. there it should be the correct color. hope this makes sense. also its best if you know how to soder the wires together and put heat shrink over the connection. just makes it a little more stable connection and water tight. if not and you have trouble later then it is at one of your connection and you will have to trace it down and that can be a chore.
  2. very informative bassdoctor thanks very much, alot of things i did not know in those links, i will save them to my favorites.
  3. well i got a newbie question that im sure i know the answere to but dont know the term. What is cavitation?
  4. been thinking about one myself, i assume that you want one for a glass boat? I talked to a mechanic at the marina and he said that they can be a pain to put on. one air bubble and it will come right off. he said the surface had to be like new with no inperfections to make it stick. needless to say that kinda turned me off since whoever owned my boat prior got into some rocks and now i have to do some repairs.
  5. Rain stopped and I finally got it figured out. Turns out the side marker lights have two female connections on them. One is ground the other hot. There is only one wire that runs to them and it is a hot wire. If you connect the hot wire to the wrong connection on the light, Poof, goes the fuse. Man do I feel stupid right now. Anyway, got it figured out and atleast I have all new lights on the trailer now. I went with the Digital LED water proof lights all around along with all new wire from truck to trailer. I even changed out the truck plug with a LED plug. An expierence I will never forget, so I guess I learned something from it after all. Thanks all for you input, it helped alot even if Im not the smartest fish in the pond.
  6. kind of a side note, but with the muffs on you may not get water to come out of the telltail. you know the little stream of water that jets out. this is normal in most cases because there is not enough water presure that gets in there to fill the water pump. if you use these and see steam or hear warning bells go off turn the motor off immediatly and check the water pump out. also a good idea to replace the water pump every three to five years. Just my opinion.
  7. I have an older 135merc black max, with mine i prime it with the bulb once or twice then move the start assist up to 3/4 push in on the key and hold for 10 seconds then turn it over. Starts on the first try the majority of the time. from what i understand it really doesnt have a choke, but when you prime with the bulb it fills a cup like thing that as you push in on the key it dumps the gas into the top of the carb, that is why you wait the ten seconds for it to empty all the way before turning it over. any way good luck with the new boat.
  8. hope the rain stops tomorrow so i can finish this and see if it works or if i need to pull the rest of my hair out.
  9. thanks guys, so far im replacing them all. i got two done tonight before it got dark on me, im even going to change out the license plate light so i know there are no bad lights at all. Ill let you know if that fixes the problem, it should since everything will be new even the wires.
  10. changing out all the side marker lights today alone with the license plate light. that way i know it is all new and i hope this takes care of the problem. I disconnected all the side markers and the tail lights worked so i know it is not a problem there but as soon as i plugged one side light in it blew the fuse, those things get expensive after several blow so im just replacing all the lights.
  11. ok, tried to replace the plug on the truck, and still haveing the same problem. im with you about it being a trailer thing, i will start with pulling each running light until i find the problem, hopefully it dont rain tomorrrow so i can work on it again. I will disconnect all four side running lights first and do one at a time until i find the problem.
  12. so far i havent slowed down but im new to the sport (again). I have a glass boat 17' with a 135hp merc older model. havent had to refill the tank yet but will soon due to a four day trip comming up on a very large lake. I look at it like this, I only live once so why not have fun while doing it.
  13. thanks guys, Im going to try some of these today and ill let you know what i came up with.
  14. ok so i hooked up the trailer the other day and i had no running lights on one side of the trailer, the blinkers and the stop lights were working just fine. so i thought i had a bad bulb or something so i replaced it with a spare new one i had. turn the things on and again no running lights but this time on both sides, everything else still working. I figured I had a short somewhere so I start tracing everything down and find absolutly nothing. I figure it was time to change out all the old wireing and completly go thru everything any way so I do. about five hours later after shrink wraping any connections and fishing the wires thru all the hiding spots. I finished and hook the thing up and POP blows the fuse, and once again no running lights but everything else works fine. I now figure I have no clue what I am doing, the only thing left that is not new is the recieving plug on the back of my truck. So Im on my knees asking for any ideas you guys might have before I wind up replacing the trailer and truck out of stupidity. btw this is a four wire setup, which is pretty standard. thanks.
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