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Everything posted by Tanker4lyfe

  1. its is when you throw a soft plastic out to your target cover and let it sit and dont move it i have dead sticked baits for a minute or two it just takes patience but i can pay dividens especially for big bass
  2. Okay so we got there mid day fri and it snowed all night lighty. woke up got to the lake had the meeting had the boat draw teamed up with our boaters and at sunlight we were off. DONBEATYA'S REPORT- started throwing spinner baits and crank baits and also pitched brush hogs and jigs to all the submerged trees and nothing. eventually went to swim/hopping a 1/2 white strike king pro-model jig/trailer(w/jj's magic) cought my first bass at around 10:00 on a rocky point from then on i focused on points in about 10ft of water and later on caught 2 more on back to back cast. thats all i managed to snag all day and ended up in 8th out off 14 anglers w/3 fish weighing 5.76 i believe. hers some pics and BRGbassmaster will post his report later when he wakes up:
  4. um sorry guys id have to say CALIFORNIA may not have smallmouth except for the far north but you just cant beat all the medium sized inpoundments that regularly pull out 15lb plus bass. 15lb bass caught on a swimbait in 40ft of water unbelievable. i would say 2 of the best lakes in the world are amistad and falcon in texas
  5. Im really good at casting i can put any bait in any little hole, Ive just been good ever since i got my first baitcaster. I owe it all in part to my love for shimano curados man they are the best and you cant beat the price or the ease of maintanance
  6. ya im in texas also el paso and the tourney is in new mexico at santa rosa lake the weather this week has been up and down between windy sunny just kinda been back and forth
  7. okay so got a tourney sat and weather dont look to good. now how should i approach the fish????? supposed to be mix of snow/rain but winds will be low in the 5-10mph ive never fished in weather like this any tips
  8. okay so weather was warming up and past two days have been cooler, windy and cloudy, around low 60's. today is forecasted to be 62 with clouds fading as day goes on slight chance of sprinkle's late this afternoon. also i know today is the first day after the full moon should that really wake them up and get the males on their beds. also im fishing a local 50 acre park pond max depth 8ft mud bottom dingy water, lots of stick up's (tules) some sunken trees for cover.
  10. I'm all flourocarbon except for mono on topwater, and carolina-rig leaders. and a few other situations where say i wanna keep my spinnerbait, crankbait, jerkbait higher in the water column then ill use mono for that also. as far as line i use P-Line flourocarbon except for on my drop-shot setup ill go with trilene 100% flouro. and mono i stick with stren original (purple box)
  11. CURADO E7 the best by far light as can be cast like butter and you cant beat the price
  12. Id like to get more knowledgeable on line selection as far as what type of line to use for certain techniques. right now im preety much flourocarbon on everything except for topwater
  13. For instance do you use a higher speed reel for cranking and a lower speed reel for texas rigging. i ask because i just got 3 new curado E and two of them are high 7.0:1 ratio and the other is a slow 5.0:1 ratio. HOW SHOULD I USE THEM??
  14. ya was an awesome trip with an awesome guy. definatly will be doing it again soon i hope. defineatly owe thanks to this awesome website for giving people the opportunity to get to know each other in a bass fishing sense.
  15. I would have to say someone who has a vast knowledge of bassin not nessecarily someone who can be succesfull wherever they go. for instance im in the army and stationed in ft bliss texas and there is no good bassin around here i only have one local pond that ive managed to be succesfull in. I dont own a top dollar boat with all the gagets. but if i had a john boat and a lake map i believe i could be succesfull knowing that i understand bass transitions, seasonall patterns, habitats and so on. Now im not saying that id get there and just slam them but id feel comfortable being on a new body of water.
  16. I guess everyone missed the whole part about how they have all changed theyre live's to revolve around dottie right. theyre was nothing wrong with what they did at all. i mean come on they have watched this fish and studied it for quite some time and they knew it was gonna be a beast so they did everything possible to catch her and they were honest when they knew they had foul hooked her they could have easily kept that a secret those guys are definitly class act BIG ***ATICS. and sorry real cowboy id have to disagree theyre is no way the next record will come from lake fork, id say falcon lake before lake fork, but there two possibiliteis that the NEXT record will come from are lake castiac or lake dixon they regualarly pull 15+ pounders out these bass just devour 10-12'' rainbow trout
  17. theyre probably out fishing, haha
  18. are they just trunks standing or is there branches?
  19. Was wondering what you guys would clasify this water as, dingy, stained, murky. Also what color/patterns would you use.
  20. my local 48 acre lake has these in it. and i dont know what they do. what do they do and do they have any benefits as far as keeping fish near by. its the sprinkler thing in the back round
  21. ? is do these types of docks hold bass they float in about 5 feet of water.
  22. what do you guys mean by staying close to the sprinklers?. is it creating more oxygen near by or what. never thought of fishing it im really just a structer fisher.
  23. that frog slammed my jay yelas pro model frog
  24. ya when i lived in california i loved fishing senkos all day in the tules. ya there is some big bass in this lake heres on that i caught and i know there are bigger ones hope to get into them this year.
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