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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. I caught my PB on a DD22. Light fluke said, if you are not losing them, then you are not fishing them right. Cranks are my go to bait in the summer. Fish start to suspend deep and I reach for my DD22's. I love it.
  2. Dave, you're not the smartest person I've ever met. Joining the army just so you can get cheaper shades...
  3. I wonder if that is possible using Balsa? With balsa, I doubt it. But I would empty my bank account on DT30's if they could make them.
  4. Now go buy yourself a wakeboard and have some real fun.
  5. That's it? You're starting to disappoint me Fluke...
  6. I don't understand why they would take the truck and attempt to take a house. They do have more power than police officers and I have seen moments when they abuse that power.
  7. I've got a similar situation here. I got tickets to the Cards/Reds game to see Griffey. :'(
  8. What did you say about my momma?
  9. I catch 9lber's all the time without a camera. It really isn't a big deal... :
  10. Sorry to hear that it don't swim correctly. Does your mommy know that you say these kind of words?
  11. Finally! I thought they were going to trade him to Green Bay :
  12. I've got tickets to see the Redbirds play the Reds -- let me rephrase that, I got the tickets to go see my beloved Griffey play. Now the game is meaningless. I should have got Cubs tickets. :'(
  13. Wider bill = wider wobble square bills have a wider wobble than rounded bills. Longer the bill, the deeper the depth. Bills with steep angles dive less Thin bills will cut through the water and hence dive deeper than thicker bills. (poly vs. circuit board) Some people heat up and bend their lips but I haven't done it personally.
  14. Benelli SBE2 It's not entry level but is one great gun.
  15. There is nothing wrong with humming the Mission Impossible theme while entering doorways.
  16. Middle lure is absolutely amazing. The check will be in the mail tomorrow.
  17. Doesn't know what a boat plug is.
  18. Dropped to 3.759 USD
  19. What's a Faq?
  20. Clean with toothpaste and then clear with polyurethane.
  21. All I ask for is a coherent sentence with a period at the end.
  22. I've hardly ever see wardens around here. I think they're understaffed quite badly.
  23. Imagine opening up your trash can to that thing. It's looks like something form "Eight Legged Freaks"
  24. Your only hope against cruising bass is dynamite.
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