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Everything posted by zo6fisherman

  1. I disagree i believe that if for example Mike iaconelli decided that he wanted to be a professional guitar player i beleive that he would become a pro in no time, it is not his inate,gentical predisposition to greatness but his work ethic and commitment to acheiving his goals. To many people believe that goals are unreachable but if you really want it nothing can stand in your way this isn't just for fishing it is for life. There are many more things that are much more complicated to master then fishing. But still haven't found anything more fun then trying to master fishing.
  2. fresh cow spleen incredibly tough holds blood forever and takes scent salt garlic. If you live around a slaughter house they can be obtained for free. matt
  3. For me, yes that is what I really want. I'm not the kind of guy that goes around asking for free stuff, when I ask a company for sponsorship I ask if they have any open positions for becoming a staff member. I know this isn't a huge difference but, personally, I think it is to companies and businesses. You're right about grammar too, it's been mentioned before and I'm sure it will come up again and again. I have a poster hanging in my dorm room that says, "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan I think that poster says alot about life in general and I also think that it is along the same lines that you are thinking. I figured it would be good to share on this thread. Yes that was basically what i was trying to say just trying to elaborate a little more on my thoughts. I think the same things that make you sucessful in life will make you sucessful in fishing. For me i will fish no matter what so it doesn't matter to me.
  4. Ok well here is some background i am 24 years old have held the same job for 6 years in a large fast paced specilized contract company. Have worked up from laborer to regional manager and imo have been very sucessful. I grew up on a farm and have always known that if you want something YOU must make it happen. But here is where my brain kicks in when reading through some of the posts in the resume section. First What is the motivation for most people here to pursue getting sponsered?? Is it financial? Is it a need to be recognized? Second Here is more of a not on general life. Do people realize that actions are what seperate people. If you want it enough you will pursue it no matter what. Get a second job,moveor whatever you have to do to acheive your goal. But from what i see people seem to think that stuff should fall into their laps. YOU want it YOU get no one else can make your dreams come true. And actions not dogged pusuit of free stuff will get you to this goal of sponsership. Not just actions of trying to acheive sponsers actions that can show the company/companies that they aren't just throwing money down the drain. Third It seems as if some people don't realize that they are approaching a business. Number one goal of a business is to make money. So how will you being sponsered make them money. Also professionalism, act talk communicate like a professional and you will be treated like one or can at least maintain the image. Spelling in business communications is a big deal. When i get emails from people i make an immediate and subconscious judgement on personality intelligence professionalism based on grammar and spelling. Fourth Think about the people that have made it big time. It didn't fall into their laps. They worked HARD to get what they got. Most probably worked multiple jobs and focused on their goals. That is what they wanted to acheive so all other stuff wasn't important. So just think is this want you really want if it is what are you willing to sacrifice to get it? Matt
  5. I don't know about most people but i do well money wise although i still budget myself. And fishing is one of those things that i love to do so i will sacrifice in other departments to be able to do that and still be in my budget. Maybe a little less beer, quit chewing so much copenhagen even though it think it is a great chum seen many a bluegill come up and eat it when i threw it in the water. So basically no gas prices won't change my fishing habits. might change other things that i do but not fishing.
  6. ' x2 for sure a nice double digit fish but just can't get much more then that off the video cool video though thanks for sharing. I wonder if the guy went flying off the boat shortly after ;D
  7. good looking fish 8-)
  8. Yes sir that was what i was aiming at. should be able to feel a piece of plankton hit my line with that.
  9. Check this out it should help you out. also at the top under fishing articiles is a lot of good readin i know i spent about 12 hours reading through it. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dropshot_fish.html
  10. Well my 7 ft medium action carrot stix and my 51 mg shiamano chonarch reel just arrived from tackleware house. I will let you guys know what i think in a couple weeks when i get home and get to use it. Matt ;D
  11. Take a look at this i am not sure what size wire you are using but i am sure you can find a kit like this probably at you local auto parts store for around 15 bucks. Good luck. Matt http://www.crutchfield.com/App/Product/Item/Main.aspx?search=inline+fuse&i=142P8FHI
  12. It may work just fine. But more then likely when the motor is on high speed and you are putting a load on it it will trip the breaker even though the motor is not in danger. Here is something for you to think about volts x amps =watts. Watts is a measure of power actully used. So if your motor is a 12v system that would be a total of 72 watts used before the breaker trips with what they are recomending. Where as with a 40 amp breaker it is just 48watts before the breaker trips. So i would definitly go with the recomended breaker. If cost is a factor you might be able to find a inline fuse holder with some fuses that you could pick us for 5-15 dollars Matt
  13. palomar for just bout everthing
  14. Wow!! Now if the LH reel doesn't work out for you, I'll be more than happy to take the reel off your hands. ;D I am pretty confident that it will work and feel more natural then a right hand configuration. So i wouldn't get your hopes up to high. I just don't want the same experience that i had with other bc's. I bought a el cheapo and i would backlash it every other cast same day went and bought a more expensive el cheapo and it was night and day. So i figure everyone likes the 50 mg so i will make sure i got top notch gear that way if it doesn't work then i can only blame myself.
  15. well i just ordered my shimana 51mg left hand and a 7'2" ft m carrot stix and will see how they work.
  16. Thanks ronnie some intresting reads. I play guitar so my left hand is more dexterious maybe not as cordinated as far as writing etc. So i beleive i am going to order that new reel in a left hand model. thanks.
  17. Ok well here is some background then i will ask my question. I have typically used spinning reels and just recently got into the baitcaster crowd. Well i bought a cheap walmart version and have got reasonably competent. And now it is time to break down and buy a high quality reel. I am looking at a shimano 50mg/51mg. I am right handed but with all of my spinning reels i have always reeled with my left hand. The baitcaster i have now is a right hand model but it just feels backwards. Don't get me wrong i can use it but my question is should i go with my gut and get the left hand model or just stick with the right hand. Sorry for the novel.
  18. Well what are your guys opionions would you pass on a decently priced newer 20ft bass boat because it only had a single axle trailer. The backing is not an issue as i grew up on a farm and have been backing trailers since i was 10. The stability is kinda a concern as i will just be pulling it with a half ton extended cab chevy p/u. what are your opinions? Matt
  19. WOW what a cow nice fish man
  20. well this is kinda confirming what i was already thinking. I was not sure about weights of s 20 ft boat but figured it to be around 3k lbs so i guess i will not consider any boats that don't have tandem trailers.
  21. I am currently in the market for a newer bass boat. And have been looking around and some of the 20-21 foot boats i have been looking at only have a single axle trailer which has got me kinda worried as i thought as a general rule anything over 19ft had tandems. My question is should i be worried about buying a 19-21 foot boat that only has a single axle trailer or am i just worring bout it to much. The boats i am looking at are 19-21 foot stratos or simalar with 150 plus hp outboard. Thanks for the input.
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