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Everything posted by ian515

  1. I was looking at the bps extreme and pro qualifier the other day, they also had the quantum van dam reel there as well for a decent price. are those OK reels? I would say I am looking to spend no more than $100
  2. Don't know if this is the right spot for this, so feel free to move it. I am still getting used to a baitcasting setup. I have always used fly fishing gear, or a spinning setup. I have gotten pretty good at casting crankbaits and spinner baits. when I switch to lighter plastics however, I get a lot of backlashing. I do adjust the tension when I switch to the plastics, but it doesn't seem to fix the backlash. I can't remember the model number of the reel, but its a pfluger, without the magnetic braking. any input?
  3. There were a few storms that rolled through central MN, and the temps have been pretty random, we spent 4 hours casting but didnt catch anything. Is there a strategy to fishing after storms? or is it best to let things settle down?
  4. I will look into that. thanks.
  5. jack johnson is the artist of the song.
  6. i noticed the other day that there was a grey sheen of something on the water surface around the boat. the boat lift isnt in yet, so for now it just sits in the water on the dock. I pulled the motor out and let it sit for a night, next morning the sheen was gone. put the motor back in the water and now the sheen is back. is this oil? fuel? what should I be looking into? its a 25hp merc. tiller on a 14ft lund. thanks.
  7. unless you have done an actual study on that lake, I dont think you can base your desicion to be rude on that. its just best to keep your opinions to yourself on something like this.
  8. yeah, these posts are getting kinda old. people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they are doing it legally. if the DNR felt the bass population was in trouble, they would lable it catch and release season, not give a limit of fish you can keep. its almost to the point that I dont call myself a bass fisherman because we are getting a bad rep from all the people that are mouthing off when they shouldnt be.
  9. I've never heard of a snake head, so I googled it, they look similar, different coloring, and it has two of the dorsil fins that run all the way back, one on top and bottom. where as the dogfish has the top one, and then the small individual fins on the sides.but I would bet they are in the same family though. here is what I found for a pic
  10. this is a drawing of one (its real name is bowfin), but its pretty accurate. the only reason I knew what it was when I was fishing is because my father in law has one in his aquarium. when it was sitting on the bottom of the lake, its head was jammed in some weeds, all I could see was the fin that runs all the way down its back. that thing is pretty sweet. it is an ugly fish for sure, but I hear the fight is amazing.
  11. I just couldnt believe it went for my senko. that thing is awesome. so net, and dehooking tool would be ideal I take it. I will remember that for tomorrow.
  12. anyone catch a dogfish before? I saw one chilling on the bottom of the lake the other day and through my senko at its head, it took the bait, for a little bit, but was able to shake it, I dont think I set the hook hard enough. anyone know how to pull them out of the water? do they have teeth? I hear they are AWESOME fighters, so I really want to hook one this week.
  13. I will try a bigger hook. I am actually using a 2/0 I believe. I am really impressed with the senko's though, they not only catch lots of bass, I hooked two walleye, and a northern as well.
  14. I keep losing my senkos about every other catch. is that normal? I have gone through almost 3 bags of senkos and swim senkos (3 bags between the two senkos) in 3 days! granted, I have been catching a lot, so maybe that is average?
  15. I think I was being a little girl with the needle nose. I stuck another one about 30 minutes ago and pulled extra hard this time, it popped right out.
  16. I have been out a lot the last two days and about every other fish I get (the larger ones at least) the hook seems to get stuck in the jaw. I end up having to cut the line, and feed the hook all the way through to get it out. anyone have this happen? how do I avoid that? I tried barbless, but obviously when the bass jump, I lose them.
  17. go diesel baby. august, new jetta TDI's coming out. mid 50's in mpg's
  18. ian515


    so I dont have a boat, and fish mostly from shore. most of the decent lakes in iowa are man made and stocked, and the one I was on today was no different. from the shoreline to about 60 feet out is all weeds, and thick ones too. and about 3 feet from the shore the bass were lined up. I couldnt get a SINGLE hit from them. I pitched everything at them I could, and they wouldnt bite. mostly because my plastics and topwaters would get completely covered in weeds, so they fish pretty much couldnt see what I was presenting. how do you guys beat thick thick weeds? just leave them alone?
  19. or when he went duck hunting with his trucker friend. ;D
  20. im gonna disagree with that. I was staring a bass in the face a couple weeks ago, it was being really stuborn too. finally shook a senko in front of it for what felt like 5 minutes, and she finally chomped it. I think sometimes they are smart enough, and sometimes not. thats what makes fishing so interesting, you never know what you are gonna get!
  21. can you get a decent combo for less than $100? or is that asking too much? I know the thought process "you get what you pay for". all my money is in my spinning gear though, I really dont want to drop more than 100 if I can help it.
  22. I love watching non flex fuel cars trying to fill up with e85....that really cant be very good in the long run
  23. I did a shoot with helio a few months back. they were promoting the new track here in iowa. we were flyin from iowa to MN and he was making a lot of cracks in Danicas direction....it was kinda amusing. I kinda feel that when she finally beat him to take her FIRST ever win, he was just like, "you know what here *slams brakes* win one so you will stop whining" ;D
  24. haha, that reminds me when I used to play the bass as a kid (the instrument, not the fish) and I really wanted a 6 string bass. my instructor told me 6 string bass' are for frustrated guitarists. ;D thanks for all the answers everyone. my father in law has an older baitcaster that he hates, I might borrow his and see what all the fuss is about. for now I will stick to the spinnin reels though. I like those a lot. cheers.
  25. yeah, its true, but hind set is always 20-20 isnt it? I helped pull a dude out of a ditch this spring, thought the guy might be either drunk, or somewhat handicapped...pulled him out, he thanked me and took off down the road doin 60 in a 35. I called the cops and gave them the plates. they found him stuck in the same ditch I pulled him from (he doubled back after I left)....its not my job to determine if someone is drunk, impared or otherwise, as long as you do the right thing in the end.
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