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About Ranger461

  • Birthday 03/07/1982

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    <p>Waddy Kentycky</p>

Ranger461's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. Hi I am new to swim baits what type of retrive do you put to them. Just reel straight back or what. and what are some good colors to use thanks
  2. I am from the shelbyville area, and I tend to fish taylorsville and Guist creesk being that they are only 20 mins away. but I am still fairly new the the bass fishing game and have a lot to learn. it make it even harder when these two lake are fished to death.
  3. Gas this morning in Frankfort Kentucky was 3.95 so I am like the rest of you will be fishing a lot closer to home
  4. I have a Hummingbird 141c all that I could afford at the time it was on sale. I have the transducer pounted on my trolling motor. the trolling motor is shallow enough that I can see it if faily murky water. my problem is that most of the time when I try to read the depth in shallow water its may say that I'm in 4ft of water and I cant touch bottom with a 7' rod with my arm on the water. and it gives my a flase bottom looking reading and will not show to much of what I would think to be structure. can any one help. I have a fairly new motorguide digital seires 71 lb trolling motor
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