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Everything posted by wilsonm1

  1. hahahaha gotta hate when that happpens
  2. the water is stained
  3. hey, im goin fishing tomorow and am limiting myself to the texas rig to learn how to catch fish with it. what top two colors do you recomend i start with.
  4. thanks sam
  5. OOOOO YEAH, you bet i do!!!! i dont catch alot of fish so i give em all some love!!!
  6. hey, what are the basic carolina rig componets for a a beginner rig i can fine tune them later when i start catching fish with it. and also some helpful tips for a beginner.
  7. DUDE!!! thats wild!!!... and welcome
  8. it sounds like alot of fun but just make sure the trip to your appartment the fish is comfortable. might do it myself
  9. yo nice pics. i am a youngster...kinda(14), and my favorite times as a kid were fishing. :)
  10. THOSE ARE BIG SHAD!!! that is very weird, i dont have a clue what happened.
  11. good theory, it makes sense in all. no cover so no place to ambush, so it applys anywhere with no cover. i like it.
  12. Those plastics look SICK, i want to get some of those. Are they already out??? Those are a must buy
  13. i am only 14 and i usually never catch anything but i still use all my money on fishing lures. I catch every once in a while.
  14. i think you can take pics and measurements to bass pro shops and they will.
  15. i dont know that much about them but i heard skipping tubes under docks is good approach, where i fish we dont have docks. seen roland do it on tv so it must work
  16. hey, i use zoom frogs( various colors) with twist lock hooks
  17. i am not sure what the answer to this is, everybodys sounds reasonable. some bass tournaments i watch on tv weigh in in tanks. think about this. wouldnt it be unfair for everyone after the first guy weighing in because the water taken out with the first limit. ???
  18. i was at the neuse fishing and hunting store in north carolina with my dad. right when we walked in the front door there were a few barrels of rods on sale, well my dad needed a new rod so he walked over and picked one out for his small spinning reel. he bought it and on our next fishing trip he put onh his spinning reel and what do you know it is a baitcasting rod, i thought that was really funny ;D ;D ;D
  19. hey, i definatily get on the water as early as possible. one because the water is coolest in the summer when the sun is not out and and that makes bass feed. also because the lakes where i fish get really crowded and i dont want to mess with that.
  20. thanks for the help
  21. i also have another quick question. when i seem to reel in the frog it "flips" over so the bottom of the frog is on top. i thouvht about getting some weighted hooks but it might make it sink makeing me get all tangled up all the time. i want to ask you all if there is a simple fix.
  22. hey wayne p, are you saying use a bigger hook and so the fog is only touching a little:-????
  23. kool, thanks guys
  24. me again.... and also what COLOR works best????? THANKS
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