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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. I wish everyone would listen to guys like Long Mike, tyrius, and rootbeer. Seriously... stop talking about things you don't have a clue about and just listen. And even if gas prices were $350 a gal and the oil companies were making a 99% profit margin. THAT'S CAPITALISM. If you don't want it, you don't HAVE to buy it. (Better yet, stop complaining and come up with something better, or just go pump the oil out of the ground yourself.) Gasoline is NOT a necessity (this even holds true for trucking companies, airlines, etc). I drive a gas guzzling Chevy. I'm a poor college student and home is 200 mi away. If I don't have the money to buy a tank of gas, I don't drive home. Simple as that. Tip: Buy a nice bicycle. I paid $600 (read 6 tanks of gas) for a Specialized. It's saved me money, and it's healthy too.
  2. Glenn, what's the weather like up there during the winter?
  3. http://i.imgur.com/UYWQq.gif
  4. http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata/GLB.Ts+dSST.txt http://climateprogress.org/2011/03/29/nasa-james-hansen-sure-bet-decade-warmest-in-history/ Look at the data before you say "OMG these liberal hippies and their conspiracies LOLZ"
  5. My mind is stronger than both of those guy's biceps. Chicks dig it.
  6. Hey ghoti, where/what do you teach?
  7. My university has terrible wifi, so I'm leaning toward the 3g model. I found a 3G kindle on craigslist for $70, I just might have to grab it. Anyone use the public domain (aka free) books available? How do they compare in format, readability, etc. compared to the stuff you can purchase? Grundlelove: If i wanted a tablet I'd buy an iPad. I'm just looking for a e-reader. There's no way I'm paying $200+ for a Nook.
  8. I'm contemplating pulling the trigger on a Kindle or Nook. Does anybody here have experience with either/both? I'm tired of paying $20 every time I want a new book. Also, if you've got the 3G version...is it worth it?
  9. One more left. But I'm studying for the DAT this summer, so the cycle continues...
  10. upvote On a secondary note, I almost made some complicated, snide comment about pyrimidine dimers and photolyase. It seems that every Bio class I take tries to talk about that stuff.
  11. I wish I could buy groceries or fill up my tank for $40-$60.
  12. OU's best historical tradition: Winning, sans sunset. http://football.stassen.com/cgi-bin/records/calc-wp.pl?start=1939&end=2010&rpct=75&min=5&se=on&by=Win+Pct
  13. I'm just tired of all of the negativity on this board recently. It's starting to tick me off.
  14. If you have said something negative about her or her song...I want you to post a better music video that you sang and recorded yourself. :-X
  15. People were crying "overpopulation" 300 years ago in Europe. But, I do agree to a certain extent, as our numbers will eventually become a problem as we near Earth's carrying capacity. But as a self proclaimed population biologist/geneticist/historian, I believe that the Earth is stronger than us. It will take care of things if crap starts hitting the fan. This is not a "movement" we'll see catch on anytime soon (the only way to accomplish population control would be through genocide and fascism. And when you start talking about those kinds of things...you start to think about "who" we should start with...and that just spawns liberal eugenics :-X). The best thing we can do right now is be as environmentally friendly as possible.
  16. I love my mac as much as the next guy, but I'd still recommend getting VMware or even dual booting. I still run Microsoft office too. I hate Pages. And a word of advice to anyone looking to buy a new Mac: buy refurbished. You'll save a ton.
  17. No..the week before spring break sucks. For most of my friends, this is their hell week. Yet I don't have ANYTHING. I have loads of free time and nobody to spend it with. Lol. But next week (spring break) is a different story. I'll be in Colorado for a week of skiing, hiking, and breathing the fresh mountain air.
  18. I'll have to check it out. I read "The Giver" by Lois Lowry a few months ago at the recommendation of my GF (she read it back in high school). Just because a book is shorter and on a lower level doesn't mean it's a bad book. Plus...I love dystopianesque books.
  19. An idiot plowing through a mass of people is "putting someone in their place"? Dude... :-X Cyclists "rule the road" as much as drivers do. We must follow the same laws as motorists. And we are often forced to the sidewalks (you said something about us "running over pedestrians") for two reasons: 1. Some drivers are impatient and ignorant and refuse to drive safely around cyclists. Thus we are forced to the side for safety reasons. 2. THERE ARE NO BIKE PATHS. Cycling is fun, healthy, eco-friendly, and relaxing. Now, I drive my big gas guzzling truck as much as the next guy, but riding is a needed change of pace from time to time.
  20. Cyclists have just as much right to be on the road as motorists do. If you want us to stop riding on the road, tell your city council to start constructing decent bike paths. The city I live in has the 2nd most bike paths in the state of Arkansas, yet you still can't access most parts of the town without getting on the roads.
  21. I hope you're not being serious.
  22. As a cyclist, I will find this man and make sure that he dies a most horrible death.
  23. I'll stop using the internet before I'll pay for e-mail. Which is the only choice for people who aren't supplied a "legit" email through universities, businesses, etc... Man, I hate spam. It is the scum of the earth.
  24. So you can't sign up with "free" accounts anymore?
  25. It's always the same thing... 1. "I tried this new alcoholic beverage, what do you guys think about it?" 2. "It's okay, I'll stick to my Bud light" 3. "Drinking is stupid and anyone who drinks is an idiot." 4. "WEED! WEED! WEED!" 5. "x2 LETS GET SOME WEED!" 6. "Smoking pot is stupid and illegal." The cycle continues.
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