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Everything posted by Tanker4lyfe

  1. This is for real guys!!!! http://www.bloodydecks.com/forums/bass-club/150107-news-flash-world-record-largemouth-contender.html
  2. cant wait to see how people start bashing this guys catch. great job for him hope it stands. it would be great for the world of bassing could you imagine multi national federations and such
  3. Well did you atleast fx the ladies issue. just the other day i was at academy and a guy bought a new reel and a rod only i noticed he had a spinning reel and a trigger rod. so i helped him out i even went as far as making sure had the right tackle, and also gave him some basic info cause i must say he had no clue what he was doing. so i felt good and he was happy
  4. oops forgot as far as knots go with a double uni. you can google it and see how to tie it.
  5. Yes you most definatly can this is know as back spooling. ANy and all experienced bass fisherman should do this its saves money, time. the way i do it is ill use old line and spool up about 1/2 way then ill tie the new line on with a knot and continue spooling. you can also tie on with a small swivel or use tape which works also
  6. mattlure, i miss dottie and hey man come get me seriously people are way to hyped over here in texas about big bass. but man So Cal would blow texas away i miss places like barret, san vicente, casitas
  7. personally if i had to measure it id go 90/10. i personally believe in my ability and al others should to knowone should limit themselves too the time or knowledge they have. its all learning and it comes with time.
  8. CATT, Darwins theory: survival of the fittest
  9. CATT, Please do help me understand how a big bass means its less intelligent. that goes against anything that biologist, and bass fisherman alike have come to know. also i do agree with you on luck being an intangible factor that we cannot ignore but i believe the more we talk or focus on the luck of catching BIG Bass then we at that point are beginning to fail ourselves. BELIEVE IN YOUR ABILITY, GEAR AND OVERALL COMPETENCE OF CATCHING BASS OR BIG BASS FOR THAT MATTER AND YOU'LL BE SUPRISED AS TO WHAT CAN COME OF IT
  10. also if anyone on here knows who mike long ( a SoCal local legend) is then you'll truely understand that catching big bass is not luck.
  11. and in driving a blow out is always possible!
  12. yes of course everything we do has luck in it. To drive your car from one place to the next without getting in a wreck is of course luck but id bet kyle busch would fair better than most.
  13. Caught her march 22. 1/8oz shakey head W/ Zoom trick worm black/blue sapphire. Was using a Shimano symetre paired with a american rodsmiths finnesse rod and 8Lb trilene sensation. she weighed in at 10.22Lbs.
  14. Its rated for 12-25lb, 3/8-1oz. and i plan on throwing nothing bigger than 1oz i just got a killer deal on 4 sebile magic swimmers and spro BBZ-1 SHAD for $40 shipped
  15. I most definatly do not think it is luck. ive been religiously bass fishing since i was about 14 ( im now 23) and ive had the opportunity to catch three double digit bass. i remember days of skipping school to get out in my float tube on the local spots in san diego when knowone else was out there. i dont know it all but i do know that persistance pays off. and iff you wanna catch big bass use big baits but my most recent big bass 10.22LBS came in EL PASO, TX on a 1/8oz shakey head zoom trick worm. fished on a american rodsmith finesse rod and 8LB trilene sensation
  16. Its a 7' allstar classic carolina riggin rod. Ive got every other setup you can think of. This is just and extra rod i have so thought maybe i could use it. Its got a good back bone and moderate tip, ill pair it with a Curado 200E7 AND 15LB CXX
  17. being that i do fish a local park pond that is 50 acres from my float tube i was able to determine there is nothing deeper that 6 ft. in saying this i will most definatly tell you that yes bass are still shallow in the summer i also truely believe alot of the bigger bass stay shallow. you need to fish super tight to cover and look for areas with shade. i like to start big then get small I.E. 1/2 black/blue jig, then say a tube then say a shakey head. also dont forget to fish early and late when there is minimal sunlight.
  18. honestly i've tried both the steez rods and reels and i must say they are way over priced. i currently own 5 curado E's and 3 citica E's all on rods from american rodsmith's, falcon, castaway, and well i would not even budge on the diawa's. i just cannot imagine over $400 for a single baitcaster its mind boggling. and they're rods IMO are horrible performance wise the touch and feel just isn't there you'ed be hard pressed not to go with the best rods in the business IMO and that is G-loomis.
  19. o ya i remember my first tourney when during a storm you could here the static on the rods it was freaky
  20. sweet ill be in my float tube i know i should also use darker coolered baits due to the low light i think ill take a jig a black spinner bait and rage toad and see how i do.
  21. also my zip code is 79905 if someone would would like to ***** my situation.
  22. anybody fish in the rain? and what keys you into doing so what type of system do you look for and what or how do you get them to bite? its been hot latley and i got a small system coming thru tonight so i thought id get out and see what i can do any tips
  23. Digging into your spool. Wow hate to know what your doing cause you should be back spooling whenever you use braid. heres why: 1. it will cut cost 2. your only flipping and pitching with it (usually) so i like to use about 75 yards 3. for a multi day tourney after flipping and pitching for hours its alot easier to change for the next day
  24. Wow cant believe no one mentioned checking your guides, run a q-tip thru them. Even braid can be severely weakned by fraid's and nicks. Also there is only one braid that needs to be used and its called POWER PRO its truly awesome.
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