You are absolutely right, people are buying them because they think or have heard that the bait catches fish - lots of them. Everybody wants the "magic" lure. It's what the entire industry is based upon. But this is also the problem, because people don't take the time to research the history behind the bait/tactic. One of Ned's two basic premises behind Midwest Finesse is that the baits and all related equipment should be frugal, and the other being that you try and catch 101 bass in 4 hours (25/hr). The Elaztech baits help in both regards, which is why Ned started using them. Remember, Ned doesn't only use Elaztech baits, and there was a time when it wasn't around or available.
LOL - the 25 fish per hour is simply one of the two goals or premises behind Midwest Finesse fishing. Ned only reaches the goal a few times a year, and some years he doesn't ever reach it. Again, this is where everyone focusing on the bait and not the method or mindset behind it that causes all this confusion - that and people who are more recent converts to the system with GoPro cameras Everybody wants to be able to explain what's going on and why it works, but the jigworm has been around for nearly 50 years. If all anyone reads is the headlines, then everyone will miss the details, and people can/will make up their own storyline.