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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. Like a marksman, or am I completely off base?
  2. I didn't think about that. If it is the case, I send my apologies.
  3. I'm thinking " The itsy bitsy spider" ranks right up there with you? Please do not question my intelligence. I'm second in my class (4.0 GPA), Student Council parliamentarian, NHS member and Quiz Bowl Captain (we made State last year). I've qualified for a full ride to a local university, where I plan to attending the Honors College. I believe that comment was somewhat inappropriate.
  4. I'm going to milk it as long as I can. I like to read, but I hate some literature. My least favorite poet is Poe, but he wrote my favorite poem, "The Raven". Go figure.
  5. I can actually do math better without the calculator. I don't understand it by pressing buttons. While we're on this subject, Sparknotes is awesome. ;D
  6. Do they have the bugs worked out? My first impressions of Vista was not very impressive.
  7. Hey Aceman: I was having the same issues, I was using caps in low light because my eyes are not all what they used to be. If this is the case you can maginfy what you see, by adjusting your computer. You can magnify by pressing "Ctrl +"
  8. Seriously... I haven't used an encyclopedia in over five years. I've used online versions, but not hard copies.
  9. The oil prices won't matter if the stock market keeps dropping and we spin into a global depression... At least the Sox are up 2-1 right now, and OU is #1. Things could be worse. ;D
  10. Anyone man enough to apologize is alright in my book. Welcome aboard!
  11. GO! GO! GO! Gas has dropped around here to about 3.30
  12. You could come up with a better excuse than that. :
  13. What ever happened to him? He was a big help around here.
  14. That actually wouldn't be much of an upset in my book. All 3 teams can beat anybody. Texas might be able to as well. It'll sure be interesting.
  15. I guess I didn't get the memo. I thought the winner was supposed to post their first catch with Robert's equipment. I don't have any fishing pics on me, so I withdraw my guess.
  16. Why, another spider get ya? Tin has experienced some serious post traumatic stress recently. BTW, your mom says "Hi" from AR. You should have told me that she was a Yankee fan first though...
  17. We don't need luck (or biased voters).
  18. I'm looking for an OU/Mizzou/Tex Tech top 3 before the end of the year. 8-)
  19. I like to shoot at poor defenseless animals.
  20. I hope everything is OK with Beckett... :-/
  21. You've got to love the Angles defensive skills. ;D
  22. Does anyone have any experience with Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows XP? I'm tired of the Microsoft, and I want something that works better. I have a friend that runs Ubuntu and he swears that it's 100x better than XP. Any thoughts?
  23. Let's play a game. Who finds the first grammatically correct sentence wins.
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