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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. I have somewhat bad knees, and I accredit that to my days as a catcher. The kneesavers made the croutching position 100% more comfortable and sped up the time it took me to get in position to throw out a runner. But, it hindered my ability to block pitches that was in the dirt.
  2. With a title like "If you're under 18, get in here and make a guess" I don't either.
  3. Correction- you crouched for 2 hrs the umpire ( I was one ) crouched for 4hrs. That first game of the year always hurt. Of course we didn't have to run the bases between innings. I'm just sayin! FFI - AKA Matt Crum I guess you're right ;D On a side note, I never had "knee savers" when I was a catcher. I didn't even know about them. Muddy, the curve ball was one of the reasons I don't play baseball anymore. I could hit all varieties of fastballs and changups with better than most, but I never could hit a curve ball or a slider. It don't matter if you can hit a 85 mph fastball if can't hit the other pitches.
  4. Middle LB Ryan Reynolds tore his ACL in the Texas game. He was a key part of the defense that will be greatly missed for the rest of the season.
  5. Baseball doesn't require athletisism. ;D I've played three positions in my life. CF, 3B, anc catcher. Have you ever croutched for four hours? Ever covered center field? Ever snagged a hit deep in the hole and made a strong thrown to first? You don't have to cover T.O. or run around for hours like in soccer, but baseball still requires a lot of athleticism to play competitively. Tampa's ability to steal bases anytime they wish is an example of this.
  6. I'll give the Rays credit , they kicked our butt again.
  7. Who needs humor with those studding good looks of his?
  8. Don't be spanking dem monkees now Hey, what happens in my free time is my business.
  9. ;D It all makes sense now.
  10. Don't listen to him Speedbeed, you know how those SEC guys are. BTW, Syracuse is a lot better than their 1-5 record. :
  11. Average Attendance at Fenway 1980-1995 in descending order: 30,061 27,747 29,901 30,476 31,635 31,222 30,988 30,430 27,894 26,514 22,057 20,514 22,004 24,076 20,007 Every average is above Tropicana Field.
  12. I hate to see players jog down the baseline, I don't care who they are. This inclues Big Papi.
  13. I honestly don't know who to pick in this game. Mizzou was in position to lead the conference, but then lose to OSU. I didn't think Texas was that good, but then they outplay OU. This game has great potential.
  14. I'll play. Houston New Orleans Pittsburg Baltimore Green Bay Washington New England 210pts
  15. Agreed. ;D Brian, are you back in the States for good?
  16. Lakes freeze over in the winter? :
  17. Let's all hope Muddy can operate a car better than a trolling motor. ;D
  18. Wood ducks are beautiful ducks. If you ever down in AR, I'll hook you up with some of the best duck hunting in the States. Congratulations.
  19. I will. LOSE! LOSE! LOSE! You can't beat Boston, they're too strong, too fast, and too experienced. ;D
  20. The Rays are simply outplaying us right now. We got to get it together. NEVER GIVE UP!
  21. That made me sick. I would do near anything to see the Sox play, let alone a playoff game. A little piece of me died inside.
  22. While we're on the subject... You guys should make Burley a mod. ;D
  23. Oh man, low blow... What you do with aquatic vertebrate in your free time is alright. All we ask is that you end the affair by Nov. 1st
  24. I'm sorry Dr. Phil. ;D
  25. We need to nominate a president, VP, Congress, cabinet, etc. to make this whole thing run smoothly. :
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