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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. I love Aerosmith.
  2. Win.
  3. http://www.break.com/index/how-to-untangle-mp3-headphones.html ;D
  4. Thanks for the scholarship money...
  5. Just to annoy you Dave... I use a Fusion, works great on my peach fuzz ;D. I hate electrics.
  6. The end of the game was crazy. I finally found the game on another local ABC affiliate. Jones played good today. If only he would shave that hideous mustache. ;D Boomer Sooner!
  7. Is anyone else stuck with the Ole Miss v. Kentucky game? I'm about to rage.
  8. SOONER...
  9. That guy should be friends with the guy who climbed the tower in the other video.
  10. Led Zeppelin IV
  11. Awesome setup Glenn...for a Ford. ;D I drive a 09 Silverado LT, crew cab, 2WD. I get stuck on wet leaves, but it hauls ok.
  12. Thanks Bassn...I think. ;D Fishing is not a huge part of my life anymore. School and my girlfriend takes up all of my time during the week, and I travel a lot on the weekends. Any free time I do have I give it to hunting. I'm looking forward to a time where I can fish again. The worst thing is there's a lake full of flooded timber about 10 minutes from me. I drive by it at least once per week. :-/
  13. DNA is what is passed down from parent to child. DNA is transcribed into RNA...which is then translated into proteins. If the mutation was in the parent's RNA (not the DNA) then it wouldn't be passed down to future children. Basically, RNA and proteins are used for cell function in the parent. Any mutation that would occur in the RNA would only affect the parent. However, a mutation in a parent's DNA would potentially be transmitted to a child.
  14. Think how fast we could get to the deer stands...
  15. Wheel weights aren't put directly into the water supply.
  16. We burn about 5 rick (I think you northerners call that a face cord?) a year here. It only costs about $250, cut and stacked...and it keeps the house warm all winter.
  17. Degree aerosol here...I haven't found anything better.
  18. I am pumped. I think Boise can beat VT. Watch out for Arkansas in the SEC...I think they have what it takes this year. A lot of people are saying that OU can make some noise this year. I honestly disagree with that...I think they lose at least 2, probably 3 games. SFA is actually a D-I school, they play in the same conference (Southland)as Univ. of Central AR (where I go).
  19. I'm a bio major, and most of our materials are "university specific." It's ridiculous. I usually save a little by buying what I can off Amazon. I actually think I'm better off buying most of my books off Amazon and Half.com, then selling them back to the bookstore. I actually MADE MONEY last semester doing this (not counting unreturnable items, such as lab materials) For instance, a brand new Organic Chem book lists for $213. I paid $110 for it on Half.com. I could have rented it from Chegg for $62 a semester. But, I will use this book for 2 semesters, so it would actually be cheaper for me to buy it, then sell it back.
  20. Thanks for the info. I'll have to do some more reading...haha. Check this out http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/reprint/86/5/1354
  21. I love the stuff. I usually take it fishing with me. There's really not that much difference between them. Syrup is made of 55% fructose and 45% glucose (I think...), both of which are monosaccharides. Table sugar is sucrose, which is a disaccharide. I've actually read a few articles recommending syrup over table sugar. In conclusion: Both of them taste good and make you fat. ;D
  22. For the record: I would consider preparing for and starting a dental practice a business. There is no legal way I could go to school without credit. Its just not gonna happen. Thanks for the advice guys. It is much appriciated.
  23. Catt, I understand what you're saying...but credit is ESSENTIAL to me. Dental school = $200,000. Starting up a practice = $400,000+. I am from rural Arkansas. My parents are middle class. We don't have that kind of change in our dreams. If you know of any way for me to pay for that stuff without credit, by all means tell me.
  24. Another question: I was informed that if my parents (who have excellent credit) add me as an "authorized user" on their current line of credit it will boost my credit score. Is there any truth to this?
  25. Guys...not going into debt FOR ME is unavoidable. Grad school alone will cost me anywhere from 100k to 250k. (Dental school) But thanks for the help! I applied for a Citi card. I talked to a friend of mine (VP at a local bank) and it's what he recommended. The plan is to buy my gas during the school year on credit (around $200 a month) and pay it off each month in full through my checking/debit account. Thanks for the advice guys!
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