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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. I used to be young and vibrant. Then I met Burley. Now I have a pessimistic outlook on life.
  2. The only rights you have in school are those granted by the administration. That is complete Bull Shat. The constitution is not an opinion or a guideline. It is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!
  3. TOO BAD THERE IS NOT A NEW HOOKEMDOWN TO GO WITH IT Don't make me delete you again! ;D
  4. ;D ;D ;D http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,428262,00.html
  5. Our situation went beyond the original problem. We got in trouble for posting a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT on the walls!!!!!!!!!
  6. The whole administration at my school is somewhat corrupt. The school board is the Superintendent's "yes men". There was even a scandal involving the school board election being fixed last year. Oh well, I've only got a year left.
  7. Our councilor (who is basically the coolest "old guy" you could ask for) told us that he got us "off the hook" at the Jr. High football game tonight. The whole situation is settling out now, but we're still ticked off. There is a line in society between what's right and what's wrong. I'm tired of so called "adults" stepping over that line because they think they are in some kind of authority.
  8. This is Homecoming week at my high school. Our school has this "tradition" of doing this thing called Homecoming Wars. This is when everybody chases each other around town during the night, throwing water balloons and shooting each other with water guns. It's all good clean fun. Then you have a few "thugs" who take advantage of the situation. They throw eggs, toilet paper trees, and basically vandalize the city. This kind of behavior is stupid and looked down upon by the "good kids" (like me ;D). Anyway, our Principal made an announcement, telling the student body that it was illegal for students to have water guns, water balloons, eggs, saran wrap, etc. in their vehicle. He also said that the police would pull over any student that they saw riding around could search their vehicle without permission. Me and a few of my friends (who are against the vandalism 100%) are appalled at his statement. So, we printed off a sign that said "KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!!" with a copy of the 4th Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. " ...and hung it in the hallway between classes. People began stopping to read it, and before the day was over almost everyone had read it. Well, the administration decides that we can't do this. They threaten to punish us. They even threatened to take our computer privileges away, which would consequently make us fail a few of our classes. We're waiting on our punishment. Apparently, the Principal's warped ego comes before the constitution.
  9. Robert, you are one nice guy. I'd guess, but I have too much fishing stuff as it is. I love the generosity of the people on BR. KEEP IT UP!
  10. Muddy no like Clapton? Tears in Heaven makes me cry from time to time.
  11. I hear you loud and clear. LA and Tampa will be tough to beat, but it may not matter who goes to the WS for the AL. The Chubbies are awfully good. BUT, we do have the baseball gods on our side, so anything is possible. This is why I love October. On a side note, I just sold my Cardinals/Reds tickets for this weekend. I can't justify spending money to watch two terrible teams suck it up on the field.
  12. This whole thread is starting to be too malodorous for me.
  13. Oh man, you should be on Comedy Central with jokes like that. ;D : I guess you prefer the fairness and balance that is DNCNBC. I don't like any U.S news sources. I do occasionally read the WSJ for business, but that's about it.
  14. Were'nt you wearing a RED SOX hat in your old avatar? Traitor. -tumnus : (oh the IRONY)
  15. Check out www.guardian.co.uk
  16. Oh man, you should be on Comedy Central with jokes like that. ;D
  17. GNR is good, but gets old after a while. Rush is awesome, as Geddy Lee is a music god. There's a lot of good music here being deemed "crappy". Different tastes I guess.
  18. Well, Steven Tyler did have a touch of woman in him. But that takes nothing away from Aerosmith's eminence.
  19. I find that picture funny for some strange reason. It should be in FedEx's "What not to do" manual.
  20. Those words are blasphemous. I guess that makes you an idolater. So YOU are the blasphemer, lol Worshiping a true music GOD is not blasphemous. Sadly, I'm the last child around here that listens to Aerosmith (pun intended).
  21. Either way, it's going to be a rough path to the WS this year. If we make it, I might fly up to RI for a little P-A-R-T-Y! ;D
  22. Those words are blasphemous.
  23. I'm not liking the Angels/Sox match up. We're 1-8 against them this year. *sigh* I'm trying to stay optimistic here, but LA has our number. It's do or die time. LA might be the best team in the Majors.
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